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Everything posted by macoduck

  1. So, Sammy's staying right? Merlin, member of the spikybush sh*ttersclub
  2. Definitely contact Dr Couto. There's a fee but it is well worth it. Your vet can send all diagnostic reports to him or you can copy them to him. He has diagnosed some rare things in greyhounds, including in one of my old boys - he'd only encountered it twice before. He is often traveling the world so you may not hear back immediately. He's doing an online greyhound health seminar on Sunday, but I can't find the link at the moment. In my experience of emailing him directly, I suggested listing each separate thing numerically. I found that much easier to say "what about #7?" than having to copy/paste the same question. And keep it in bullet points rather than big paragraphs. Here's the link to Dr Couto's online seminar, scroll down to All Things Greyt. https://greyhoundhealthinitiative.org/?fbclid=IwAR2btrx3-Wa5vGr4APtuY4lvD1AK1KiktnT26JKcyMwdr-x6Y9hl139T_o8
  3. Yes, one must also look both ways before exiting one's hotel room! I really like the design for this year's tee short.
  4. Voted! Rachel, what a lovely write-up you made for your girl! I say since Doolin got a bunny that Willa should get a crown.
  5. I have tucked Molly in with our November angels. I'm so sorry that your girl had to leave you.
  6. I understand, Nadine. I had a hard time giving up on my Honda Element. I kept it well maintained yet it let me down too many times. How are your dogs liking their new wheels?
  7. I helped a new adopter with this problem by" Better treats, not a boring biscuit I stood by the open car door while owner encouraged her girl to jump in the boot. She could smell the bits of chicken I offered and jumped in quickly. We repeated this 5 times, then took a short break by walking around the yard. We then switched places at the side door and boot. In she went. Took another break and went back into the house. Fifteen minutes later went out to the car and she hopped in with only the owner asking her to. (I was at the side door but it was not open.) Owner continued to train getting her into the boot, even when they weren't going to drive anywhere. They'd just sit in the car and relax.
  8. When I saw my vet today with Rita I asked hr about that 3.5. She'd never seen a UPCR that high before. We got interrupted and I wasn't able to ask her any more about it. No lab work today but Rita's SMDA in December was 11 on a scale of 0-14 by Idexx Laboratories. On that page it was directly listed between GLU SDMA CREA BUN BUN/CREA was 24 but that was considered within normal range although no range numbers were listed. Yet the lab added the comment that a complete urinalysis should be done. BUN/CREA is different than the UPCR. Over the past 2 years my vets here have replied on the SDMA as their standard for determining kidney failure. It is a blood, not urine, test. And it is included in the larger routine panels.
  9. Carol, I checked some of my old records but don't see where my dogs had the test labeled as UPCR urine protein creatinine ratio. I *think* my vets look at the SDMA. What are the values you have for the protein and creatinine? Protein divided by creatinine = UPCR That 3.5 looks extremely high so I'm wondering if it is in a UK measurement rather than US measurement. https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/urine-proteincreatinine-ratios
  10. Big Bob Thundernuts is not endearing himself to anyone with that behavior.
  11. They are mounted on top of fences to keep coyotes out but also to keep jumping hounds in. There are variations but they all spin. This is one example https://coyoteroller.com/
  12. Some greyhounds seem to glide through life to a soft landing at the end. Others come crashing in, perhaps only asking of us to just turn a blind eye to the mayhem they cause. I feel guilty when I catch myself missing those the most over the easy ones.
  13. She is quite the talkie girl, isn’t she? 😄
  14. When you are trying to get her up you are probably leaning over her. The growl is to let you know that that is not okay. Continuing to do that may escalate to a bite. BTDT! You've had her for a while, yes? How often are you trying to get her to go out? Try leaving her leash on so you'll have that to coax her to move and you won't be physically as close. Or you could leash her to you and go about your day in the apartment, dropping an occasional high value treat - not leading her with it but rewarding when she follows. Chris (greysmom) may have other suggestions for you.
  15. I wrote this for our group and should be of help. https://greyhoundfriends.com/wp-content/documents/New-Owner-Guidebook.pdf
  16. Thanks Jeff. Certainly possible that I clicked the wrong button. I'll let you know if it happens again on my iPad.
  17. Sorry for the delay, Jeff. Had a nearby tornado last night that fortunately didn't touch down. 7:15am currently on laptop Switching to iPad: clicked Sign In, entered user name and password. "use saved password", Yes I generally leave it on that, able to now proceed without a captcha.
  18. Yes, I could do your demo puzzle completion. I had the "click on all photos with" and the "click and drag puzzle". Neither worked. I do remember seeing Sign In not Sign On, but that's where my email address and password failed, prompting the captcha.
  19. Reach out to Carol Becker Rizzo https://www.etsy.com/shop/godsgreyts She sells "Assistance Harnesses" on her Etsy page.
  20. I don't often use my iPad for GT but recently I have encountered having to select Captcha images to continue to sign in. Even if I get the photos correct, and even if my sign on is correct, I am still not recognized. I don't often sign out on my laptop, but that has never prevented me from logging on with my phone.
  21. Punkin, how big a nest was it and why didn't your mom help you dig it out? Better now in the frozen time than the muddy time, am i right?
  22. Is the floor portion something other than carpeting? Will she walk across the same floor material if its in a different part of the house? Walking one of my podencos is like dragging a cinderblock, so no walks for him. He is hesitant to go into the fenced backyard, but once there will walk around with other dogs. That's a big change from when I first got him - he had to be leash walked in the backyard for months because of his fear. It's been almost 2 years since he came here. He has gained some confidence in being around my other 2 podencos. Working with my vet we tried everything, from Adaptil collars and plug ins diffusers, dog-safe AnimalEO brand essential oils, benadryl, and several Rx meds. About six months ago my vet, (with a strong pharmacology background), and I were about to give up. She suggested an older med: Amitriptyline. Normally for arthritis relief it has a side benefit in aiding anxiety. We noticed improvement starting in 2 weeks. It is inexpensive and does not sedate. If your vet is willing to try it he/she will need to check for compatibility with other meds. It cannot be taken with Trazodone. My boy still doesn't not want to go for walks, but is less stressed, less fearful, and enjoying more time in the backyard. Which meds were they?
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