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Everything posted by macoduck

  1. What's a hard refresh vs a light one?
  2. Farewell Braddock. I never met you but for many years you were best friend to my boy Oliver. Braddock, a senior, died recently from bone cancer. His owners had to give up Oliver due to family changes (no flames please, it was legit)- but were able to keep Braddock. We are truly lucky to have Oliver with us. I'm sure Oliver has been wondering about his old friend from time to time. Rest assured Oliver, I heard from your old family recently and they love and miss you dearly. They are heartbroken at the loss of Braddock but were glad to hear Oliver is still OK. God speed Braddock. Run free to the bridge.
  3. Jeff, could you please reset the inner clocks of my dogs? They are demanding to be fed on the old time. They need to be set to the new time. Any help appreciated or else it's gonna get ugly around here.
  4. macoduck


    What a lovely old gal, your Scarlett. Warm thoughts for Rhett, the kitties, and your family.
  5. Prayers for the grey and her family.
  6. I click on someone's post so I can read it. I can see, at the bottom of my screen, that slowly growing blue line that shows the page is opening. But it never goes all the way. I might see just the GT logo at the top and nothing else. Sometimes I hit Refresh and then it does OK. Sometimes not. Same thing can happen when I go forward or back clicking on topic page numbers. Just seemed to be happening more in the past 3-4 days. The hangup doesn't happen every time. Sometimes I can zoom around OK. I think it's more often during daytime hours than night. I have RoadRunner. I poked around several other websites to see if it would happen again, but nope, it didn't.
  7. Seems to get stuck more often when I open posts. No problem when I surf other sites on the net. (Yes, there really are other sites! We are allowed to look at them aren't we? )
  8. Yo Battle, I feel your pain dude. A coupla months ago Momma had 3 moles cut offa me. One of dem was on my rump. It didn't hurt long. Now I try to concentrate really really hard to not grow any bumpy lumpy moley things cuz Momma freaks. All my bumps were B 9 on my K 9 Bee Hind Yours will be too dude. (p.s. be careful when you're sleepin or your mom might dress you funny like my mom does)
  9. Read the linky, beyond my scope of brainpower. Would have to delete needed brain cells to make room for comprehension of Rss Need all the brain cells I got since I work with radiation each day. Or maybe that explains my problem.....
  10. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful, expressive picture of your darling Bailey.
  11. I made a donation because I realized how many magazine subscriptions I had.......and how many I didn't need. It probably only takes 30 minutes tops to read a magazine, but I'm on GT for over an hour a day. I have learned so much on GT. I may not agree with some points of discussion, but I appreciate having this format to view others opinions.
  12. macoduck


    My Comet just crossed over Monday. Your baby will be in good company.
  13. Thanks everybody for your kind words. Each one lightened the pain. As for Comet sending us a sign that he had made it over.........maybe that was him shoving me back to the keyboard and our state's grey rescue site. Comet's made room for the next furkid to steal our hearts.
  14. You folks are amazing. I'm sure I'll be back after I go through a box of tissues. Look into the night sky. There's supposed to be a comet easily seen this month. If you see it where you live, think of my boy Comet.
  15. We helped Comet cross over today. He was 13 but we'd only had him 6 months. We knew as a senior he wouldn't be around long but you just can't be greedy when it's time them to go. Comet had a fast-presenting lymphoma. He is already missed by our Gracie Greyhound and Pudge the Mutt. And us. He gets to meet our ol' gal Rosie, a mixed breed who died a year ago. I'm sure she'll share a couch with him up there in Rainbowville, and with his arthritis vaporized he'll be able to hop up on it.
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