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Everything posted by macoduck

  1. Here it is: http://thebarfblog-emily.blogspot.com/sear...abel/ice%20pack Thanks Emily, that's what I was looking for.
  2. Poor Henry. Emily, do you have a photo of where to place the ice pack? From the Emergency Seizures site the link for the diagram didn't work.
  3. Gracie has one on her rear foot that has come and gone 3 times. She doesn't lick it. The first time it appeared the vet gave antibiotics but I think that was more for me than Gracie. As long as it looks exactly the same it time I don't worry. If you a black discoloration within the red bump, get it rechecked. Gracie's bump usually lasts 3-4 months.
  4. macoduck

    Wally Is Gone

    From one Wally lover to another.........
  5. I know this is a 2004 poll but I realized I'd never voted in it. Beginning in 2005 Gracie has had a reaction to her yearly vaccines, though not life-threatening. She did have a bad reaction to the dental vaccine. Wally has had a mild reaction as well. Our vet now advices them each having a steroid shot at the same time as vaccinations.
  6. I still tear up when I think of my bridge kids. Because we loved them so deeply and they are not forgotten, I hope that means we did right by them while they were on this earth. Happy Birthday over the bridge Digger.
  7. My nephew works at a vet office in Virginia Beach. I'll ask him if they have many greyhound clients. Might take few days for a response.
  8. Thunderpaws had a diabetic grey in her group. I'll ask her to pipe in here..........
  9. Great news Lori. My Wally went thru the same thing recently and my vet said I wasn't allowed to panic until 3 sets of tests looked bad. Fortunately they didn't. Here ya go Sheana :dogcookie
  10. "Dogs come into our lives to teach us about love ...they depart to teach us about loss. A new dog never replaces an old dog; it merely expands the heart. If you have loved many dogs, your heart is very big." Erica Jong Farewell Timber. I feel so privileged to have met you.
  11. I had to transport a grey to the kennel, returned by his family for biting. (Long sad story) I spent the night in a motel with him. (Hmm, that sounds like I'm cheating on my DH) I hadn't cried the whole week he had stayed at our house, but leaving the motel I just lost it. And I glanced up. There was a rainbow and a half. While I don't buy into the message from beyond stuff, if that wasn't a big 'ol thump from Trish just when I needed it then I don't know what it was.
  12. You make a short list of the things your dog loves to do. Compare it to what the dog is still capable of enjoying. Never any easy decision.
  13. macoduck

    My Buddy....

    Let your DH know that ya'll gave Buddy the second greatest gift you could give him - letting him go. The first great gift you gave him was a loving home. I am so sorry for your loss.
  14. Gracie's eyelids still haven't completely healed from the feral cat scratch. As of today she is halfway through a second round of amoxicillin and a second bottle of Ciprofloxacin drops. The initial bloody scratch to the lower left eyelid has healed. The styes are gone but each eyelid remains pink and puffy. However, someone who didn't know her might not notice that there's still some inflamation. Normally she has nice sharp black "eyeliner." Here's some of the pictures again: Day one initial injury: She was only given a triple antibiotic eye ointment with that vet visit. Within a few days she had styes pop up - 3 on the injured eyelid, 1 on the other eyelid. Vet then gives a course of eyedrops and amoxicillin. The styes have gone down but the lids remain pink and puffy: Here's a recent photo before the injury: Gracie's got one more week of amoxicillin and a few more days of drops left to do. She has a followup appointment 7/22 with her regular vet. The nearest eye specialist is 1.5 hours away and is booked until September. Since her cornea was not affected vet doesn't think it's critical that she see a specialist. She's been a good girl and doens't paw at her eyes. This hasn't affected her vision as she can still catch a tossed cookie. Is there a different antibiotic that might be better to reduce the inflamed tissue on her eyelids?
  15. Jeff, did you guys hear or feel the explosion of the volcano Okmok Caldera today?
  16. Kodiakian? No, Jeff's finally having a Kodak, I mean Kodiak, moment.
  17. How do you give milk thistle? I bought some (human) milk thistle capsules at GNC and they are kinda big. Can I open the capsule and mix the milk thistle into the food bowl? Does it have an odor or taste to it that dogs wouldn't like? My Gracie's been on so much amoxicillin for her eye injury that I'd rather not shove another pill down her.
  18. This is Gracie's pet bump: histiocytoma It comes and goes once or twice a year. No treatment needed unless she nicks it accidentally and then I put antibiotic ointment on it. Vet said not to get excited about it. I"ve seen them on other greys. some owners opt to have then removed. However, make sure your vet checks it. If there are dark flecks in the red mass it could possibly be a hemangiosarcoma.
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