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Everything posted by macoduck

  1. Still not good. Hasn't eaten since Tuesday. Had some bloody diarrhea last night. Has spent the day at the vet. Xray showed no obstruction. Has been on an IV drip all day. Vet now wants to put her on an antibiotic. Says there's a bacterial overgrowth. Irritated colon has caused the blood in the diarrhea. My friend can't decide whether to take little M to my vet for a 2nd opinion or not. She's going to wait until she sees her this afternoon but if she wants to see my vet she has be to there by 4:30. I do not know the names of the medication (pill) given yesterday to help her tummy and bowels. She needs to eat and drink and wag her tail.
  2. Yup, I did that yesterday. Found a phone number online and they were eager to help. They called my friend immediately and called the vet.
  3. Little M is back at the vet. Been there all afternoon. She ate a little bit of the baby food recommended by the vet last night. Temp remains 99.something. Did drink some water. At lunch when my friend went home to check on her there was black diarrhea. Little M has been at the vet all afternoon and friend is awaiting a call with an update. We do know she was negative for parvo.
  4. Back from the vet again. When I went to my friend's apartment little M was still lethargic and I checked her temp: 92.3. She had to leave her there for over an hour while labs were run. Plus they continued to try and warm her. Little M is a bit better now. Labs did not show anything definite. She was given a pill to help coat her tummy and intestines. Vet's theory is she had some kind of reaction to the Vectra and by becoming inactive and by being a very small dog her temperature fell. That in turn made her not feel like eating, which made her nauseous and vomit. By the time we left her temp was up to 99.5 Blood glucose levels were OK. She is to be fed little teaspoons of baby food with just chicken/water/cornstarch in it. When she can hold that down then she can get teaspoons of canned I/D. I think she may be over the worst of it. Thanks for your prayers.
  5. My friend's little poodle mix is crashing. Friend put Vectra on her for the first time last night after a bath. Usually she uses Frontline but the vet at Banfield/Petsmart suggested Vectra. This morning little "M" (I don't know how to spell her name) was very lethargic. Friend had to come in to work (where I do). Called Banfield, was advised to bathe her to remove the Vectra. Fortunately a neighbor was able to do that for her. She was able to leave work and took the dog to Banfield. Banfield vet swooped the dog to the back, gave her subQ fluids, said her temp was too low. No lab work done. Don't know how low the temp was but friend is going to call to find out. Friend is home with M now. Then she noticed some vomit with blood in it that must have happened while she was at work. I found a # for Vectra and their helpline then spoke with my friend and they were going to call the vet as well. Vectra person said this flea control stays on the skin surface and is not absorbed I'm wondering if M might have licked it. So anyone have a similar problem with Vectra? Send little M some prayers please. (I thought skin-applied products like this were not to be put on after a bath but to wait at least several days after a bath before applying. Does that sound right?)
  6. Try this: eye care The third eyelid is also called the nictating membrane.
  7. Interesting indeed....but do you know what it means? Sorry, forgot to add...welcome to your new home Thane I have no idea what it means. Here's his greydata page: Pog Mo Thoine After checking some translation sites it appears my boy's name means "kiss my a**"
  8. I wish I knew about his past, like what food he'd been eating, to help make a transition to what we feed here easier. And I'd love to know why he walks down the hall to talk to himself. Thane has adapted very quickly and by his second week with us (and after severe gastro virus) you could easily see him become more relaxed.
  9. May the long time it takes to get over losing Feather be eased by your memories on him.
  10. We measured the carpets And checked all the floors It seemed we did have Room for one more! The kennel knew I was thinking about adding another senior, so when the email came in about a 9.5 year old boy being returned due to marriage/new bride allergies/high maintenance - I was hooked sight unseen. At the kennel he was a bit leery of all the new changes in his life and I had to bribe him with a cookie so show him not all women were "allergic" to him: DH had planned to stay home with the dogs while I went to Dewey and that this was the perfect time to bring home the new guy. Finally he would have bonding time: Bonding time turned in to a trial-by-fire as the new guy got horribly sick with an intestinal virus while I was at Dewey. DH took good care of him and got him to the vet. Gradually he caught on to our daily routine. He won't set foot in the living room - perhaps a rule from his past life. He loves to explore the backyard: He's showing us a big smile and is wagging his tail more each day: He has learned that DH gives out more treats than me and has taught Miss Pudge le mutt that although tiny, he can hold his own in the new pecking order here: After considering assorted names changes, we've decided to keep his original one. Welcome home Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), we love you too:
  11. Monty that's just not the way to get more fiber in your diet, honey.
  12. Have the vet do it. Gracie had no symptoms - no odor or oozing or butt scooting -but she did lick her butt a lot. Just when I was deciding to get her to the vet an anal gland ruptured. Vet said she would need antibiotics and he cleaned the area. He said that the rupturing actually gave her relief. We didn't have any problems with her licking it as it healed.
  13. Gracie had a good night. She is a little bit peppier this morning. She had a small breakfast and has kept it down. Whew! Now that Thane, Pudge, Gracie are over this I hope Wally doesn't get it next.
  14. Well the worst came later in the night. Gracie looked a wee bit better when we went to bed but by 3am was vomiting up the little bit of water she'd had earlier and some bile. The e-vet gave her a shot of Cerenia, did lab work (normal except indicating dehydration), temp was normal, gums were sticky and a bright pink. She got an IV bag of fluids dripped in. We were to fast her today except for a small amount of water. She didn't want any. The IV catheter had been left in and our regular vet this afternoon gave her another bag of fluid. She's had a few sips of water this evening. Vet said to try a few spoons of the ID food but didn't she want any. We'll get her checked again tomorrow. She definitely looks better than she did 24 hours ago.
  15. Thanks Lynn. So far so good. No diarrhea in the past 6 hours - and that's without any Immodium. No vomiting in the past 5 hours. She's had a bit of water and has not wanted any food. Temperature is 100.6 Gracie tends to be more delicate than my other dogs and we'll keep a sharp eye out. Editing to add: Gracie drank a bit of water, went out and peed, tried to poop but only had some droplets, came back in and had a little bit of broth and a little bit more water. She's been able to keep it down. Please let her be over the worst of this.
  16. I've held off on the Immodium. No vomiting in the past 3 hours. Hopefully that means she was able to absorb some or all of the Pepcid before that last upchuck. Since there can't be much of anything left inside her belly and there's no gurgling I'll see how she does tonight before giving any meds.
  17. Three of my 4 dogs have had diarrhea. Seems to last 2-3 days. As one gets over it the next one gets it. Thane's over it, Pudge is much better but now it's Gracie's turn. Wally hasn't had any problems at either end. When I took Pudge's stool sample to the vet yesterday I could have sworn he said that you can give Immodium rectally to a dog if there is 1. no fever, 2. no suspected blockage, and 3. if they can't keep anything by mouth down. Gracie has now stopped vomiting and I think she had a Pepcid in her long enough to dissolve. There can't be much if any food left in her to pass through. So, do I or don't I try to give her an Immodium rectally?
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