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Everything posted by macoduck

  1. Gracie is nearing 8. Her on and off limp is more on now. No corns, no places reactive to touch. My guess would be her left shoulder. Last year the vet did a range of motion and thought it was the shoulder then. I'd have to check my notes but I think he gave her Tramadol. Glucosamine supplements (greyhound gang and others) haven't had any effect. The nearest chiropractor is a 3 hour round-trip and he's very expensive, so money is a concern. From talking with him, the first visit and treatment with him looks to be @ $400. Gracie's not feeling miserable but she's not feeling her best. Still chasing squirrels though. Gracie will be getting her teeth cleaned next week. I'm hoping to talk the vet into xraying her shoulder while she's out. She's done OK with dentals before but adding that extra anesthesia time for xraying worries me. If, hopefully, we're just dealing with arthritis, what are the safest long-term meds to use? Which can be purchased at a pharmacy? I saw a post earlier today that said Tramadol was available at a pharmacy. If she goes on a long-term medication, how often should lab work be done and is it kidney function that needs to be watched?
  2. macoduck


    Farewell sweet Mahogany
  3. That good news got my tail waggin'!
  4. Hoping for an update. Please let us know how you and your girl are doing.
  5. From your photobucket page, click & copy the "direct link" line, then paste it on GT by clicking the insert image icon (green w/ a bit of yellow), then paste.
  6. macoduck

    Goodbye Cohen

    Farewell Cohen..........
  7. Blue was helped across the Bridge this morning. He had just found his forever home this past year and had little boy to call his very own. Run pain free and happy sweet Blue
  8. Here's some cookies for Miles until his tummy feels better :dogcookie
  9. macoduck

    Our Boy, Bear

    I am so sorry for your loss of Bear. On earth, you are in good company here at Greytalk. And Bear will find many our own greys at the Bridge to show him around.
  10. How long have you had her? Is she drinking water? Any signs of a temperature? Normal is around 101.5 (If I'm wrong, somebody please correct me.) I would not give any more Immodium. Whatever is causing this does need to make it's way through. Wally goes through spells of grumble tummy/occasional loose bowels. A slice of bread at bedtime has helped. But I think you may have something else going on here. Check for dehydration. Don't hesitate to call the vet.
  11. After you've collected the pee take it right in to the vet. Do not refrigerate. I recently had to take Wally's sample in. Since I couldn't get to the vet's first thing in the morning, I was told a later sample would be OK but to bring it quickly. Editing to add if it looks like this will be a challenge, please have someone take pictures.
  12. When our Oliver had a vestibular episode he also had the nystagmus. His episode lasted maybe 30 minutes or so and was ebbing by the time we got him to the e-vet. We were told we did not have to bring him in if he had another episode. Just make sure he did not over heat. We were told he most likely would have future episodes with gradually increasing duration. He did not have any further episodes. Several months later he did, however, have a stroke following a teeth cleaning and had to be put down. He was a month shy of 13. Hoping for the best for your Palu.
  13. I'm so sorry. Farewell sweet Beecher..........
  14. Aww, Mizzy, don't scare your mom. Get better soon.
  15. Can you have your adoption group's vet take a look? Not every little bump has to be removed and you are wise to want to limit anesthesia.
  16. Hoping it's nothing here too. For Diamond:
  17. I can just hear Bebe, Flippy and Sam now: "But Mom we love fish poo soup!
  18. When all 3 of mine had the big D there was no vomiting but some dry heaves. Took all 3 in to the vet. All 3 got something (I forget the name) to help coat the intestinal lining and Flagyl (to be used until poop firmed up). Pudge and Oliver had subQ liquids, Gracie had to stay all day and get IV fluids. We never knew what caused it for sure. When we went thru the laundry list of possibilities with the vet one thing he hit on was that they all 3 had that week been seen drinking water from a birdbath outside - not something they usually did. Vet thought it could have been something they picked up from bird feces on the birdbath. The only one here with severe diarrhea and vomiting simultaneously was Rosie - she'd eaten snail pellets - and somehow survived after a multiday stay at the vets. Hope things are slowing down at your house Trish. But don't rule out a vet trip.
  19. I wouldn't add any pumpkin until their systems are back to normal. Limited quantities of the other stuff.
  20. Have you tried water therapy? Running water over the wound for several minutes. Helps stimulate healing. Burpdog could tell you more about it.
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