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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. You have both been through so much. We will hold you and your precious Da Vid close in heart and hopeful prayer tomorrow. Huge hound hugs to you!
  2. I am so sorry. I hope you find things Cody will eat and that there is a treatment that will send this into remission (or better, "smack it" as tbdhounds said). Many hugs of comfort to both of you.
  3. Cancer only offers bad and worse options. You did what you believed was in the best interest of your boy. That is love. The problem was the disease, not your decision. My heart goes out to you. May you find peace in knowing all you did throughout your time with Dave, until the end, was done with love.
  4. Cooper was gorgeous and his relationship with your son was very special. I am sorry he left you so soon.
  5. Janet I was so hoping Jake would rally and you would have more time. No one could have fought harder for him, or loved him more. I am so, so sorry.
  6. Diane, I am so, so sorry. What a great hound.
  7. Nothing to add to the above Ducky. Hope a change of abx may help. Gentle hugs and smooches to your sweet Pudge.
  8. Amicar - aminocaproic acid I am so sorry DaVid (and you) are going through this.
  9. I just started looking for a reference on how to do the Heimlich Maneuver on a dog and found this: SPCA Instructions Stay with it to the end - serious subject but I thought the end was funny. Here is a another set of short, and fairly clear instructions: Heimlich Maneuver There is quite a bit of material online, including one source that says if you do this be sure to take your dog to a vet even if the item is dislodged, because the maneuver can itself cause internal damage.
  10. May you take comfort that you were with your precious Billy to give him warmth and tactile comfort that can be understood when so many other things cannot. My heart breaks for you.
  11. Judy I am so sorry. Every single person here will miss the Bean - she was larger than life. Hugs of comfort to all of you.
  12. Ouch! When the two Rickie had under the skin were removed they sedated him lightly first.
  13. agree Also agree. Two out of three of Rickie's were under the skin by the time I found them, triggered by the one I could partially see. If it is still exposed, should be easy-peasy.
  14. Agree with Batmom. When Rickie had a skin flap on his leg several years ago he had over 100 staples - they missed 3. We went back and they got them out.
  15. I'm sad to read about the tumor's progress, but still, can't help but smile. What a huge character that little girl is!
  16. Oooops, didn't see that - thanks!
  17. Judy I am so sorry. I hope there is a way to send this into remission, but no matter what, sending good thoughts and lots of hugs to both of you.
  18. I cleared my cache yesterday and that allowed me to post, but all the editing icons are still greyed out - I can't add a link, for example. Using IE 9.0 Thank you for your help.
  19. Wonderful, wonderful news! And worthy of celebration for sure!!
  20. This is very, very frightening. Especially since 30mph is not particularly fast.
  21. I am so sorry for your loss of handsome Tucker, much too soon indeed.
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