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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Thank you everyone who has posted so far - the boy's sport / soccer shorts with a drawsting sound terrific. I'm marooned right now waiting for someone to come and make change my water meter (part of a city-mandated program) but then I will go shopping
  2. Jeff slipped on some ice a couple of days ago and has a small abrasion toward the back of one of his hips. I've been spraying it with DermiCare to prevent licking, but not having complete success. My worry is that what is now a very minor thing could be turned into a hot spot unless better protected. People have posted about using boxer shorts in this situation so I am going to try that. My question is, even if I buy a small size, the waist will likely be too big. How do I keep them on? I am afraid a safety pin could come open (if I can find diaper pins, are they safe enough?). Maybe I could try to figure out something with velcro, but I'm not sure my old sewing machine will go through it. What have others used successfully? Thank you for your help!
  3. My heart sank when I read your subject line. Joseph has been such a wonderful presence on GT through your stories and pictures. I am so sorry for your loss of one very special boy.
  4. Hoping the antibiotics knock out whatever it is!
  5. Just seeing this and adding my prayers for your little boy.
  6. I know some vendors make clothing out of sun blocking fabrics, can't recall who but perhaps some of them will post. Won't help with the nose, but may in other areas.
  7. What a sad and sudden thing to happen. I am so, so sorry for your loss of Coyote.
  8. Ugh, I feel for you. Hopefully the acute pancreatitis will be under control soon, and you will be able to avoid further episodes.
  9. My heart is breaking for you at the sudden loss of your beautiful boy. May peace find you.
  10. They did beautiful work - hope the healing goes smoothly, and the skin flap on his leg stays healthy.
  11. I was so happy to read your update . . . and then the picture. Nothing more needs to be said. Other than, in some circumstances, cleaning is overrated.
  12. Bullitt couldn't ask for a more caring mom to look after him. Hope he keeps improving and then stays well for a long time.
  13. Sending prayers for Freddy. To give us all hope: My whippet had something like this done (though probably not as extensive) almost 5 years ago to cover an area of his leg where a lot of tissue was removed to get clear margins around a recurring tumour. Here are photos - the first one shows a lot of staples, but shouldn't bother anyone unless you are very sensitive. The second shows it almost healed and the last healing complete except for a couple of small spots. Getting him healed up required a lot of TLC. He was never alone - I worked at home for two solid weeks (very understanding boss at the time) - and he had alternating warm and cold compresses for I-forget-how-many days, in order to promote circulation (to keep the skin alive) and to control swelling. Freddy is lucky to be at OSU where nothing will be spared to make him heal. Here are the photos: Day 5: Day 14: 4 weeks (sorry this is so big, I have resized it but it doesn't seem to affect the display):
  14. Thank you both. I have posted your suggestions back and hope they will be heeded.
  15. Here are extracts of the background story to give you context for the eventual question about the paw lesions (permission granted to cross-post). Jan 30: Hello, We have a young whippet crossed with perhaps a saluki,she is a rescue dog and when found was emaciated,it wasn't noticed by the vet at the time but she was in fact pregnant with 8 pups (1st season) alas as she had no milk to give all 8 died.We have fed her up and she got to a near normal weight.She was perfectly house trained and we had no problems at all. She was spayed on Friday (approx 8 weeks after having pups) with key hole surgery and we have been told the uterus was infected (pyometra) and was removed at the same time.she was given metacam (NSAID) and I think amoxicillin. Since the operation she has needed to urinate every 2 hours (including through the night) and is drinking on the hour,maybe 8 pints a day approx.we have revisited the vets and they have her on a iv drip at 110ml/hour (looks correct as she is 40lbs) Feb 1: She returned home happier but still drinking a lot. Feb 8: Today the vet took a blood sample for a 'bun' test (blood urine nitrogen),this showed a high urea level.Also her resting blood pressure was high.We are going back again on Monday for another blood pressure check.She has started to limp on one of her front paws and this is inflamed and infected,so she is on tramidol for pain relief and clavaceptin (antibiotic).She has been very sleepy as a side affect of the tramidol. I bathed her paw in warm salty water but she licked it after and sodium is no good for kidneys so I guess I shan't do that again.The vet also took a urine sample directly from her bladder,I guess for growing any bacterial cultures.I will post another update on Monday.Thank you for everyone's kindness. Feb 11: The vet asked us to visit today for a blood pressure test and to get the results of the urine test.Both were ok so it looks as if things are going in the right direction.She is sleeping till about 5.45 before he wakes for a pee, so getting better.The vet wants us to go back in a couple of weeks for another urine test.It's looking like she has lost the use of about half of her kidneys.As for her paw problem I have found another growth on a rear leg.Due to her having 3 of these we are ruling out corns and infections due to foreign bodies (thorns,seeds etc) so they maybe warts due to a weakend immune system.This is my theory as the vet doesn't know what they are,I like the fact that the vet has been honest and it gives me a bit of trust in him.He was talking about giving her a few weeks to recover and then operating on them using a general anaesthetic ....need I say that this isn't something I want to happen. Today (Feb 13): Hi,we are in the UK.I don't think we have "internal med vets" here.We are all in agreement about not wanting to give her another anaesthetic. My thinking is that they are warts caused by a reduced immune system.She was a rescue dog and we do not know her previous history. How does this theory go......lets say her first owners were responsible and had her vaccinated,somehow she got lost and was rescued.We then adopted her with no history having been found imaciated and having just lost a litter of 8,she was then built up to gain weight and had her vaccinations (for the second time) and a week later had her spay operation and uterus removed due to pyometra this then caused kidney failure due to anesthetic with low body fat.So it's fair to say she would have been in a weakend state at the very time her immune system is trying to fight of the viruses introduced via the vaccine and as I understand it warts are a sign of a suppressed immune system Me: Kidney issues apart, and I do think this dog needs to be seen by a specialist, here are photos of the lesions on the paws - they definitely do not look like corns. In threads I've seen about racers things that look like this are often seed warts but I don't know what to think here and am looking for the collective experience to help this owner. Thank you so much!!!
  16. Thanks Toni, I hadn't thought about putting a topical antibiotic on it. I do want it exposed to the air to promote healing, but a few days of that when it's raw sounds like a really good idea. Smooches to Get Em, a torn nail veteran!
  17. Yesterday Jeff broke a nail on the outside toe of his right rear foot. It broke about half-way up. The broken part was attached by only a small bit of nail, so I cut it off, rinsed the toe in saline (ouch, but I didn't know what else to do). I've got him on 50 mg of tramadol every 12h. In order to prevent infection (my biggest worry) and to prevent licking I have been keeping a light sock on the foot in the house and using one of those Pawz balloon-like boots outside. My questions are: - is there anything else I should do - for example, is the likelihood of infection such that I should take him to the vet to get antibiotics - how long will it take before it isn't too sensitive anymore and - how long before the nail grows back. *** Additional question based on suggestion below - which would be the best topical antibiotic to apply: I have fuciderm (also has a corticosteroid), BNP which has various antibiotic agents, but is primarily opthalmic, and good old polysporin). Thank you. Here are pictures, unfortunately my camera isn't good enough to get decent close-ups:
  18. Lori, what a beautiful tribute to a character of a girl. I am sure Daytona is setting a new style trend at the Bridge with her pearls, and whipping the cookie-angels into line, although they may be relieved that her demands are relatively simple compared to Bill. Rest in peace beautiful girl with the special and loveable bat ears.
  19. Diane, a year is most certainly not enough - for either of you. I am so, so sorry.
  20. I am so sorry for your loss of a hound that sounds like he was meant for you.
  21. My vet only carries Hills, and their second option is Purina, but they order in the Royal Canin for me. If you like the look of it, maybe your vet will bring it in for you too. Wish I was closer, I could just give you a ziploc full to try. ETA - hope he eats the hamburger and rice for you!
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