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Everything posted by 3DogNite

  1. Judy, I just PM'd you,, and thought of more to add. Plavix is now available GENERIC at Costco --- I think i pay $15 per month for Lazer ---- I am praying for a miracle for Nadir! lorinda
  2. I'm very sorry for your loss. 2 years ago my boy did the same thing only I was able to revive him with CPR. now after 2 years of so much money I haven't even kept track of any more- mri, s, ultrasounds, medications, and supplements--- and tons of prayer... he is a living miracle and is a thriving happy boy again. this happened to him when he was 5. for him it was a clot that broke off in his heart but the reason he was creating clots was do too kidney filtration issues that had been going on for a year called PLN protein losing nephropathy. the only way we would have known about this issue was with a full blood workup and urinalysis which I didn't think he was old enough to need.. not that any of this helps you now but know that you're not alone ... that sometimes these things do happen and we all suffer a broken heart when it does. wishing peace to you and your family during this difficult time.
  3. I'm sorry it was Fletchers time to cross the bridge. "he was my dog and I was his person"
  4. my boy lazer has heart issues stemming from PLN and just turned 7- I can tell his off days but he definitely has more good days. Heat definitely affects him. if I can see he has several days in a row that he doesn't feel good I really start to worry and its not paranoia you can tell. I always evaluate the food, medication, supplements, and end up adjusting some little part of the equation on my own. if you really feel that there's been a significant change absolutely goes into the vet angel and get their opinion. you don't want to mess around with issues with the heart! Good luck
  5. your gonna think we are nuts! but when it's 105+ outside - our house feels darn COOL the the AC set at 80! i turn it to 78 at night for sleeping. i only have one that will pant when the house is set for this temp. and i just spritz him with water and have a ceiling fan on. not much more i can do beside go broke with electric bills in the summer in the desert!
  6. Have you tried the Chicken or Turkey "chubs" 5lb frozen - whole chicken, bones, organs ground up and has veggies added .. I get this at See Spot Shop or i've seen it a couple other places. might be just different enough to encourage eating. I do feed raw ground hamburger - from costco - and usually the organic. you could give the ground buffalo a try. you could sprinkle the "magic powder" crumbled BurpDogs!
  7. I did it for a while - but I never found an easy/clean way do it. If i put the powder/supplement into a shot glass - then by pushing 1/2 a capsule down into the space, they seemed to "fill" quickly. at least this was better than a shallow dish, where it seemed like i just pushed the powder around. can you have a compounding pharmacy do it for you?
  8. my boy had flat feet AFTER we released tendons in the foot --- his Achilles tendons that were repaired too tight -- he walked on them fine, I don't think they hurt him - but he preferred to wear NeoPaws when on long walks.
  9. How are you and Betty doing today? prayers for a speedy recovery both physically and mentally!
  10. My husband MADE a walking cart for a greyhound several years ago - out of PVC piping. screwed together with big wheels for going over rough terrain. I made the sling hammock for the dog to be suspended from. The dog we made this for hadn't walked for several months after running into a sliding glass door and breaking her neck. it went thru surgery to repair and then we all waited ----- and waited... until we made the decision for her to start walking again. it took only 4 sessions of walking in the cart and she was walking on her own - it was like she just needed to remember to walk. I'll see if I can find a picture for you - it was quite big,,, and able to hold a 100lb person.. so a greyhound was no problem
  11. in the desert hiking with my dogs, i carry a small black man's barber comb. the teeth are really close together and make for a great tool to get the cactus stickers out. once out, i'd use some neosporin and probably give some benadryl for the residual itchy-ness - good luck!!!
  12. I feel your pain - my first greyhound was terrified of the ceiling fan - ALL CEILING FANS!!! her whole life -- we never cured her of her fear. instead we turned the AC down and WE learned to live without the fan on! good luck
  13. good to know you have never seen one - I will think twice about putting my hand into the propane holder for the grill --- seems like it might be the perfect place for those giant buggers to hide --- not to mention scorpions and black widow spiders and a whole host of other creepy-crawlies!!!
  14. Holy crap that thing is ugly!!! Now I'm wondering if THIS is another critter I get to look out for here in PHX???? Can't find out where it lives... google says desert.... and I am smack in the middle of desert!!!!
  15. I asked my vet to remove one! My angel Peppy had a growing mole on one side -- and i thought while your there, just take this one too -- I don't know who was more embarrassed: my vet for having to explain or me for actually asking
  16. nap for mom after the adult beverage, emotional binge then on to a birthday post for my boy!!! never thought he'd reach 7 yrs - and with pearly whites!!!
  17. I'll be updating the 1st post - Thank you all for your added support today! Lazer is fine and more than ready - mom is a little nervous Lorinda
  18. I'm so sorry - i'm afraid any words are inadequate.
  19. OH! good question - i will find out. thank you!!
  20. OMG ! Only in my dreams did Lazer EVER have white teeth!!! and now here he is ,, ALIVE, a little tuckered out,, but ALIVE and has WHITE TEETH!!! his gums are red - probably pretty sore. She did not have the ultrasonic cleaner, but still did a very thorough gentle cleaning!!! she said his teeth are basically healthy. nothing was loose or looked like they needed to be pulled. so~ Now to get his gums healthy - I am so glad we started the antibiotics - he will be taking them for another 10 days or so. he was absolutely NERVOUS! he was absolutely glad to walk out of there!!! with this being our ONLY option in cleaning his mouth/teeth - I am thrilled with the outcome. thank you all for your positive collective thoughts for Lazer !! and lazer thanks you too - from his now tightly closed eyes,, he is in la la land!!! L- ***************** Today is our DAY!!! Lazer hasn't enjoyed the added antibiotic to his daily schedule of pills. His apatite has been down - but other than that I think he's as ready as ever for clean teeth!! mom on the other hand is nervous and trying not to show it! Lazer received a BOX yesterday - his Auntie Linda sent him BURPDOG cake for his birthday - coming on Saturday. I did KNOT make him wait - he gobbled up a couple big bites last night. I'll be back later to let you all know how he does. fingers, toes, arms and legs ---- anything and everything that can be crossed - please cross them for good luck!!! Thanks! ****************************************** Most of you know about my miracle boy Lazer. He is doing VERY VERY WELL!!! this is his 18+ month update: Remaining Clot in his heart: 1/4 the size it was at it's largest!!!! This alone is AMAZING , but there is more his blood work is very Close to Normal and continuing to improve as time goes on. His urinalysis : well there is still protein loss,, however it is also improving and getting better VF titre is staying very low! ALL THESE THINGS LEAD ME TO ASK FOR ANOTHER ROUND OF PRAYERS FOR MY BOY! on Thursday he will be having a gentle cleaning session on his teeth. we cannot do a full dental due to the clot in his heart - he cannot go under anesthesia : so this is our next best option. if we do nothing - he will certainly be die from the bacteria in his mouth continuing to contaminate his body/kidneys and continuing his PLN --- shortening his life span considerably! and call me greedy - but i intend on lazer being here with me FOREVER!!! He is starting clindamycin today Colloidal Silver will be used along with other anti-bacterial/fungal/microbial holistic mouth washing during the cleaning. NO electric tools will be used and sharp tools will be kept to a minimum - I will be present thru the whole procedure and will be holding his paw to keep him calm. I know this will not get everything we need from under the gums - but we will get as much as we possibly can. Thank you all!! This will be the first place i come to update on Thursday afternoon! sorry if you think this is posted too early - but the Power of GT is undeniable and we Believe in the power of collective intent of health - small teaser - another thread will appear soon for my boy in EE as this weekend will be his 7th Birthday !!! we didn't think he'd live thru that first weekend - almost 19 months ago! lorinda and lazer
  21. Nancy, how scary! give Miss Lydia extra xoxox from me!! Spirit and I are holding you both close thru the day today!! hoping the vet apt this afternoon goes smoothly. Lorinda
  22. Oh, that looks oweeee! My first greyhound Teala (15yrs ago) did that to her inner thighs. I never figured out why, but I did figure out how to make a pair of cowboy "chaps" for her to wear. take a mans long sleeve shirt - I think i cut around the neck, eventually using the neck pieces as tie straps - the dogs legs go into each sleeve. this was a down and dirty -- desperate --- attempt at keeping her legs from becoming raw and it worked! i bet someone else has a better option - but this could work for you. Good luck! oh and i found a Hydrocortisone spray from Hartz at my grocery store - maybe at Pets Mart or equiv. as well - that really worked to keep the itching down, and allow the hotspot to heal. Oxydoc should work as well to neutralize the open sore and not sting - and help with healing.
  23. Lazer has been on Diltiazem for 18 months, along with plavix and enalapril we opted for no asprin because I am doing many Theraputic grade essential oils that are woking at the cellular level - to thin his blood and they also work with the viscosity of the cell so they don't clump and stick and clot. Lazers kidneys are working fine - it's always been about loosing protein for him. For a very long time all he ate was RAW hamburger!!!! i put all his pills in them and he would just eat the raw hamburger meat balls,, this is what we still do today - however he is actually eating a mix of home cooked and commercially prepared RAW chicken diet. Try RAW hamburger - pm me if you want to know a little more about the oils... at the very least - your house will smell really good as he walks around -- your very own aroma-hound! Good luck!!!
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