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Everything posted by 3DogNite

  1. email me if you want - lorindastack@yahoo.com i'm in N. peoria and will help all i can when did you come from California? alabama footrot seems very strange for here in arizona - fungal infection ??? when will you know about VF or lyme disease results from blood work
  2. Do you have a regular vet you can run all the med's by on Monday morning? I know the E-vet is doing their best - however, maybe your normal vet will have other pain med. recommendations that is known to be better for your girl. as for feeding - greyhounds are really easy to PUSH food into their mouth and force feed. I have had to do this with my boy when critically ill. Raw Hamburger in a pinch is a good thing --- also, just getting home might make her feel more like eating again. good luck!!!
  3. Oh, so sorry to hear you and she are going thru this! Just look at your sweet girl! xoxox I hope the VF results come in faster! I know another dog here in the valley who was diagnosed with vasculitus - with low dose prednisone that dog pulled thru! What vet hospital are you at?
  4. What a handsome boy - I'm sorry for your loss!
  5. OH - I'm so sorry to hear this devastating news! I have never had a dog thru chemo - do your research and trust in your instincts! hugs to you and xoxox to miss Lacy!
  6. I haven't responded to any previous posts, but wanted to jump in now,, to offer what support I can. 17 months ago, my boy Lazer died in my back yard! I revived him... we have struggled thru MANY roller-coster ups and down, and twists and turns with his disease. He is ALIVE, happy and doing very well today!! Greyhounds have an AMAZING ability to re-bound, given the chance. I went thru several episodes of - is this the medicine or the illness - and i have to say, i always went with my GUT FEELING. sometimes my gut was not what the vet was saying,, sometimes it was. I guess what I want to say is - You are doing the very best for your baby! Lacy knows this, she can feel it - Good WORK!!!! I know how hard this process is. Keep a diary - Read it daily - I still look back and shake my head and am thankful we've made it this far!!! Stay strong - look for the small things to give you a sign. My boy LIVED on Raw Hamburger - literally - for months - it was the only thing he would eat - and he still get's raw meatballs that hold all his pills - he takes them 2x day and i swear says "thank you mom" when he is done. Good luck, stay strong! trust your instincts. Lorinda
  7. Where do you take her for dental? I still am hoping to get Lazer in one day --- spirit will need one too, just a matter of time. Hope Sallie feels better rightawayquick!
  8. I'm so sorry to hear this Mary Jo! give him extra Kisses from us - sending you tons of cyber hugs too! - take care of yourself thru this process - Spud and Sadie need you to be strong for them. I'm so sorry!
  9. Add me to the prayer list of lower vet bills for 2013. With Lazer, the last 18 months have been life changing in so many ways! We wouldn't do anything differently, had we to do it over.. Sounds like many of us could use a break ---
  10. For our first greyhound passing, We did bring the 2 housemates to the appointment -- it worked for us. none of the dogs were nervous, and at the time of passing, the two remaining dogs were touching noses -- (in my mind) saying good bye to their friend. It was peacefull and a moment i will always cherish. The two remaining did not grieve as much and the following week went by with minimal sad moments. since then, all ending apts have been solitary events. and the other dogs wonder and grieve the loss of their friend. I do make sure to verbally tell them,,, say it out loud like you would tell a human, that their friend is gone and will not be coming back. somehow they KNOW and understand --- somehow they know.... but their sadness seems less and shorter lived.
  11. I made pants like that for my first greyhound Teala, who would lick giant sores in her back legs. her little needle nose eventually found a way to push the fabric aside - I hope they work better for your boy. Regarding the sores.. you could try Oxy-Doc. I use it for all kinds of things, but it should really help with this issue as well. it is sold to help with bacterial, viral and fungal problems by changing the PH balance. It works well,, doesn't sting AND i have used it as a dental rinse for Lazer on occasion. It's very strong, so you have to dilute it. good luck!!!
  12. I have a confession: I've been sleeping with the Power Man for the last 3 years! DH is ok with it, unless HE steals the covers! Last night was our first night with out Power --- :weep I said good by to him yesterday afternoon, just shy of his 12th Birthday. A nasty splenic tumor took away his appetite, his joy and took him away from me. He watched me gathering my purse, keys and shopping bags (I thought I was headed out on errands) but Power got up, and walked himself to the garage door and gave me the undeniable look of "it's time" I knew it was time, honestly he had been telling me for a couple days and I didn't want to let him go --- but when a you get this clear of a sign - i knew i couldn't make him wait any longer. Power was my Ever Ready Snuggler! the unofficial therapy dog who never learned how to sit. He was the most loving, attentive boy who continued giving until he couldn't give any more,, then it was my turn to give back to him. On our walks, he usually walked with his head just under my left hand so I always new he was there. He LOVED, LOVED, LOVED turkey necks!!! He raced more races than most other dogs out there! He gave unconditionally -- loved unconditionally. He Loved to Run and when he ran you knew that was what he was born to do ---- so fluid and beautiful! Run free Pow-Pow endless turkey necks for you at the bridge
  13. I'd do full blood work up and urinalysis with UPC as the first step BEFORE the ultrasound. It could be many other things --- ultra sound seems a bit much for the first step good luck!! I hope whatever it is,, it's something easily workable and fixable! etd - i just re-read that you are having the blood work and urinalysis done now.. that's good and will give you a place to start your investigation. what was the Albumin, BUN and Creatinine reading,, and what is the UPC /// protein in urine? etd - again --- HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACK!!!
  14. I'm so very sorry for your loss of the incomparable Mr. Bill! Shaky Cheese, Right legs and "THEM" are forever in our category of dinner options along with so many other Bill-isms. He will live on forever in all of our hearts!
  15. I so wish i had known of this company for my boy Rascal! keeping the link : may i never have to use them ~ L-
  16. back in 2007, I went thru this with my boy Rascal. He had torn the achilles tendons in both legs in a "fun" run. One leg healed fine, the other leg the tendon was too tight and that foot was all bunched up and tight. My surgeon went in and released a tendon in the foot,, under the toes if i remember right - and after several weeks of healing, he was as good as new -kind-of. His toes were floppy and looked funny, but he and I didn't care. He walked again without a limp or pain,,, he would do short jogs around the yard - but he never really did RUN again. he was 10 by this time and took his retirement seriously so I never worried about it. He was a wonderful Happy, boy! I sure miss him!!!
  17. Please let this be something simple --- you and Aquitaine deserve a break! good luck and let us know what the test results come back with.
  18. It is so hard to say good by to a soul mate. She and Isis are looking down on you with love. Adding my tears to yours - and with everyone else who knows this kind of love shared between hound and human
  19. Beautiful FURRY baby!!! on a side note: what vacuum do you use - there isn't one hair on the carpet!!! that happens only in my dreams!
  20. I once asked my vet to take a weird mole looking thing off of my angle Pepton's ,, well it was close to his winker-doodle he informed me that it was his Nipple and probably should be left alone. can't believe i actually am admitting this sad but true story
  21. I agree with this! If the BP is decent. If Aquitaine tolerating her other meds. and is basically healthy --- do the dental now! don't wait. make sure they give the IV fluids throughout the dental and know that the nasty bacteria will be gone!!! i'd give anything to get Lazer in for a dental. His heart clot is my biggest worry -- all the time. His BP is good, his kidney values are actually ok,, the clot is just a time bomb that when you introduce anesthesia --- well, i just don't want to go there. keeping my fingers crossed for good results from this latest round of testing. L-
  22. Last august lazer died from a blood clot..... I revived him! That is when I found out he had PLN. Please is alive and well today thats 370 + days later! He is on plavix, enalapril, and diltiazem. He takes a whole host of supplements for his liver, kidney, heart, blood, cellular structure, circulation. and I also slather him with essentiall oils which I believe goes directly to help support his cellular systems. Through the last year I have seen his protein ...the all important albumin,,, level go from a 2.0 up to a 2.8 and is now back to a 2.4 ... his crash happened when the protein level was at in 2.0. The other very important urinalysis, UPratio, is gone from a 6.8 which is very high down to 2.4 and I'm hoping to continue that downward trend, using his supplements oils and medications I have several threads I'm here about lazer and his year of beating death. He still has a blood clot in his heart that we are monitoring via ultrasound and will continue to run blood work in urinalysis every 4 months or so but laser live each day in the moment he is happy,'smiles for treats, loves to go on walks, he hogs the bed at night, and is a happy happy boy. !!!!! If you give these guys a chance to survive, they will !!! I'm on my cell phone this morning so please forgive the crazy typos. please p m me if you have any questions or need to vent, or want to reinvent the wheel. Lorinda, mom to Lazer, my miracle boy
  23. WOW ~ you have a lot on your plate right now! praying for easy answers with Bullitt!! and praying for strength for you and your family thru this time..... having one doggie with health issues is one thing, having 4 doggies with issues require extra strength prayers. stay strong, get some rest and know that your GT family is sending out all the extra strength prayers with you! :hope :hope
  24. Hi Suze,,, Nice to hear from you and to know that you are paying attention even with your eyes closed! Just so you know, sometimes, us humans need a cheerleader kick in the butt, (by the way your mom knows how to kick too!) in order to see what is up and what is down in this crazy world we live in! we just need to be receptive to said 'butt kicking'. don't you worry too much about the lunatic lady,, she loves you and will make sure you are always taken care of with lots of love. Tell Fuzz Hi from me and just so you know,, i'm not very blond anymore --- kind of more brown/stripy/blond ... but it does't matter what the color of my hair is,, i'm still pushing the supplements and applying the oils! You and Lazer are both going to be around for a long time ~ who knows maybe i'll be a red head one day see you soon! your auntie -
  25. Lydia,, my sister from another mother ---- you just have to be ok!! Take one of these --- heck take two! yur friend, spirit Nancy, I KNOW the feeling all to well, our 'Mom' radar kicks in and we go into overdrive and watch every breath they make!! I hope Lydia returns to her normal spunky self real soon, and that it's just a little neck or back issue that will resolve on it's own. prayers going to you and Lydia - please keep us posted on how she is feeling!!!
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