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Everything posted by 3DogNite

  1. RX Clay is wonderful for clearing up occasional diarrhea no prescription needed,, i've purchased it on amazon i think
  2. Petslife oral spray should hel.p Petslife also has a stronger spray that you can only get from the vet. Lazer has terrible teeth and very inflamed infected gums. due to his PLN/clotting/heart issues we have not done a dental in a couple years I have been using Petslife oral spray with Lazer with minimal effect - but I attribute that to his sever tarter problems.. There is also a products called OxyDoc. you can dilute it and spray it onto the teeth - it has anit-bacterial/fungal properties - this could also help. OxyDoc has no taste,, so Lazer likes this one better. OxyDoc also has had minimal effect on Lazer - again ,,, lazer has sever tarter issues.... The best thing so far for lazer has been to get him chewing on Raw Turkey necks. this has actually started to wear the tarter off - and with the added sprays -- I think we are making some headway with his red gum infection issue.
  3. My boy Rascal broke his tail --- and unfortunatly there was a rupture of some kind - so there was a oozing wound. He was on anti-biotics for a while. I kept it wrapped and it did eventually heal just fine. one vet wanted to amputate - the other said "wait" ~ I'm glad we waited,, his tail was gloriously long ~ it was worth saving good luck!
  4. My vet did this surgery thru the front ,, in the neck. just about where the collar would be.
  5. my Sweet Darbee-Doooo sounded just like the video! She had the tie back surgery - scope that confirmed LP. She was 12 when we had this procedure and lived to a ripe old age of 15,,, (her passing had nothing to do with the LP) she had a speedy recovery and had no problems with swallowing: food, treats or crumbs,, she did great! good luck!
  6. greyhound gang - Salmon oil!
  7. starting the chant: B9,B9,B9,B9,B9,B9,B9,B9,B9,B9,B9,B9,B9,B9,B9!!! and so on!
  8. There are several of us who have dogs with PLN. did you try a search ? my boy Lazer has had an amazing journey with PLN. there is a lot on here about him. pm me if you want more specific information.. it's a long wonderful story he is almost 7yrs old now and going strong,, beating this disease!!!
  9. I'm so sorry for your loss! remember her in her glory, not as she struggled in the end!
  10. owee! several years ago - my boy Rascal tore Achilles tendons -- in both back legs - in one single horrible event one leg was an easier fix than the other. One tendon needed 3 surgeries to get it right-- I know it's hard to think of another surgery, but don't give up on that idea entirely. It still might be possible. OSU would be my choice for a second opinion,, then on to the Orthopets... (luckily we didn't need to go that route for Rascal) Good luck with whatever you decide to do!
  11. a cure cannot come fast enough!!! I'm so sorry to hear of his diagnosis.
  12. I am sorry for you loss! I went thru a very fast month from diagnosis to saying good bye with Power. He had a splenic mass. and a month is a lot longer than what you had ~ Greyhounds are amazing animals - they know when to fight and the understand and know when not too. I wish .... I wish .... well, I wish for a lot of things. but ultimately you and I are part of the lucky ones, able to say good bye when the time was right for our much loved and missed friends!
  13. I've never been good at wait and see --- often time the swkeekie wheel gets the grease. i think i'd be calling them,, a lot! good luck!
  14. Spirit is NOT a sweet, easy patient! she actually snapped at me once at night - my fault, but still it surprised me! she spent the night whining and and unhappy --- she had tramadol, but i think she actually had a reaction coming down off of it. so, i gave her some essential oils and arnica and she settled down after a while. this morning I had my Stuffie squeaking, *almost happy girl* back. she ate her breakfast like she was starved and then went to pout some more. she sure can hold a grudge. Thanks for checking in on us!!
  15. i use Raw Hamburger for making Pill-meat-balls for Lazer - he gobbles them up! good luck!
  16. She will loose one tooth, nothing major! She is is doing fine
  17. For 18 months it's all been about Lazer - lazer, lazer --- Today my Crazy girl Spirit goes in for a dental. She has never had one while in our home (3 year of bliss). So I have no idea how she will react to the anesthesia. She just had her 8th birthday in Oct. My Whirling-Dervish shouldn't need any extractions - I'm expecting a simple easy dental - but I'd love some extra good wishes while she is away today. My vet knows i'll be sitting by the phone expecting an update call - so I should know by mid-day how it all went. thanks! Lorinda-worried mom
  18. I would start by asking the Veterinarians in your area what they like best. Which ones are giving them the best results. my DH works in the Laser industry and got this one for us. it is different from all that i've seen out there. I think stronger too. DH has the knowledge and background to know how to make sure the lasers are emitting the correct dose and not some way out of wack pulse dose of some kind. He tested and measured our machine before giving it to me to use. and like i said, i'm still a bit nervous, but will be using it as soon as i understand it a bit more.
  19. I found a link: I have been giving Lazer an Anti-Fibrin Enzyme, systemic enzyme - he gets one every night and every morning -- it is similar to Serrapeptase you are telling me about . Thanks for the tip!
  20. sorry, not in focus --- i must get better at taking pictures!! one of my favorites -
  21. Congratulations to both you and Sam!!!! i too was a dis-believer in alternative medicine === and now shout it from the mountain top, to anyone who will listen! *i actually purchased a cold laser machine - i am a little chicken to start using it - but will be as soon as i read all the instructions etc.
  22. i purchased Neopaws for my boy --- he kept them on - and worn them faithfully ... they have been a great boot for him!
  23. UPDATE: of course! i'll skip the back story, read the first page! LAZER IS STILL MY MIRACLE BOY! We are at 18 months survival - !!! and Lazer is ALIVE AND WELL!!! in fact ~ Lazer has just had blood work and urinalysis done and the results are better than EVER!!! at one time his UPC was 6.7 are you ready : NOW his UPC is 1.0 ~~~~~~~ it has been going down steadily,, but this last 6 months, the jump down was substantial at one time the protein in his urine was at +++++ (4+'s and higher) now it's at 2+'s ! at one time his albumin was 2.0 ~~~ Now it's in the NORMAL range of 2.9!!! his VF titre has always stayed very low - and is remaining steady at 1:2 (not even high enough for the vet's to used the word fluconizole!) I have found wonderfully talented Holistic veterinarian who uses acupuncture, chinese herbs, gentle chiropractic manipulations and natural supplements... He is ready to continue Lazers' journey and is fully prepared to EXPECT miracles to happen for him regarding the clot in his heart. My ultimate goal is to have the clot dissolve completely and be able to get Lazer in for a MUCH NEEDED dental! getting rid of the bacteria and toxins are what i dream about every moment of every day! sorry for the overuse of Emoticons!! but can i just say i think someone needs to post - then i'll put a new photo of my boy on here - as it is, i had to take off several key emoticons for this update to be accepted!
  24. What a sad day for us on earth - but a happy one for those across the bridge greeting their good friend!!! GT will not be the same without her! hugs to you and your wonderful family Play hard Jilly Bean! and send your mom a sign!
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