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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. Dee, you and your Mom have all of our good thoughts.
  2. You have my prayers and good wishes for a clear check up. Say hello to the oncology team for me.
  3. Oh Nancy I am sorry. She sure has fought hard, as have you. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
  4. That is good news. Keep fighting Bonnie, you have a whole lot to live for.
  5. Just what I was going to suggest. I always put pills down throats and give treats after. I learned the hard way after Foxy refused two of her favourite treats for almost a year after trying to hide them in cheese or peanut butter. Now they get the good stuff after the bad.
  6. I'm so sorry Hilda. Buycut has been a favourite of mine. Godspeed sweet boy.
  7. Use the upload button once you sign in to photobucket. You can browse your computer to choose the pic then upload. Once that is done, there are 4 codes under a picture. Click ont he img code and it copies it automoatically. Then on here in the reply box, hold Ctrl and V down and it will paste the code into the reply box. When you post the pic will show up. like this.
  8. Foxy's original path diagnosis was a spindle cell. The end diagnosis was hemangiopericytoma. She is 3 1/2 years post removal and still going strong at 13. Her tumor was on her front leg just to the side of the elbow. I'm praying you have similar long term results. Make sure when you get the path results back to consult with OSU and Dr Couto.
  9. What a difference a day makes. The suggestions were great, and I am picking up a couple of things to have on hand as I am sure there will be a next time. Last night I used Germolene, an antiseptic cream my Mom used when I was a kid. We used to thing this stuff was miracle cream. I am beginning to think we were right. Jake's cut is closing, and has dried up. Last night it was more open and oozing red fluid. Today - nothing. The irritation on his knuckle and between his toes - Gone! I'm going to have to get someone to bring me some from England. These are the ingredients Anhydrous Lanolin Starch Zinc Oxide Methyl salicylate Phenol Menthol Octaphonium Chloride
  10. SSD (sulfasilvadene cream) is The Bomb for wounds that you can't stitch. It's used on burns. I just put a big blob on and then bandage. Yes to some bits of gauze between the toes (get some "gauze sponges" and cut them to size -- thicker than just gauze) and be vigilant about changing that bandage if it gets at all damp. Once the wound isn't oozing anymore, I keep the bandage on as long as possible -- 3-5 days if it doesn't get wet and there are no funky smells. I leave the tips of the two middle toes poking out so I can see if I've got it too tight (if anything starts to swell, those two toes will start moving apart). There's kind of an art form to getting the bandage tight enough to not shift around (and cause sores) but not so tight as to make parts rub against each other (and cause sores). Hugs and luck. Betting you'll see a difference in another week. I'll call around and see if I can get some. For now I put a thick layer of Germolene Cream on it. It's an antiseptic cream my Mom put on everything when I was little and lived in England.
  11. Ahem-- he cries all the time in the car. You know what shape we'd be in by then? Plus you going to take care of him while Laura and I play tourist?
  12. Nooooooooo it can't take forever! I've used bag balm on irritations, but never on an open wound. It's worth a try. Thanks for the suggestion Heather.
  13. Yep, planned to do that. I just want the darn thing to look like it is starting to close. I am leaving town in 2 weeks you know I'm way more vigilant about keeping his foot clean than Daddy so would be really happy if the darn thing was well on it's way to being better. I know patience:lol
  14. Update: Feb 20th. It's been a week and so far no infection. But, it is still open. I am going to do water therapy and just put a sock on it to limit the licking. I have been wrapping it, but now Jake has an irritation between 2 toes and a sore on the knuckle of one toe. More problems we don't need. Any suggestions to speed the wound healing?
  15. Foxy is 13 and although she has LP she still only goes in if she needs to and for an annual. Your baby is beautiful.
  16. I don't use tape. I just make sure the vet wrap comes up above than ankle, that way it won't slip off. So far in a week he hasn't got one off. I'm changing Jake's daily (or more often whent he little dickens gets out without a foot covering)
  17. Tape up the big holes on his muzzle and use that. (leave the ones at the nose end open, just in case he vomits) The muzzle is generally less stressful than a cone too.
  18. Godspeed sweet girlfriend. You were loved Gail can I include some of the pictures and some of your words on the HfH Angels page?
  19. I secure Jake's gauze bandaging with vet wrap.
  20. Lori that picture of Bill breks my heart. Poor baby. Hugs to both of you.
  21. I'm sorry Bill is having to go through this. He will be fine. You need me, you holler!
  22. No, not here. Although we are one of the few that use the leg vein rather than the jugular. In fact, we have a requirement that they not have been on any medication for the previous 2 weeks except for heartworm meds.
  23. Daddy had to dig the poop out yesterday. He thinks Jake may have run over a jagged piece of ice. Other than that, we have no clue.
  24. It happened in the blink of an eye. Jake and Peanut were playing in the yard and I called them to come in. He was coming accross the deck and then started screaming, holding his foot up. I was really scared he had broken a bone, but once I got him to lay down I realized his foot was bleeding. He has a 2 inch cut just above the toe pad. You can see the toe ligament. Ew! I called the eVet and they said he can wait until tomorrow morning to see his regular vet. It isn't bleeding, but it definitely needs sutures. I've cleaned, padded and bandaged it. I'll put his muzzle on and leave him on the couch. Poor baby is really subdued now. Update: Feb. 13th Good news! No damage other than the cut. He sliced the foot between his toe pads and the back pad. 3 vets all took a look and agreed he didn't need stitches if I was up to doing bandage changes. They figure since I know what to look for and can bandage with the best of them we were good to go. The concern with stitches is; where the cut is they pull out or rip skin fairly easily, plus the bacteria would be closed in too. So, antibiotics for 10 days and bandage changes every 2 or if it gets wet. Update: Feb 20th. It's been a week and so far no infection. But, it is still open. I am going to do water therapy and just put a sock on it to limit the licking. I have been wrapping it, but now Jake has an irritation between 2 toes and a sore on the knuckle of one toe. More problems we don't need. Any suggestions to speed the wound healing? Update: Feb 21st What a difference a day makes. The suggestions were great, and I am picking up a couple of things to have on hand as I am sure there will be a next time. Last night I used Germolene, an antiseptic cream my Mom used when I was a kid. We used to thing this stuff was miracle cream. I am beginning to think we were right. Jake's cut is closing, and has dried up. Last night it was more open and oozing red fluid. Today - nothing. The irritation on his knuckle and between his toes - Gone! I'm going to have to get someone to bring me some from England.
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