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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. July 22, 2009 I knew Winslow (and Glynis) was bored, so I sent the U Tube video Shawn posted in off topic. Craig is out of town this week Winslow says: Hi Diane, THANK YOU! I'm stuck here with my mom. SHE'S BORING! She plays games with me, but I really needed something to take my mind off missing my dad! I love horses and I miss all my horse pals at the pool! I think I'll go practice answering the phone now... after my nap. Love, Winslow Wow! nice horse! Replay please! Get a better look Crumbs on keyboard I want a horse Thanks Diane afternoon update..... Ok, we have watched the youtube about 30 times now. Can we pleez change the channel? The computer is getting soggy Glynis
  2. Sending lots of prayers. We kept Shadow comfortable for 6 months with pred (he had a lung tumor). Maybe that is an option for Tuna. Is Nola Albi's litter mate?
  3. Sending lots of prayers. Did she get stomach meds? Some times flagyl can be tough on the stomach.
  4. Hogwash. I'll try mixing the paste!
  5. I have two bottles if anyone wants to buy them from me I'm going to the topical which makes me feel better
  6. Putting together the spread sheet I did (working on the second one) for Dr. C, I didn't notice genetic similarities but I need to revisit. I know I made a comment to him that a genetic pedigree would be wonderful to do. Also frequency of vaccinations and flea treatment -- compiling record of for dogs that got any type of cancer.
  7. Burpdog

    Zeus The Dobe

    I know how much it hurts. Burp was there to greet him. He'll have a buddy that is not a greyhound to pal around with
  8. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy
  9. As Heather said, they are not given steroids. They have a pee test at the end of a race. My personal belief is that TBDs contribute to cancer by lowering the immune system. Some on the tick list have mentioned this also.
  10. Sending my sympathy
  11. Great news! Keep him as quiet as you can for at least a week or two more than they say
  12. She's got an upset. Problem is you don't know what caused it. I'd probably take her in.
  13. July 17, 2009 Good Morning, Diane, How's everything at your house? I know you are hot. Did it ever rain? It's been a bit of a rocky road here at Casa Winslow. As you know, I had Winslow's annual tests done last week while we were there for bandages. He tested positive for Lyme. Both Dr. Stoneham and I were sure this had to be a false positive as we are diligent about checking him daily and using Frontline Plus (which I really hate, but fleas and ticks abound here). Winslow feels fine and has no symptoms. We went back on Wednesday and had 2 more tests done. A full tick panel and a C6 Titer. Both positive. After much discussion on whether or not an asymtomatic dog should be treated (because Winslow doesn't do well with antibiotics) we decided to go ahead with it. He's still healing from his toe (which looks fabulous and I have attached a photo) and his tripod status makes a bout of Lyme Disease devastating. We just can't risk it. We are preparing to make the next 28 days as easy as possible. Dr. Stoneham is giving us some Reglan and we will be using Pepcid as well. I will try to keep him on his regular food and supplements if possible. Dr. Stoneham says they are all ok. I really don't want to give him rice. Although pumpkin went right through when we tried it with the chemo, we may have to revisit that as well. Do you have any suggestions for a rice replacement that is good for the BIG D and not grain? Low carb? On a lighter note, Winslow has been using my little computer while we are on the lower level.. He's been reading Facebook lately. He saw that BEVD is supporting "A pound for a hound" in England. (A fund drive to help a shelter in the UK) Knowing that Daddy has been to the UK, he found the foreign currency to send. He sent a 5 pound note. He wanted me to include a note that said," Please DO NOT send me 5 Hounds. Just send one, DARCY!" Although I have been trying to explain that this is a charity, he insists on waiting for the mail each day in hopes that Bev has mailed Darcy to him. We are still living in the lower level. One more week, until the foot is really healed. It looks like we may be here longer if the antibiotics are a problem. Running up and down the stairs won't be a good thing if his belly hurts. Down here, he's 3 feet from outside. If we have to stay, I'll consider moving the beloved sofa down here for Winslow. He misses it so much. Although it's above ground, it's still the basement to me. I'm trying to keep it light in here. Windows and curtains wide open, additional lighting, but still, my eyes are getting squinty and my nose is growing. I'm noticing additional body hair... I think I'm turning into a mole. So, that's the news from here. Good and bad. It's been a tough summer so far, but in the big picture, things could be so much worse. With Drs. Stoneham, Calo, and Massat, we are so fortunate. I'll update you when we start the antibiotics. I'm hoping this is easy for Winslow. I really hate doing this to him. Onward, Glynis
  14. No words can describe how sad I am for you
  15. My heart just sunk when I saw his name
  16. In addition to alternative, I'd have blood work done and a TBD panel. Supplements can work wonders.
  17. I am torn re the CORE. When I found out they sold last year, I don't trust them anymore. EVO reduced fat is good for a senior and grain free. I'm not sure about raw on chemo. I would tend not to.
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