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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. If you do a search in this forum and the food forum you will probably come up with 20 or more threads. Not sure where the vet got his info as the only study I know of is the Purdue study and it is skewed. They used show dogs = high stress. When my first Dane bloated, I was not feeding out of raised bowls and the vet told me to raise the bowls, so I did. She never went into bloat again. My second Dane who bloated had spent two days traveling from Florida to Houston and went into bloat on 1/4 can of pedigree dog food. When Burp went into bloat, he had just come out of boarding, had been given only half his heart meds and had been bitten by spiders (very gross helping clean that out). He continued to be fed the same food and out of a raised feeder. He did not bloat again. All 3 high stress situations. I've fed out of raised feeders since Tiff bloated in 1970. Some of the greys like to eat laying down (like Tootsie & Annie) and that is fine. In my opinion what is more important is no exercise an hour before and two hours after or do not feed just before or after high stress events like an outing to the park or vet. This is addition to feeding a food that does not produce gas. If my dogs start farting on a food, the food does not live at my house! I will not add yogurt, pumpkin etc on a daily basis. The food is either good for them or not good for them.
  2. My first thought was "going into kidney failure". It does no good to second guess yourself.
  3. June 29, 2009 Hi Diane, We got home last night around 8:30. The traffic in Delaware was horrible. What should have taken 15 minutes took 2 hours. Winslow is a good traveler, so he didnt mind, but I did. Now, we are here, living in the lower level and Winslow is not happy about it. When we go out, he really wants to go upstairs. That is only going to happen when his toe is healed to the point that it cant open from pressure. Im figuring a month or so. Im thinking Winslow will adjust. The bedside service here is very good. Outside is only a step away and he can spend his usual days working with Craig. We moved the big bed and everything we need to work before we left, so it was easier last night. On Saturday, Jordan came to visit us at the hotel. I saw her post. She was very complimentary about the spoiled one. Oh, Winslow was so happy to see her. He saw a toy in her bag and just snatched it. Hes a bad dog when it comes to that. As you know, those stuffies are WAY too important to him. Jordan is way too forgiving. He gets away with just about anything..(ok, who shall we blame for that? I was thinking we could blame you, Diane.). He loved having company, behaving like a prince and showing off the purple glove. It was really nice of Jordan to visit. We apologize for the cold in the room. Today, it all begins again. Winslow is not happy with shorter walks. Im sure he will boycott pooping until it cannot be helped. Hes not in pain, not limping and not happy about the plastic bag on his foot. Last night, he tried to do that kicking back thing with his bandaged foot. Didnt hurt him, but we stopped him. So, hes feeling well. No pain meds since yesterday early morning. He slept well last night without them and is now enjoying breakfast. Back to our vet today for suture check and rewrapping. G.
  4. Most people use valium or xanax (the latter prefereed)
  5. She needs to see a vet. Is there no one close? Sounds like she needs fluids at the very least.
  6. June 27, 2009 Good Morning, Diane, First, A correction. Winslow says to tell everyone that he is NOT wearing a bandage. Hes wearing a GLOVE, in honor of Michael Jackson. He is demanding that I go find a store and buy him some rhinestones. Second, I was reading the GT posts to him last night and thanks to Embers Dad, he is changing his name.. WINSLOW, "THE BLUE FLAME" WILL NOW BE KNOWN AS "THE PURPLE AVENGER'' (thanks a lot, Tom.. now we have a whole new set of ego issues here). Now, for an update. Winslow had company yesterday! Kris (Morgan,Kona,Alex) and husband Dave were here. Winslow was very happy to see them. They stayed awhile and he showed them his big purple "glove". He got a lot of attention and would have gone home with them if he could have. Hes very tired of looking at us. It was nice meeting more of Winslows friends. We are hoping theyll come to the birthday party next year. Last night we got the matter of poo worked out. Hes actually ok to do it by himself. I helped with balance a little bit, but I stood at the FRONT this time, saving my shoes. During the night, Winslow, now The Purple Avenger had to do his rounds to secure the hotel and make sure everyone was safe. Ok, Craigs job.. but not now. It takes both of us to get his boot on him, open doors, help him balance and pick up poo (his schedule is still a little off)..So, we were both out there helping him save the city of Nashua at 3AM. At 5AM Winslow remembers that he usually gets his Artemisinin and yogurt. I took him off the arti prior to surgery, just as a precaution. BUT, he says hes not off the yogurt and its time. Ok. I dug around in the cooler, found a spoon, gave him yogurt. Of course that was it for me.. I got up, Winslow immediately stretched out in my space where he is right now. Its going to be a long couple of weeks. Winslow will be well rested to entertain guests this afternoon. Im going to begin packing us up so we can leave early tomorrow morning.. "Traveling light" is not in Winslows vocabulary so packing is a big event. Yep, Im making him get up early. A little payback is in order here. He should be happy. He keeps trying to get in the car every time he sees it. He does love a road trip. Photo attached. Its bad but Winslow only gave us one chance. G.
  7. Not to say it can't happen, but I've not had them get infected even when hulled by the vet.
  8. I assume you mean theraputic (or however you spell it) laser? Glynis bought one for Winslow, learned how to use it, and swears by it!
  9. Probably his heart just stopped. Although it was a shock, I look at it as how kind of him to save you the trauma of euthanisia It sounds to me that you were vigilent, got him the medical care he needed and loved him very much. Most times, we do what we can and the outcome is not up to us--we only support as best we can. I do understand. My mother and father both died in their sleep and it was unexpected. I constantly relived my last visits with them and wondered if I missed something, especially with my Mom. My dobe Chrissy died in my arms. She waited for me to come home from work one day, and then had her heart attack. What I am trying to say, is that no matter how death touches us, it hurts. Most likely you missed nothing. If you did, you will recognize it the next time and be able to act on it.
  10. June 26, 2009 Good Afternoon, Diane, Well, Winslow has resumed his usual habits. His clock is working just fine now and he was asking for his biscuit and yogurt right on cue this morning. He has figured out that we wont make him stand up for anything, so he wants his water served and toys brought to him as well. He doesnt want the water here and only bottled will do. (he gets filtered water at home) He also doesnt like the shape of the ice cubes in the ice machine. He did like the egg I brought him from the hotel breakfast and likes the AC here (way too much). Not a huge fan of the mattress, but the pillows and comforter suit him just fine. Hes been spending some time on his favorite dog bed, but expects me to sit on it with him while he sleeps. Its downright cold over here. He lets me know all of this by raising his bandaged paw. Its a reclined foot stomping. Today when we went out, he tried to go for the car. I think he wants to go home. (Maybe he just wanted to go to the auto races. Nascar this weekend here.) We are still waiting until Sunday. Nurse Nancy called today to see how we are doing. That was very nice. Ive started cutting his pain pills in half.. This is working well. Stops pain, but hes not so drugged. With half a pill I can give him more if he needs it, but he seems really good. (demanding, sleeping, even squeaking the hedgehog). Winslow knows he needs to wear the boot (IV bag with laces) when we go out, so he is good about waiting for me to put it on his foot. Hes only putting weight on it to steady himself for business. Still no poo, so that will be another whole adverture for all. (Nurse Nancy said thats normal after surgery). So, we are getting back to normal, and improving over yesterday. We will be going to the vet in VA on Monday to get the incision checked and re-wrapped. Its not bothering him but hes not too happy about the shaving they did on his other front leg. Im sure as soon as he gets home he will be calling Meredith at Greyhound Welfare and telling her of the abuse that took place here in New Hampshire. He would be sending email but he cant with the big bandage and he doesnt know how to work the cellphone. I hope you and your pack are doing well. I know its very hot there and I hope your ac is working. Let us know how things are at your house. Glynis Glynis said Winslow has learned how to get what he wants by raising the purple paw, letting it flop down, and looking at them
  11. Sending lots of prayers. I'd try home cooked. I cooked for Jody for 18 months and she had the best coat of all of them (she had IBD+++)
  12. I missed this update from last night! Hi Diane, Do you remember Winslows 2 legged videos from when he hurt his foot 2 years ago? Well, hes doing that again. I took him out this afternoon and he allowed us to help him down the the 3 low stairs and then he was off and running on 2 legs to find his spot. Hes wearing a harness so we can help him with balance if he needs it, but hes doing fine. Ill try to get a video while we are here. This has always amazed me because hes a big boy and 9.5 years old. I brought a big box of baby wipes and my washable rain boots. Winslows balance is not so good for business...if you recall, I lost numerous shoes while trying to help him after his amp. Ive learned something since then. When he had his amp, he had to move faster to keep his balance and it seems to work here too. There are running shoes in my future. Hey, this could be my reason to buy new sneakers! Winslow ate 2 small meals and he had some water. He went out and then back to bed. Ill try to get a photo when Im sure hes not drugged any more (he doesnt want you to see him if his hair isnt just right). The hotel room is dimly lit and 67 degrees with fan blowing. Craig and I are working with blankets wrapped around us and Winslow is happily snoring away with his head on a big fluffy hotel pillow and his toys and Crocheted Jerry Murray nearby . Life is pretty much back to normal. I took a really solid nap with Winslow this afternoon. It was the first good sleep Ive had since this whole thing began last week. Now, its one day at a time. Today, things are good. G.
  13. A new kid in Rainbow Land. I can't believe I still have tears left, but I do. Run like the wind sweet boy
  14. What a terrible shock Sending my sympathy
  15. Did a specialist read the xrays? The termniology kind of rings a bell, but I can't remember where or when....
  16. June 25, 2009 a.m. Winslow is home (at the hotel)!!!! He catapulted into the car (much to everyone's distress) and said let's get out of here He is sleeping on his bed, with the a/c running full tilt and of course, fanny He will be ready to hold court starting tomorrow!
  17. There is to babesia in Texas. Your best resource is the Tick List. I will also post how to give the shot (directions at work) I know you have to change the needle and alternate sides. Where was the tick panel sent?
  18. late last night Hi Diane, I was just reading all the posts on GT. I will be taking my little computer in the morning so I can read them to Winslow. Im sure he will love to hear them. Just called and the nurse said hes resting comfortably. Hes planning to have visitors on Friday and Saturday. There are some people who would like to meet him. Im really happy about it and I know he will be so ready for someone new. Winslow, the social butterfly. He had loads of company after his amp 2.5 years ago. Every day, and he loved it. Im going to try to get some sleep now. Glynis
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