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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Ann: those readings are fine although the BUN looks low Do you have Bill's kidney papers? I can email them to you if you email me at Burpdog@msn.com Is Max feeling ok? Did they culture the urine?
  2. Winslow is out of surgery and has stood up once, turned around and laid back down Glynis & Craig were sent home for the night They can call as often as they like. Hopefully they will all get a good night's rest! The surgeon believes he got good margins. He did a flap so there should be no pulling on the incision. They will unwrap in the morning and see how it looks. Winslow should be able to go "home" in the afternoon. All is going well. Keep Winslow in your prayers please!
  3. Let the water run over the wound at a slow, steady stream. It works
  4. Water therapy. I use the hose outside. Either 5 minutes 3-4 times a day or 10 min twice a day (I can't get them to stand still for 10 minutes).
  5. Depends on what they consider normal. I've seen vets look at a HCT of 40 and say it was fine and it's crisis time for a greyhound. Sending lots of prayers.
  6. Was she vaccinated when spayed? Possible acute vaccinosis?? TBD crisis? Hard to tell without HCT, PLT & RBC & WBC.
  7. Any indication of infection? Poisoning? Has she been on paid meds or any other kind of meds since the spay?
  8. Have you tried supplements? Joint Health & Fresh Factors from Springtime, vit E, fish oil caps to name a few. Some dogs can tolerate NSAIDs and some cannot.
  9. I'm a bit surprised they have waited so long to open her up. Sending prayers.
  10. He may just have bald thighs You can do a compelte thyroid panel and make sure. Send to Michigan State.
  11. You need to treat a positive with symptoms. What were her platelets, HCT & RBC? Where are you located?
  12. Winslow is waiting for surgery. There was an emergency that bumped him. He is in a waiting room with Craig & Glynis, laying on his bed, highly p.o.'d because he has not been fed or watered Dr. Massat said he is going to go in and remove the lesion. Possible chemo (localized) after if cancer (which everyone believes there is). The tissue will be biopsied. Please send lots of prayers for a successful surgery and recovery!
  13. Most of the vets (including Dr. Couto) don't believe that diet helps at all. After watching many of the cancer dogs, I will disagree The diet in addition to artemisinin (which Dr. Couto believes in and has done a study on) and Transfer Factor (Winslow is on it and Bodie was) I think make a difference. All in all, it sure doesn't hurt. I've noticed in following one of the kids diagnosed with DIPG (an 8 year old human boy) that they too have gone natural. It may not cure cancer, but it seems to buy time. Any time bought is worth the diet.
  14. June 23, 2009 Hi Diane, We made it to Nashua safely. We left at 10AM and got here at 8:30PM. Not as far as we thought. Winslow always travels well, so he just hung out in the back on his bed. Getting up once in awhile to see where we were and monitor the situation. The bed in the hotel room is so high that Winslow wont even try it. So we moved the mattress to the floor so we could all feel like home. Appt. is at 9am. so, more after we know something. We allowed crocheted Jerry to come along for moral support. If everything goes well, Im sure there will be a photo. Im not using apostrophes.. Mini computer and that key is in a very awkward place, so I boycott. Glynis
  15. At least you will have time to do any research if you want. I would wait I wonder if that is why Gus is so darn tall? We must find out what age he was neutered!
  16. I think many of the amp/chemo greys are eating EVO. No grains, high protein. Bodie did well on Barking at the Moon, Solid Gold's no grain food. EVO kibble gave Winslow the trots. He's eating canned with add ins like egg and yogurt. When Annie was being treated for erlichia and didn't want to eat, we got EVO canned and reduced fat kibble (and hand fed her). She kept weight on one can and one cup per day! I was quite impressed. She did also eat 1c of turkey for her midnight snack She weighs 64#.
  17. Did they culture the urine? Almost all of my seniors have 3+ protein in their urine. Their BUN/creatine ratio is normal so we ignore it. PS imo k/d is not very good. I'd be more afraid of pancreatitis in a senior on that food. A good senior food will do. Solid Gold Holistique Blendz is another decent food for those that really have kidney problems.
  18. I can only imagine I feel terrible and I haven't even met you or him!
  19. I saw in one article, that if the neutering is done before a certain time the dog will actually grow larger as testosterone is needed for stopping growth. Since all the dogs I've had were neutered as an adult, I've not personally seen early neuter results.
  20. I'm not sure. I'd need a lot of time to weigh the pros and cons Quick answer is I would probably wait a few months. Greys don't mature as quickly as many other breeds. Found this: Male Dog Neutering
  21. Acupuncture and chiropractic would probably help him. I can't imagine any tripod not needing adjusting since they are walking on 3 instead of 4. Heck, my 4 legged guys need adjustments Sending prayers.
  22. Sending prayers. Time for more xrays and have them read by a radiologist
  23. June 22, 2009 Hi Diane, I just cannot believe it! First of all, I think the power of GT caused that little tumor to sprout legs and run away! This has just been so amazing. I have been reading all the posts to Winslow. He is so thankful that everyone cares so much about him! He is amazed at all the posts, and so are Craig and I! AMAZING! So Wonderful to know there are so many who care so much! We have also had 2 offers from people in the New Hampshire area to stay with them! We are all so touched! If Winslow weren't such a stinker about other dogs.... but he is. The good news is there is a PET FRIENDLY Hampton Inn in Nashua! We can use Hilton Points! I knew we were saving them for something! All of this caring means so very much to all of us! Winslow's understanding is very good (I also think he can read) and he certainly feels the love! The little tumor has not returned and the hole that it came from seems to be healing. He still has the crater, but it's not bleeding or doing anything it shouldn't. The walls of it seem to be thickening some.. looks like it's trying to heal. Maybe this will provide enough tissue to get the margins. I don't really know how that works but am going to find out on Wednesday. I will have email (LOVE THE HAMPTON INN--FREE WIFI) and will continue to read all the posts to Winslow. The poopbag is still in the tree although it's barely visible. I doubt it will be going anywhere this week, but will have my neighbor check it, just in case. Surgery is Wednesday morning. I'll be in touch when I can. I think they will allow me to stay with him afterward. Then he sees me waking up and I'll survive this ordeal a lot better. (Yep, I do it for me, too). Glynis
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