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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. That is why I said old surgery in my post. From what I understand, the other knee is most apt to go with newer surgery technique.
  2. Burpdog

    Kiowa Sweet Trey

    I am shocked. We just saw him at RTW in Abilene and I had a chance to pet this magnificant guy!
  3. Affiliated in Orlando is good also if they are closer. I'm sure they would review films also.
  4. BUN does sound high. He's not on very much pred to alter values. Creatine is fine. I know you are suppose to consider he is raw fed when interpreting the blood work. Did they? Sending prayers.
  5. Not sure but wouldn't take them out until you talk with the vet. Around 7 days?
  6. What a character he is! I'm sure he is having a wonderful time waiting for you in Rainbow Land I, too, can't believe it's been 4 years....
  7. Burpdog

    My Aunt

    Sending my sympathy
  8. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy
  9. Try fiber caps. It helps with soft stools in the old ones. I get mine at WalMart. See what the side effects are for the meds he is on. Sending prayers.
  10. I would ask MSU for an interpretation since they did the test.
  11. Great news! Gracie reminds me of Suzie & Brian's Alan. He did underwater treadmill which really helped him.
  12. You need to do a tick panel. Where are you located? What meds did they give you?
  13. I have not had it done on any of mine, but researched for someone a few years back. The only thing I can say is have it done by a specialist and preferably one who has done it on puppies. From what I can remember, there are several different choices and when I was done with the research, were it my dog I would have chosen the old repair method. On a puppy it's going to be tough but of course you have to get it done and not sure if there are options since it's so bad. Sending lots of prayers.
  14. I bet he's fine after the atbs are finished
  15. If it's the color of baby crap, get a test for pancreatic insuffiency done and also a gluten intolerance. You can try home cooking and see if you have good results: meat with potatoes for a few days and see how he reacts. What are you feeding?
  16. July 9, 2009 Good Morning Diane, We went to the vet yesterday. Winslow got his stitches out and a new bandage. There are still some raw places and we don't want him to lick them. It's looking really good. No sign of infection or problems. He didn't want the bandage and when he saw the vet wrap, he decided to leave. A peanut butter muzzle changed his mind. 2 more weeks in the dungeon. I've been looking into additional or better supplements but have found that the other things I have considered use the same ingredients as the 4 Life TF. (for a much higher price) So, I'm just going to increase it a bit (it says you can actually double it). Now that the Big D is under control, I am reintroducing his food. Winslow just says,"What's the problem? Where's my dad??? You OBVIOUSLY don't know how to make my food!" Craig is back tonight and has spoken to Winslow no less than 6 times since Tues. afternoon. I heard them talking late last night... "Dad, hurry home, PLeeze! She doesn't know how to feed me or walk me... She keeps taking me to the doctor.. Hurry home.. Yes, Dad, you can wear your funny nose when we walk in the neighborhood.. just come home!!" Things are looking up. Glynis
  17. They should have cultured it today. I assume they are keeping up with blood work since she is on DES?
  18. If it has been more than 3 days, get him xrayed. Sending prayers.
  19. You know how bad I feel He's not alone and he knows you tried to do the best for him. If you are listening for him, I know he's close and will be there for you. Sending my sympathy
  20. July 8, 2009 Good Morning Diane, Here's the update from "down under": As you know, we are living in the lower level. Winslow understands that he can't do the stairs, so he's ok with being downstairs. The bed, toys and his music are here, so he's fine with it. What he hates is the shorter walks. He is feeling better and wants longer walks. He gets angry and snatches leaves from low bushes just to make us take them away from him. Not a happy camper. He also hates wearing an IV bag on his foot. Now for the medical report. We went to Dr. Stoneham last Monday for care of the surgery. She noted a slight fever and changed the antibiotics from Simplicef to Clavamox. 2 days later, fever gone, incision looking good (This was last Wednesday)but Winslow doesn't do well on antibiotics, so there has been a week of Big D. Now, a diet of chicken and rice (oh how I hate giving him grain!) and gradually back to food and supplements. The big D is fortunately under control now. Dr. Stoneham has a very interesting way to bandage a foot. She leaves the middle toenails out. If they begin to splay out, that means swelling and I was instructed to come in immediately. This ingenious bandage allows me to monitor Winslow's foot and know it is ok. We go back today for stitch removal. We plan to stay in the basement (yuk) for a couple of weeks because I'm worried about the incision and the stairs.. If this opens, there is no way to sew it up again. I want to let it really get healed before we go upstairs. The diagnosis is Cutaneous Hemangiosarcoma, which we expected. Dr. Massat got clear margins but they were not the textbook 3cm. due to the location on the toe. The rate of cell division was slightly higher than normal. Because of these factors, Dr. Calo, our oncologist explained that Metronomic Chemotherapy could be an option. I did the homework, calling, emailing and talking to everyone I could find that knows anything about this. Long story short, this treatment is long term very low dose chemo, but it uses nsaids and antibiotics. Winslow cannot have nsaids at all and doesn't do well on antibiotics. We cannot justify keeping Winslow sick, to keep him "healthy".. Quality of life issue. He's had enough chemo already. The verdict is that we will trust that the surgery got all the cells. We are going to increase the Transfer Factor, add a bit of Vitamin C, keep him on a grain free diet and his other supplements, speak to Dr. Couto about a slight increase in Artemisinin and go forward. Winslow totally agrees with this decision. I DO see some really good possibilities for Metronomic Chemotherapy. They are using it at OSU for some cancers. If a dog couldn't take regular chemo and didn't have problems with the drugs used, it could be a very good alternative. Just my unscientific opinion, but hopefully it could be something for others to look into. Now that the Big D is under control, Winslow feels really good. He went with me on errands yesterday and even though he isn't swimming or walking long distances, he's getting out and about. Craig is on a short trip for work. I think he gets a little nuts working down here. It's probably good for him to get away. He's coming home tomorrow. Winslow spoke to him this morning.. he hates it when Craig is away. I'm trying to keep him entertained so the time will pass quickly. I CAN'T WAIT TO GET THINGS BACK TO NORMAL. I've attached some photos. So, that's it from here. Glynis
  21. OK - another question. Both dogs I want to try this on have allergies. Has anyone had an allergic reaction to the propolis? It sounds like I bought the right one
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