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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Start acidolphillus and put them back on hamburger & rice (potatoes are better) until they firm up. I would also do a combined fecal.
  2. Try giving him some oatmeal everyday or all bran cereal (not a bunch) Poor guy!
  3. Pred is not good for IBD in a greyhound. Also, I didn't see where there was a biopsy?
  4. Is he getting supplements? Fresh Factors, a chiropractor/acupuncture vet and a ramp will do wonders
  5. I've fed it on and off for 40+ years. Good poops It's my cheap test if a dog has a poop problem. It's the only food Taylor can eat and I'm beginning to think the same for Ringo. Taylor who came in quite a bit underweight is now known as fat boy.....
  6. This is against FDA rules. The FDA says "the vets are the weakest link" regarding not informing patients of the side effects of rimadyl (and I'm sure other NSAIDs) Some dogs have died from as little as two doses. As I mention ever year on the anniversary of Eliza's death: be aware of the side effects of all the meds you give. I know so many greys who lived because the owners knew the side effects and pulled them off the med immediately.
  7. The best made imo is Dog Bloom. I've used it on & off for 40 years
  8. Get a TBD panel with VF test to Protatek. The BUN & creatine should come down after a dental, but I don't think enough to be "normal" I would do a urinalysis also.
  9. Is this vet used to dealing with greyhounds? Many take 5 days of panacur to get rid of the bugs. Not sure why you were given baytril? Try boiled meat only for a few meals and see if she clears up. If she does you know it's the food, if she doesn't she needs panaucr.
  10. By the time a vet is on board with reporting it (just like in medications), a whole lot of dogs will have died or be dying. Off to see if the claims have any substance.
  11. All of you know the pain & guilt I carry with me for Eliza. You don't know how terrible her last two days were as the vet tried to "save" her. I would never put another thru the pain & suffering she went thru and the same for my sweet Scooby. Pain & guilt are severe teachers. We take what we learn forward for ourselves and those in our care, and to share. Where do you think I've gotten all my experience? When I say "don't do that" (which isn't often) or "do this instead" it comes from that pain where I screwed up. Eliza, Scooby, Beanie & Patrick and a whole bunch of others are in Rainbow Land having a blast. They will be there when we come. I will never forgive myself, but I do believe all will be well when I see them again and they tell me it's ok. I normally don't say much about praying -- what I have done but it's really important in light of the above. I was so distraught about Eliza I thought I literally would burst. I cried so hard I thought my eyes would come out of my head. I remember thinking that I had prayed when my Mom died and I asked that the "burden be lifted" and it was. I asked again with Eliza, and it was lifted. I still had sorrow and guilt, but the burden was gone and at least I could function. So for all who needs it: I pray that your burden is lifted and you feel the love all around you
  12. did he draw the blood before or after the rabies shot? What was his BUN and creatine the last time you had blood work done? When was his last urinalsys? (or however you spell it) How are his teeth? When was his last Valley Fever test?
  13. My heart sunk when I saw his name Sending my sympathy
  14. I changed back to Prairie beef and we are good
  15. Have you tried boiled meat? Many will have different thoughts about Katie but my personal experience and opinion is to have her close so once he is sent off, she can sniff him and know he is gone. I would never have the surviving one witness the euthanasia.
  16. Anyone else have problems? 3 out of 4 of mine had yellow poop and the 4th started puking and not wanting to eat. The only normal dog was Taylor who doesn't get kibble. Stopped the kibble and put them on BilJac frozen and meat and within 2 days we are all normal again. Took back unopened bag.....
  17. According to some vets I've talked with in the past, her HCT is very, very low. Greyhounds should run well over the normal. I'd have to find the email as to what point they (OSU) recommend a transfusion. I want to say under 30 but I have to try & find it. How old is she?
  18. On the way home from the vet yesterday, I called alternative vet who had just left my house a few hours before and asked if I could give Ringo the Yunnan Biayao to help with bleeding tail dock (he whacked it at the vets). She said yes, told me how much and he'll be on it for several days. It's a good herb to have around. There is also an bandage for emergencies that stop bleeding. One example
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