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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. During Conner's recent diarrhea/soft stool episodes, Tylan powder worked pretty well for him, and I used oatmeal instead of rice or pasta just because he likes it better I hope you can get your poor girl's digestion sorted!
  2. I am so sorry, but I think you are right. Sugar had the IV fluids that tbhounds mentioned, and it did not make any difference. At best it would probably only buy you a few days
  3. You can ask your Dr, but I think the phos-binder is more for a long term situation Good that he is still eating!
  4. I lost my first grey to kidney failure. In her case, I believe it was a side effect of her heart meds. She stopped eating, and sub-q fluids did not help, so I had to let her go. However, I have had a couple of cats with kidney disease that sub-q fluids really helped make them feel better, so it is definitely worth a try.
  5. I've never had a problem with runny poop when switching a dog to raw, so it might be the beef. Also, my current dogs don't like Primal, do you have access to another brand? (not saying there is anything wrong with Primal, just that my dogs don't like it)
  6. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy
  7. Conner is doing much better today. He slept through the night last night without having to go out, and had a better poo on our walk. Not good, but not watery! Rocket has generously shared some of his Tylan capsules, so I think we are well on our way back to normal. However, this is the third or fourth time this has happened in the year and a half I've had him, so I think I had better keep,some Tylan or metrozonidal (sp?) on hand. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions!
  8. Ouch, poor girl! Sounds like what you are doing should be fine.
  9. Conner would agree with Dr Rocket, but mean mom is limiting what he eats
  10. He ate last night and this morning, a mix of oatmeal, chicken, and pumpkin purée. I also gave him an anti diarrhea capsule, kaolin and pectin, one last night and one this morning. He isn't going out as often, but the "output" is still watery. I think he does feel a little better. Oh yeah, I also gave him the slippery elm yesterday, probably why he started eating. This doesn't seem to be resolving on its own, so I know he needs to see the vet. I don't want to take him to the e-vet unless it gets worse, so I am hoping he can hold on over the weekend. Poor boy
  11. Well, he is self fasting, so I haven't pushed him. Tonight I'll offer some plain chicken and oatmeal, he really likes oatmeal. Naturally he does this right before a three day weekend. So far Val is fine.
  12. Poor boy Other than fasting him for 24 hrs, anything else I should be doing? He refused dinner last night and was out several times during the night. No idea what caused it.
  13. I've had dogs who would poop on every walk, plus in the yard, so up to 4-5 times a day, and others who would only go once a day. It sounds like your girl's early poops were stress related and she has now settled into what is normal for her. and yes, we can all talk at length about dog poop
  14. They usually have puppies as well. AKA puppy mill
  15. Good news is that whatever it was is apparently over I always want to know why, but sometimes, you just never find out.
  16. I give mine soft food for about a day after the dental. I'd go a few days longer if they lost a lot of teeth.
  17. I am so sorry you are right, it never gets any easier
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