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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. You are doing very well with the training, I am impressed! My 2 yr old didn’t do that well . I would say, on average 2.5-3 years is when they really start to settle down and lose the toddler behavior. But, as you know individuals can be on a different time line, and some never completely get over the occasional “what were you thinking?” behavior
  2. I am so sorry for your loss. You gave her a wonderful life
  3. Oooo, more wildlife! Are you going on safari Aiden?
  4. Poor Conner was so bad with both thunder and fireworks that I dosed him up with a mix of things. He still went into the bathroom and panted, but the shaking and drooling stopped. I had a crate pad that I got out when storms and/or fireworks were expected and put it in the bathroom so he wouldn’t have to lay in the floor. For fireworks he got Xanax, Composure treats, CBD oil, and I ran the diffuser with Calm-a-Mile non stop. Sileo worked well for fireworks, not so much for thunder. for Nate, it is terrible to watch. I forgot to add, the thunder shirt worked well for Conner, much more so for thunder than fireworks. Some dogs don’t respond to the thunder shirt at all, like the drugs, trial and error because they all react differently.
  5. It sounds like she did react to what she heard last night, and as you said, tonight will be worse. I would go ahead and give her a dose since you have it. You might also want to put a dog bed or rug or something soft in the bathroom so she can go to what she has chosen as her save room. I have seen much worse reactions, but there is no need for her to be afraid, and it could escalate. I just hate fireworks.
  6. I don’t worry about my dogs walking in front of me as long as they are not pulling. I figure the walk is as much about mental stimulation for them as exercise (for both of us ) so letting them sniff and wander a bit is fine. I like having them in front where I can see them better than behind me. I do teach all of them “wait” so I can stop them when I need to. Fletcher is the only dog I kept on a pretty close leash because he was leash aggressive with strange dogs, and at 90 lbs, quite strong!
  7. I am so very sorry It is always hard, but to lose one so young is just heartbreaking
  8. I would definitely see what the vet had to say, there may be another type of chemo that she can tolerate better. I stopped Molly’s chemo after one treatment, but hers was a very different cancer and different chemo, so the circumstances were not really the same.
  9. Val just turned 13 and was diagnosed with LS (lumbar sacral stenosis) a year and half ago. She has gotten much more wobbly in the back, but is still doing much better than I expected and I think a large part of that is taking her on short daily walks. I am lucky that I have a ramp in the back so she doesn’t have to do stairs, but I would take her for walks even without that. It is currently too hot to walk here, and I worry about her losing muscle mass over the summer. I would definitely recommend short walks for your girl. Congratulations on having a wonderful senior
  10. I had the same experience years ago with another company. They start out great and then… I know some people feel they are worth the cost if when they cover big expenses, and doing your own savings account may not work for some, but that is what I do.
  11. She was such a pretty little girl. I wish she could have had more time with you and you with her, but I know her last days were happy
  12. Not just tags, either. Val only wears a loose tag collar with a flat Boomerang i.d. In the house, or she used to wear a tag collar in the house. The other day she was rubbing her eye and got her dewclaw caught in the collar. Drama Queen started with the GSOD. I pulled the collar off and slipped it off her claw so the screaming would stop. No blood, the claw wasn’t torn, the foot was fine, but I didn’t want to go through that again, so now she is nekkid in the house
  13. She is a very pretty girl! The myth about mixing raw and kibble is just that, a myth. Racing greyhounds get a mixture of raw meat, cooked food, and kibble and do just fine. I have fed raw for years, sometimes mixed with other things, and all of my dogs have been fine. Just follow the usual precautions for handling raw meat (wash hands, etc). Remember, if given a choice most dogs will drink out of the toilet and eat dead squirrels . Many vets are against raw feeding, but as long as you are not doing raw exclusively the vet probably won’t give you much grief.
  14. I can’t really help, my two experiences with osteo started with a broken leg and neither was a candidate for amputation for various reasons. I hope it turns out to be something more treatable, and if not and you decide on amputation, I have heard many say here, age is just a number.
  15. Today Val turns 13 I have had her since she was 7, and she is absolutely the sweetest dog I have ever had She was diagnosed with LS about a year and half ago, and I wasn't sure she would make it to 12, never mind 13 I will continue to treasure every moment we have.
  16. I am so sorry Little Charlie’s time had come He was much bigger than his size
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