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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I am so sorry I hope you have many more good days with him.
  2. what a sweet face, I am so sorry
  3. what a beautiful kitty, I am so sorry
  4. Glad to hear she is feeling better today!
  5. Warmer weather hasn't affected the dogs appetites, but the cats are definitely showing their summertime eating patterns!
  6. Molly (soon to be 8) has a cloudiness to her lens in certain lights. I pointed it out to my vet when I first got her, and she said it is sometimes something you see in older dogs. I said, she's only 6. Vet said hmmm (love those medical "hmmm"s ) Anyway, she didn't think it was cataracts, Molly's thyroid is normal, and her vision doesn't seem affected, so we are just keeping an eye on it. In a year and a half, there's been no change
  7. Fletcher rarely pees on himself, but Molly will often stick her head in where it doesn't belong and end up wet (I wash more of her collars... ) The other day though, she got her revenge. She's a hiker, squats, then lifts one leg up, and Fletcher didn't move fast enough. He was the one with the wet head
  8. Sorry that EZ had another seizure, but I am glad to hear he is doing ok now.
  9. I am so sorry, she was such a pretty girl
  10. Marion, I am so very sorry. I always loved your pictures of Ivy and Soldi at the beach. She has gone to be with Ivy now
  11. I haven't had to deal with corns, but I always wonder, about the foot soaking, how do you get your dogs to stay put with their feeties in water for 5-10 min? I just can't see any of mine staying still for that
  12. I noticed last year for the first time Fletcher really felt the heat. Molly didn't seem to be as affected, but I pretty much stopped walking them if the temp was 80 or above. I also shortened the walk. Fletcher turned 7 last year, in early March, I don't know if age is a factor, it might be. I noticed last week the same signs, and I think Dee is right, it's going to be a hot summer.
  13. I am so sorry Marion It sounds like she is acting very much like my Sugar when she went into kidney failure. Sometime you can "jump start" their appetite with sub-q fluids and meds like pepcid or cerenia (sp?) to soothe the stomach and stimulate the appetite. It didn't work for Sugar, and after a week of her refusing all food, I realized she was ready, so I let her go I hope this is not the case with sweet Soldi
  14. I am so sorry. Please don't let your friend blame herself, it was not her fault!
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