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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I bought some this weekend, too. I went with the water based because I thought it would be better than the alcohol based. Also went with the no IGR. I just frontlined the dogs a week ago, so I can't use the Adams on them yet, but I am going to spray their bedding. Saw my first tick on the dogs in years a week ago. All this dam rain. Looking forward to trying it, and I may get some lavender baby powder too, after reading the other post
  2. wonderful! I know when my mother had an infected salivary gland, it swelled up so much she looked like she had the mumps hope an infection is allof Roscoe's problem
  3. glad it's no worse! she should be feeling herself in a day or so!
  4. :candle try to take care of yourself, too!
  5. I did the same with Sugar, and also the cats as they get older. Fletcher just turned 8 and is due for rabies next year. That will probably be his last shots.
  6. I know it sounds scary, but there is a lot they can do with meds to make them feel better. I agree about taking him to a cardiologist if you can. Sugar had heart disease and was in the early stages of CHF. She lived for about three years. I lost her at 12 1/2 from kidney failure.
  7. Wow, it would be great if that's all it was!
  8. hoping you get some answers soon!
  9. Of course she is sensitive! Just in a different way Seriously, I don't think you can hide stress from your dogs. Just talk to her, explain what's going on (you probably already have).
  10. Poor girl it just breaks your heart when they are in pain and you can't fix it. I hope they find the cause soon and it's an easy fix!
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