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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Remolacha


    sometimes we just can't make it better
  2. firm poo! firm poo! firm poo! glad he is feeling better!
  3. Sometimes, if they were eating a food when they were sick, especially nausea/upset stomach, they will associate that particular food with being ill, and refuse it. You may need something stronger than Pepcid. Or try something new that he's never had. Warm and strong smelling are usually good
  4. Mostly, I've delt with this in cats, but when Sugar (greyhound) had kidney problems, I did leave her at the vet for the day so they could give her fluids on an IV drip all day. I picked her up at the end of the day, though. The sub-q fluids are easy to do and really help!
  5. Is he on any supplements? glucosamine/chondrotin/msm? I've been giving Fletcher a Traumeel tablet in the morning and again at night for his arthritis, and it works well until he overdoes it I am pretty sure you can get Traumeel in the UK.
  6. Well, this is my first spring with a black hound, but Sallie's coat sounds just like Shermans. She had such soft, thick, shinny fur over the winter, but now It's dull, flakey, and coming out by the cart load! However, just in the last week or so, I think the shedding is starting to let up. There doesn't seem to be as much fur when I brush, fewer flakes (still a lot). I have been giving her salmon oil. I am hoping when all the winter/farm coat is gone, she'll still be shinny and soft!
  7. I understand (and agree with) your wanting to wait and give his current treatment a chance to really work. This vet has done a wonderful job with Kelly, maybe ask and see why she wants to do the surgery now? I had similar problems with Fletcher when I first got him, and my vet said, let's treat this AS IF it were IBD and see what happens before we scope. That was when he was 2, he just turned 8, and never has been scoped. Most of the time, his conditioned is controlled with diet. Good luck with Kelly!
  8. I'v known this was coming, but my heart still sank I am so sorry
  9. That horrible, punched in the gut feeling, that they really are gone, for real, and never coming back, I think in some ways is worse than when you first loose them. But, as Xan said, this is the worst you will feel
  10. For what it's worth, I think you are doing the right thing to wean him off the pred before you make any further decisions. While it has always worked well for my dogs, I know some can't handle it at all. Sounds like your regular vet has a good understanding of the situation.
  11. Yes, and it doesn't necessarily start right away. One of my cats is very sensitive to antibiotics, and while he reacts right away with some kinds, some don't show effects until he has been taking them for several days. If Peanut can't have yogurt for some reason, Forti-Flora or another probiotic will probably help.
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