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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. she looks so cute with her pink piggie pillow I hope she continues to improve, I agree she will probably start eating when she gets home.
  2. amazing that she didn't suffer an ill effects from the skewer! for the seizures
  3. while it is frustrating not knowing what is going on, recovery is the most important thing
  4. Remolacha

    Mama Cat

    That is so sad, poor Mama, and her poor kittens. If younger daughter gets to keep them, can't she convince her mother to let them inside?
  5. I have a dog with a fairly mild case of IBD, so I know a little of what you are going through
  6. Glad she made it through the surgery ok. No first hand experience, but it makes sense that they would keep her pretty heavily medicated the first couple of days.
  7. That's great news! IBD can be be a pain, as it is life-long management, but it IS something that can be treated!
  8. I am glad to hear she is eating and feeling better (except for the runs ) She probably will be less drowsy after she adjusts to the meds, but right now you want her to be quiet, so drowsy is good
  9. no early call, that's on hurdle you are over! hope it's a good omen for the rest of the day
  10. I am so very sorry, he always looked like quite a character! A terrible shock for you, but a blessing for him to go so quickly.
  11. When my Sugar's kidneys were failing and she needed fluids, the vet kept her all day one day and gave her IV fluids. No sloshing as the fluids went in slowly over several hours (she also had multiple heart problems). Unfortunately, it meant leaving here there all day, and mostly confined to her bed because of the IV. It's a tricky balance.
  12. Well, I don't know if this will help you or not, but Fletcher had almost none of the "classic" symptoms, except a thin coat (but not rough). In fact, his thyroid was tested when he was younger because of that, and it was normal at that time. A couple of years ago, He developed a chronic limp, and seemed more hyperactive (that's very subjective, but I know my dog). The bad thing was ruled out, along with Valley Fever and some other things, so my (greyhound savvy) vet tested his thyroid, and it was low. We started supplementing and it did help the limp and calm him down (a bit). He also has arthritis, so he can still limp occasionally. So, I don't think many people would think of a limp as a thyroid symptom, but there you are. I guess I agree with those who say the symptoms can literally affect any part of their body. A second opinion never hurts.
  13. Sugar was on Enalapril for her heart problems. I forget the dose right now, and it did change, but all together she was on it for about 2 1/2 years with no problems or side effects. BTW, it is a human drug, and is available on most of the WalMart/Walgreen/ etc. discount prescription plans, which helps a lot
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