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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I am so sorry. The only down side to adopting older dogs is that we don't get to enjoy them long enough
  2. Remolacha

    Trap Is Gone

    I am so sorry, they are never here long enough
  3. Glad the vet thinks it's "just" cystitis! Uncomfortable, but totally curable Glad the vet thinks it's "just" cystitis! Uncomfortable, but totally curable
  4. Another vote for acupuncture! It worked great for Sugar, and for me as well
  5. Gil, I am so sorry you lost your special girl
  6. So glad to hear she is eating better! She looks so cute in her jammies I am too lazy to go back and read the whole thread , but have you tried the nutritional yeast? That seems to have sparked the appetite of several picky eaters!
  7. Poor little girl! I hope she is on the mend and can come home
  8. always worrisome when the older ones have to go under!
  9. Even a little progress is encouraging! Hopefully, she can keep going, in baby steps, until she can wobble around on her own. I think it is a good idea for you to take a break, this has been very stressful. Outdoors, fresh air, exercise!
  10. I am sorry she isn't better yet, but it sounds like she still has a great attitude, maybe she will still improve
  11. I am firmly convinced that it was the acupuncture that really helped Sugar in the long run. The steroids got her started, but the acupuncture got her back to normal. Hope the same happens for Onyx
  12. went through the same thing with Sugar, only her kidneys gave out before her heart.
  13. yeah, I think it's just an individual quirk. Fletcher spends more time on his back than he does upright Molly roaches occasionally, Sallie never has, never even tried, and she is the most submissive of the three
  14. Here's hoping the ABs clear things up. It is odd that it keeps coming back, maybe a different AB, or longer course?
  15. come to think of it, she has not finished her food a couple of times lately (other times she has). I think it's time for a visit to the dentist
  16. I hope she improves over the weekend. Sometimes it does take a couple of days for the meds to really kick in
  17. I'm not even sure this is H&M, but... This morning as I was getting ready to leave, I gave the dogs their cookie, as usual. I always supervise, but mostly to make sure there are no squabbles over crumbs. This mornings cookie were dry, but pretty soft and crumbly. So I give Sallie her cookie in the living room, and go back in the kitchen where the other two dogs have already inhaled their cookies, when Sallie starts SCREAMING. Now, Sallie is a wimp. I have heard more GSODs from her in a year than I've heard from Fletcher in 7 years. But this isn't one GSOD, she is repeatedly screaming. I drop everything and run in there, Fletcher is right behind me and starting to get agitated. I don't see anything obviously wrong, so I get him and Molly in the bedroom and shut the door. Sallie finally slows down to just screaming of and on, instead of constantly, the stops. This all took less than 5 minutes (although it semed like hours at the time). I checked her over, no blood, no cuts, scrapes, no sore spots, no limp. The only thing was, she would occasionally cough, kind of like she had a cookie crumb caught in her throat. I looked in her mouth, everything looked ok. I let the other dogs out, checked her all over again. I waited around for 10-15 minutes, checked her again, nothing. Sorry to run on so long, but WTH? What happened?
  18. When you start adding the organs, if he won't eat them (mine don't do 'slimey' ), saute them briefly, or puree them in the blender and mix in with the ground!
  19. I am so sorry, what a terrible shock that must have been! I know how hard it is to loose two so close together, and on top of loosing your Grandmother and step dad
  20. So glad to hear she is still with us! When my old girl had one of her worst back end failures (she had spinal issues) and we had to carry her into the vet using her bed like a gurney, she couldn't even stand or sit, a course of pred got her going again (and acupuncture kept her going for awhile) hang in there Onyx!
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