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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Well, I am a card carrying member of the dark side, so, with that in mind, I think it very unlikely that the chicken or the steak is the cause of her problems, even if the steak was a bit off. Dogs (all canines) are scavengers as well as hunters, one reason they have such a short (compared to humans) digestive track, as well as very strong stomach digestive "juices". Is it impossible for them to get sick from salmonella or e-coli? No, not impossible, but very rare, and I would think (never been personally involved) they would be very sick. It really sounds like she has a "bug". Her day at they vet plus time should fix her right up. Hoping it is nothing more serious and she is back to normal by tonight!
  2. good update! for a good night. I've heard of several really bed reactions to routine vaccinations recently, makes me very nervous.
  3. I am sorry, it must be hard to loose one so young
  4. How sad I once had a cat like that, unpredictably aggressive, and just got worse as he matured. One vet said he was just "wired wrong". Obviously animals don't have the same mental illness as people, but they can have chemical imbalances in their brain, like people. Rare, but when it happens, there is nothing you can do.
  5. Poor Jake, that looks painful. I hope it heals up without complications.
  6. No, don't cook it if you want to give it to the dog! Really, she can eat it raw just fine, although if it's really big (I've seen some that look like they came from a dinosaur ) you may want to cut it in half, especially if she's not used to it. Use a big knife or poultry shears and give it a good whack
  7. Unless you have a prima donna like Princess Molly, who requires that large pieces like chicken quarters be cut into smaller pieces (and she doesn't really much like chicken anyway )
  8. don't worry about things like salmonella. dogs have very short digestive tracts (compared to humans) and very strong stomach acid to digest all that raw meat & bones. They are designed to scavenge as well as hunt, and almost never have problems with stuff like salmonella. can't help you on the cod liver oil, I've never given mine anything other than salmon oil.
  9. The ground frozen *should* be balanced, so if one dog is getting blocked, it may be temporary as she adjusts. More meat would be good, ground beef or skinless, boneless chicken breast might not be too repulsive for you Also, you can add canned pumpkin (not pie mix, just plain pumpkin). 3% is ok to start with, especially if you are trying to put some weight on, but keep an eye on them and you may need to cut back later. I adjust mine based on time of year, activity level. After awhile you just eyeball it I give sardines about once a week, as well as eggs. I don't usually give the shell, just crack an egg over their food. I also do not feed veggies, one of my dogs can't eat them. As for switching your cats, good luck I have never convinced mine to eat raw, but I think most people who have started with the ground mix. The texture is similar to canned cat food, which makes it easier for the picky, traditional, hide-bound little monsters accept it The sardines will help their coats, or you could just give a squirt of salmon oil. Have fun!
  10. Poor Sparks. I have no advice, everything I did for Sugar's bad back you have tried, or can't do for him. Will he drink Ensure? Eat baby food?
  11. I hope the meds fix Bill up! Maybe if you gave them in his special treat? You know, what he had for his birthday
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