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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. It's good that he is going upstairs! I hope he feels better tomorrow.
  2. I hope it's nothing! I hate that feeling when I look down and say, OK, whose's bleeding?
  3. Maybe he just had a little "spike" in his blood sugar? I am pretty ignorant about diabetes, but I do know in people, this can happen.
  4. Oh yeah, Fletcher takes great exception to anyone walking by on "his" street He often barks and growls at things I don't see or hear, but I figure his senses are better than mine, so something is out there, even if it's just a neighbors cat Actually, I am kind of glad he does it, even though it makes me jump, because I feel safer with this big badass watchdog
  5. Since you have ruled out most of the obvious causes, I would treat the thyroid. Yes, they have to stay on the meds for the rest of their life, but they are fairly cheap, and I have never heard of side effects.
  6. hoping it is just the arthritis moving into his shoulder!
  7. Dee I am sorry Goldie is having such a rough time (and you too!) Am I right in thinking it takes awhile for the pheno to take effect? Hoping things start to improve
  8. I am so sorry, I lost two of my sweet kitties earlier this year
  9. I am so sorry, she was beautiful
  10. I agree with the rest, a different pain medicine, even another NSAID, might not cause the same side effects. Fletcher has arthritis in his shoulders and has IBD. He tolerates Metacam ok, but I've been giving him Traumeel tablets (0ne in the morning, one at night) for a few years and it keeps him from limping with no side effects. It does also come in a liquid. I also heartily endorse acupuncture, but I would wait to see if his doctor thinks it would be right for him. Fuzzy
  11. So happy to see her home! I am sure that will speed her recovery :confetti
  12. One thing I did with Fletcher is switch from a collar to a harness. I was concerned that he would hurt his neck twisting, lunging, I wouldn't be surprised to see him do a back flip . This also seemed to calm him a bit. He does well with 'wait', 'leave it', pretty good with 'nevermind' (i.e., pay no attention to the man behind the curtain ) I've had no luck at all with LAT. As you said, he goes to another planet.
  13. just catching up, I am sorry Goldie is still poorly. I still hope it turns out to be something treatable, but whatever it is, I know you will give her the best
  14. How terrible I am so sorry, losing two so close together
  15. little by little she is getting better! Once she can walk a bit, will she be able to come home?
  16. :candle hoping your two are better in the morning, and no one else gets sick!
  17. I posted yesterday (I think it was yesterday ) in Cute & Funny about how Molly is starting to get silly and playful after a little over two years in my house. She would have occasional bursts of playfulness, but most of the time she was rather reserved. She rarely comes to me for affection, but is happy to get it if I go to her. Yes, she is a Princess . I never really got the sense that she was unhappy or uncomfortable here, I just thought (and still do) that her personality was more reserved and quiet than outgoing and playful. My first greyhound was like that, but she was very shy and timid, which Molly is not. I am kind of a quiet, stay in the background kind of person myself, so I guess it didn't bother me that she was also like that. Also, I have two other greys that are the opposite. Fletcher is a mama's boy who is always in whatever room I'm in, very playful, a real goof. Sallie, my newest girl, I call an affection slut She will go up to anyone and put her head in their lap, and stay there as long as they keep petting her. She thinks everyone who comes to the house has come to see her I guess my point is, three months isn't very long, and he will probably continue to come out over time. That being said, his personality may just be somewhat reserved, you can see from my examples above, greyhounds come in all "flavors".
  18. glad she is continuing to improve! My dogs are all on the three year rabies and luckily none were due this year. I think Fletcher may be due early next year, not sure what I'll do
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