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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I am so sorry it sounds like she got the most out of life!
  2. I hope the meds help! When I read your original post, I thought back/spine as it sounded very much like my old girl who had problems with her spine. Meds and acupuncture helped her a lot.
  3. I am so sorry you have had a rough time lately
  4. Remolacha


    Pam, I am so sorry
  5. I am so sorry that beautiful white face
  6. I didn't have dogs when I last moved, but the night before moving day, I took the cats and rabbit over to a friends house and they stayed with her until everything was in the new place and the movers were gone. Too easy for someone to dart out the door in the confusion! Since you live so close, you could take him over for a visit or two before you move (after the fumes are gone!) so things will look and smell somewhat familiar, but I would guess as long as his stuff (beds, food bowls, toys) is there and his people are there, he'll be fine
  7. I am so sorry she was so beautiful
  8. My old girl got them, she had spinal problems that seriously weakened her back end. She got three, about a month apart. They were a huge help, I only stopped because she was also getting acupuncture which kept her going long term (well, until she passed from something else ) I don't recall the cost, except it wasn't terribly expensive, and there were no side effects.
  9. Glad he is done with the surgery, the worst part is over!
  10. I don't think the bones would be an issue, but I can't really give first hand advice, since all of mine refuse to touch any raw fish Canned sardines, mackerel, salmon, fine, but raw, no way Iceman41, the sardines/mackerel in cans are cooked, and the bones are essentially mush.
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