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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Greg, just saying I am sorry doesn't seem enough. They are never with us long enough, but you made the most of the years she had with you.
  2. Sugar had a leaky valve that eventually (2 yrs? later) caused some heart enlargement. She was on a variety of heart meds, and once we got that sorted, you really couldn't tell anything was wrong except she didn't have a lot of energy. I lost her at 12 1/2, to kidney failure, about 3 1/2 yrs after diagnosis.
  3. I am glad he is home and feeling better! I like this harness, it is a good fit for greys. http://www.ruffwear....2&category=1131
  4. I second the Ruffwear harness! Also, you may have to continue being creative with her food, just be careful to add new things in small amounts (as you found out!). Strong smelling and tasting stuff is good, Bill's Shaky Cheese (aka grated Parmesan), sardines, stuff like that. Also plain vanilla Ensure will add some calories and most dogs like it. Mostly, just make the most of every minute
  5. so far, mine like Parmesan or Romano, but this is good to know!
  6. I am so sorry but I am glad you could be there for him when he lost his home.
  7. Greg I am so sorry I was hoping the vet could do something, but I was afraid this would be the outcome. I have the contact info for a vet who will come to your house when it's time. If you want to go that route, let me know
  8. Bijou Greg, I wish I could fix it for you!
  9. Never had this problem with a dog, but one of my cats started doing it when he was about 14, I think. Didn't happen in his sleep, but he would be walking along and they just fell out. Sometimes he would turn around and look, like "where did that come from?", sometimes he never noticed. Vet couldn't find anything wrong, other than a little kitty Alzheimer's (he also used the litter box, so it wasn't an issue with that). They weren't hard to clean up, so I just did and was glad it was nothing worse. (and if he did it outside the cat room, the dogs would clean it up for me if I didn't get there first ) He lived to 17 1/2. I just saw it as one of the things you do if you have seniors. Peyton
  10. Well, their stress level looks pretty high, but you know they will calm down once they settle in
  11. I've used Fresh Factors and Joint Health since shortly after adopting my first grey, who was 7 1/2. I haven't tried the longevity, although I do use their people Boswellia for myself Love their products!
  12. He looks great! I was so afraid to open this, so glad to see him on the mend
  13. My first grey was shy and timid (and a fawn!) She never really got over being shy around strange people, and she was a total breed snob However, she loved being around other greyhounds, and once she settled into my house, she slowly blossomed into the sweetest dog I've ever had. This little girl is so young, she may loose most or all of her shyness once she feels safe and comfortable in your home
  14. I am so sorry hard enough to loose one, but two so close together
  15. I am so sorry I can't believe you ever failed her in any way!
  16. I agree with Susan. If he loves to play with his Boxer friend, I would let him. I'd keep a close watch, and be prepared to step in if I saw he was overdoing, but I believe, for my animals and myself, it is better to enjoy life, even if it hurts a little later, hell, even if it shortens things a bit, than sit at home safe and bored. This is something you have to decide, like deciding when it's time, it is a very personal choice, but that's my 2 cents
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