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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. hoping you an find some answers and make things better
  2. This is never an easy decision, and sometimes, when their spirit is still "there" but their body is failing, it is so hard to tell when it is time Whatever you decide, I am sure it will be the best for Flex.
  3. What a gorgeous boy! I am so sorry, the pain is not quite like anything else.
  4. Thank you, that is beautiful, and I really need it now.
  5. I am sorry she has to have surgery. It is always a worry
  6. I don't currently have pet insurance, so I can't really speak to specific companies, but I do like the one that doesn't increase with age. I generally seem to have senior pets, and was very annoyed with VPI for increasing my premiums based on my pet's age, regardless of the fact that I had never submitted a claim After Molly's recent $$$ (and ongoing) I am reconsidering, but premiums not automatically increasing with age would be a deal breaker for me. I have heard good things about Healthy Paws, but no experience.
  7. I am glad you were able to find such a good home for her!
  8. I've never seen turkey either, but I don't see why they wouldn't be fine.
  9. It may be related to losing Plummer, or at least that's where it might have started. Molly reacted very strongly to losing Fletcher this summer. They weren't that close, or at least I never noticed, but after he died, she started acting very different, acting afraid of her food, very nervous in general. She is normally a very laid back, reserved dog. She had just turned 11 a few months earlier when this started. Definitely get him checked for pain, but keep this in mind as well.
  10. Molly was switched from metroclopramide to ondansetron in part because it was supposedly better for vomiting, although she has had nausea, she's never actually thrown up. It has worked so well, that she comes into the kitchen expecting to be fed every time I go in there! It is so frustrating when the eat something one day, then walk away from it the next
  11. :candle even routine work is worrisome for mom! hope Zariel and Lexie sail through their dentals!
  12. in less than 24 hrs, her poop has gone from colored water to almost normal :pepper :banana :guns :mexi2
  13. She started some new meds last night, ondansetron and metronidazole. Her appetite is much better! Still feeding her mostly canned dog food, but she is eating it up asking for more (which sometimes she eats, sometimes not) I changed her bowl, I think that really helped, she was associating her regular bowl with food she didn't want to eat. Her diarrhea seems better too, which I am sure makes her feel better. So now to try and get some weight back on her. Her first white blood cell count is tomorrow
  14. I am so sorry loosing any of our dogs is hard, but the velcro ones...you are reminded every. single. minute. that they aren't there anymore
  15. I would tend to agree, at 13, give her what ever she wants Several small meals will probably be more appealing to her, and if she has always been a quirky eater, there are some other things you can try. Someone (Fiona?) posted in my thread on Molly's chemo a couple of excellent links on things to try to entice them to eat. Just changing the bowl she eats out of has helped Molly, although of course I know why she isn't eating as well as I would like.
  16. Thank you for the links! I have dealt with a old dog who didn't want to eat, but no cancer involved, so I know a lot of those tricks. Never hurts to be reminded, though, and Molly is a quirky eater at the best of times. I went through almost two months this summer of her acting afraid of her dish (some of the time) after one of my other dogs died.
  17. I agree, they way over medicated him for a dislocated toe! I am glad he is feeling better this morning. If it was a simple dislocation (no break, etc) he should be feeling much better in about 24 hrs. When Sallie has a dislocated toe, I give her tramadol (she is OK with tramadol) for about a day after, then stop and she is fine. So fine that this last time after 2-3 days she ran around and dislocated it again so watch out for that
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