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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. She is adorable I am glad she is doing better with Ozzie!
  2. I hope Marlow feels better! I think some dogs just have problems with their anal glands. If his poos are good, I wouldn't change anything, but you'll want to keep an eye on those glands, he may have to have them expressed on a regular basis.
  3. As Pam said, a daily serving might give them loose poops, but maybe not, give it a try! When I was tempting Molly's appetite, I gave her sardines or canned salmon every day (as long as she would eat it) and her poops were fine.
  4. The color of the food can definitely affect the color of the poop! If he seems fine otherwise, I don't think I would worry.
  5. That is hilarious! I wonder if there is some handy portable measuring device we could carry with us on walks, to measure the earth's magnetosphere. Just to help them out, you know
  6. First I would take her in for a check up. You know your dog better than anyone, and if you think there is something wrong, there is. However, it doesn't necessarily mean something terrible! Someone on GT (and I don't remember who ) described it as "random greyhound quirkiness" It could be something minor, that you didn't even notice. You may never know, but if the vet checks her out as OK, then try not to worry I don't know how old Ruby is, but I have noticed that all my animals have gotten more clingy as they have gotten older.
  7. glad to hear she is doing better today! such a balancing act when they get old with multiple issues. hopefully the acupuncture will help
  8. no advice, just wanted to say congratulations, Mr. Spock is very handsome
  9. He was a beautiful boy, I am so sorry for your loss
  10. I am so very sorry It must have been terrible for you to not be able to be there.
  11. I have been very weepy today thinking of my own losses, but this made me cry and smile at the same time
  12. She does sound perfect! Well, not for me I have cats, but for you Don't know why you would be worried about the home visit.
  13. That was nasty looking! So glad she is all healed up Manuka honey rocks
  14. I am so sorry for your loss of your Tiny Tessa The beginning of her life might not have been so great, but you made her last years wonderful
  15. She is beautiful I would love to have a Saluki someday. You say she is a lurcher, do you know what she is besides Saluki?
  16. I love my vet too. She was so supportive with all I went through with Molly. On the Friday after Thanksgiving Molly had a minor bleeding episode and I called my vet to see if I should take her to the e-vet. I got a message that she was unavailable until Monday. By then the bleeding had stopped so I just decided to wait. About thirty minutes later, she called me back from her relatives where she had gone for Thanksgiving. She had seen that I had called and called back to see what was wrong! On her vacation! Then when I emailed her about her availability over the holidays, she said she wasn't going out of town, and if I needed her for Molly to just call, anytime. It made a bad time a little easier.
  17. I think they can get bored, and i see no problem with rotating flavors, as long as they have no food sensitivities. That said, I also subscribe to the 'eat what I give you or you don't eat model' It won't hurt a healthy dog to miss a meal or two. Of course, if they pick at or refuse several meals in a row, that is a different story!
  18. Hope she continues to feel better. Once the meds kick in, she will probably feel a lot better
  19. I have gotten better about 'wait and see', but in this case I think I would take her to the vet.
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