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Everything posted by MerseyGrey

  1. Do you know if it’s happening at a regular time of the night? Could it be that there is something that’s waking him up, and while he’s awake, he just decides ‘well, I might as well have a wee’?
  2. She is doing what she is supposed to. She is the supervisor and she is very happy with the standard of work she is seeing from her human
  3. Same from here. Our Buddy is having his second monthly arthritis injection this week. The first one has seemed to make a big difference to him (it coincided with a drop in temperature, and Buddy is much more of a cold weather dog than a hot weather dog) so hopefully yours will work out too
  4. MerseyGrey


    I’m sorry for your loss, she snuck away to have zoomies over the rainbow.
  5. So not the best news but at least you know what you’re dealing with, so you’re over the first hurdle. I have it somewhere in the back of my mind that the disease progression in humans is quite similar- it can be indolent for years and never cause *too* much trouble for many, but for some unlucky few it can transform and become quite nasty. for Milo and you that you fall into the first category
  6. Subtle revenge for Willa the Whirlwind trying to get him into trouble when he was sleeping soundly half on his bed, half hanging off
  7. Even Lambchop is rolling on the floor laughing!
  8. Thanks ladies. I think I will will stick to the stuff I can buy at the raw food shop!
  9. I’ve found the answer - I didn’t think I would find anything as specific as ‘can dogs eat pork shoulder bones’ - but the answer is no. The bones splinter too much so it’s not safe
  10. Happy birthday Sweep. Out of sight but never out of your folk’s thoughts
  11. Apart from the pre-prepared treats from our local raw food shop, we haven’t really ventured down the raw food avenue with Buddy. I have a pork shoulder with bone that I have bought from the butcher to make a stew; I’ve stripped most of the meat from it: can I give it to Buddy as a treat as it is? I would never give him a cooked bone but I just want to check if this would be ok for him to have as it is. Thanks in advance
  12. We’ve not found our Lammie’s squeaker yet. That’s a job for tomorrow
  13. We do not own an ice cream maker and poor Buddy has to make do with yogurt frozen into paw-shaped moulds with things in it. I’ve made it with a blob of honey and mango chutney (the really runny stuff you get with a take away). The Dogs’ Trust had a recipe for ice cream made with coconut milk, a ripe banana and raspberries which went down quite well here
  14. Poor Lammie! So…does (did) your Lammie have a squeaker? Or is that from some other poor eviscerated toy?
  15. I see Grace has perfected her ‘how could you do this to me?’ face (and posture!) while Guinness is clearly plotting your death
  16. You’ll get loads of different opinions on what’s best to feed your dog, but whether you go down the raw / kibble / wet food / mixture route should depend on a combination of what your dog likes and what’s easy for you to manage. We feed a mid-budget kibble with a variety of treats throughout the day. His kibble is topped with yogurt in the morning and kefir drink in the evening (which he absolutely loves!), and we also use Olewo carrots to help firm his poop up. These are dehydrated carrot pellets which you rehydrate as you need them. We rehydrate 4-5 tbsps of dry pellets, which lasts for a few days. They add fibre which helps the consistency of the poop, but if you add too much it will also increase the volume so beware! I spent an awful long time trying to ‘fix’ Buddy’s soft stools before accepting that this is just the way his digestive system works. It might take a little while to establish what your dog’s normal is, and remember that if you constantly change the food it might cause him problems.
  17. Your photos are always stunning! It looks like a good place for lots of sniffing opportunities
  18. Wise words! I think Greysmom hit the nail on the head - if you weren’t seriously considering it before you knew her littermate was available, then hold off for now. You can do this all again at a later date.
  19. It will save your back since you won’t have to get on the floor to give her scritches. Trust me, I know - Buddy won’t get on the sofa so I spend half my time on the floor next to his bed
  20. I have no advice to offer on the logistics of having two dogs, littermates or not. But I have been thinking about this since your last couple of posts. We just have Buddy and he has stolen our hearts in the same way that Cara has stolen yours. And when we say goodbye to him he is going to break our hearts. If you have enough time, love and financial resources, I say ‘why not?’ At the very least go and look into it. You’ll never love Cara any less for having a second hound, but being able to spread the love will help soften the blow of loss. Hopefully that won’t be for many years, and who knows, you might even add another to the pack before then . The main reason why we haven’t adopted another dog (although we have talked about it a lot!) is because Buddy is a terrible grump with other dogs, and although he is much better with other greyhounds, neither of us are home enough to keep an eye on him. I wouldn’t want him terrorising another dog. Us not being home enough also makes me worry that he is lonely and that our home is not ideal for him - which being able to bring another dog home would solve. We should have been more proactive during lockdown! When I win the lottery I am buying a house with extensive grounds and I am going to have loads of them!
  21. You have fallen hard for this girl! Over time you’ll brush it off without a reaction, and the neighbourhood doggy tittle tattle will be ‘have you seen that greyhound and her owner? They are so aloof!’
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