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Everything posted by MerseyGrey

  1. This will become your Infamous Christmas Incident…ours involves a Terry’s chocolate orange which we had to try and trade up (aka bribe him) with some turkey to distract him long enough to retrieve the chocolate. I did actually fear for my life (well, at least some of my fingers) during this incident
  2. I love his sandy snoot! Happy forever home Mooney
  3. Run free Georgie Girl. Take care of your friend Hada
  4. I’m so sorry that you had to lose your special girl; I’m even more sorry that you have said goodbye to two so closely together. to you.
  5. A double rainbow. These are eye-catching even when you get to see them quite often! I have the day off work today and have every intention of spoiling The Budster, until he’s had enough and takes himself off to a quiet corner to get away from it all
  6. Happy birthday Punkin! What an adventure you went on!
  7. My Annie, what big teeth you have! Punkin is not amused…
  8. Nibbling the pumpkins is the autumnal equivalent of taking a moment to smell the flowers
  9. I don’t know if this will help you. Buddy has a nail that must have broken in the past which grows upwards. It is fractured into a larger piece and a smaller piece just at the side. Because of its angle it is vulnerable to being knocked and to breaking again, which it has done once since we’ve had him, which made him limp. We took him to the vet on a Friday, who identified that it had become partially detached, and booked us in to have it removed on the following Monday as he would need to be sedated to do it - it was still too attached to just pull off. Over the weekend, he detached it himself - probably when he was doing one of his post-wee floor scratches - there was no blood, no scream and no more limp. We were told to keep an eye on it to make sure it didn’t get infected but we didn’t have any more issues with it then or since, and it has grown back upwards
  10. Great news! It’s all about quality of life and Fiona sounds like she’s enjoying hers!
  11. I’m sorry, it worked for me so I will describe for you: a photo of Buddy next to me at he kitchen counter, caught in a wink. The caption is ‘hello ladies’
  12. https://www.instagram.com/p/CMfWyuuBcNE/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  13. Thank you! He’s had more cake today and I can confirm that his response is the same
  14. Thank you all! I will pass on your greetings to the man himself. We’ve had a long but chilly walk this morning and he’s managed to find some scraps of food amongst the detritus from last nights’ revelries. I think his eyesight is failing slightly but there’s nothing wrong with his nose since he can still smell a fragment of a crisp or cracker from 20 feet away
  15. Our boy has reached the grand old age of 12! We have been a little worried about him this year as he has (understandably) slowed down quite a lot. We’ve been setting milestones and when each one is reached, we do a little celebration that he’s still here, keeping an eye on us. You may remember that I posted in late September that I was worried about an intermittent limp; since then he has had two Librela injections for the arthritis in his spine and it has made such a big difference! Our walks are longer and faster, and they are bookended by zoomies in the garden. This coincided with a drop in the temperature, which we thought might be responsible, but since he’s perked up again after his second injection I’m optimistic that we have found a long term treatment for him. It’s like having Buddy aged 8 back Better still, since having the injections he is much more tolerant of other dogs, even approaching them for sniffs! I’m still cautious of him around other dogs because of his past reactions, but again, I’m optimistic about this change, although I’m also chiding myself for not realising sooner that his reactions might have been because he was in discomfort or pain. Anyway, he is currently lying at my feet listening to Pet Classics on Classic FM as it’s Bonfire Night here in the UK. Here is yet another reason that I am grateful to have him as my first/gateway greyhound because he is not really bothered about the fireworks unless they are very loud or they are close by and make a whizzing sound. Here is a little video of him in his new t-shirt that we really couldn’t wait to give to him (hopefully you will hear the music it is set to, and please excuse the mess behind him!) as well as some photos of him demolishing his birthday cake - smaller slices this year as he nearly choked last year trying to swallow the whole piece. As you will see, he didn’t learn . Enjoy! https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cj-lwbLqkui/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://www.instagram.com/p/CklOZ_tq_DL/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  16. Hello and welcome, and welcome home Enzo! I have been rubbish at training my greyhound, although he has been very good at training me, so I can’t really help with any the issues you have written about. The advice above seems sound, and there are plenty of experienced owners here who can give you more. What I can help you with is creating a fashound . We have a lovely t-shirt from Blas&co.studio, who donates some of her profit to sighthound charities. Also, look for Bracken and Paws on Etsy for more beautifully made t-shirts. She has just started a scheme whereby people who are struggling financially can have a t-shirt to keep their hounds warm using leftover fabric so each one is unique. We have a few coats from Izzy and Finns Hound Boutique - she makes a variety of designs including Christmas coats, everyday coats, tankies and PJs and she also does work for Hall Green greyhound rescue. There’s a few ideas to wet your whistle, happy shopping!
  17. I think she’s exaggerating and it was just a larger than average squirrel. A pig?!?!?!
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