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Everything posted by palmettobug

  1. I've got speckles, I've got spots Now I've gots an Xmas Box!
  2. Oh, goodness Milo! You sound like my senior cat, he stopped eating his prescription diet, so we went to Fancy Feast. I've had to go to stinkier and stinkier Feasts, now he is getting Chicken Hearts & Liver Feast. Cheap Shakey Cheese, maybe? Heat it in the microwave (STINKYYYYY)?
  3. I'm glad y'all liked everything! Fuzzy enjoys her comfies, too, the perpetually cold houndie-girl.
  4. Quien, yo? Da big Galoot? I will make Mom check for it ebbery hour on da hour!
  5. You are welcome! I like those wooden ornaments, they are not too Christmas-y and you can hang them in your office/cubicle.
  6. Hopefully got everyone on the list, if you get two, I blame the dog. Like I usually do. If you don't get one from me, I blame the PO, they are run by dropouts from clown college.
  7. Oh boy! Oh Gee! A package came, just for me! I will wait, for da Xmas tree!
  8. G does that to me in the bedroom, he gets on the edge of the bed next to the wall and I miss seeing him.
  9. That's awesome. I bet they wonder what bird makes those size craps.
  10. I have one girl in the middle of two boys--she and G have had a few little squabbles where she backed off and screamed, and her and Roman get to chest bumping in play and she gives him a mouthful. Even though Roman is much, much larger. Most of the time she is super sweet and leading the way on walks. So in my case, if I was to get another girl, it would need to be a more submissive girl, because Fuzzy is definitely the Queen. And it can be a bit of challenge to get two to go up stairs, when one is balking! Practice makes perfect!
  11. Doody Calls is another option, to have someone pick it up for you. An empty dog food bag makes a splendid outer bag for the big poop bag. Maybe a little clumping kitty litter for the less solid poops?
  12. Flying Hada, the fastest Maneta at Mountain Hounds: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1psTgO8f9U0MpoEr2tF0Y_uUv4dhrx5jf/view?usp=sharing
  13. She may be having some pain issues, I know my oldest (age 8) is super grumpy when the weather changes. He gets gabapentin, Prozac, and a glucosamine supplement, but still has his "bad" days. I supplement it with chiro adjustments and cold laser when I can. So I would start with having x-rays done, along with blood work to check kidney health especially.
  14. I consider "late" to be Xmas eve. The more, the merrier!
  15. Yes, squirrels...girl houndies only like Jack B. Littles!
  16. No collars for me I am too bouncy when I see a critter I try to getter! As for da stuffies they better be tuffies I'm rough and tumble and not very humble! Soft treats are a hoot no beef, then we all toot! Mom likes little fun greyhound ornaments and things like that.
  17. Teeth of few Easy to chew Treats for mese! No beef please Any flavor is just fine for mine, mine, MINE! Stuffies are fine for that odd playtime! I can shake and shred Then use them for a bed! All colors are keen my favorite is green! I'm a 26" long hound And 32" around. Mom likes tea, natural sweetners, no banana anything (blech!)
  18. Thanks everyone, I've got my elf(ves)! Maybe our elf volunteers would like an ornament or a little something-something?
  19. I've got three, can you help me? Let's get going, tho it's not snowing!
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