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Everything posted by palmettobug

  1. Johnny gets Purina One Grain Free Chicken & Sweet Potato. I mix in about half a can of either Purina Beyond (whatever flavor--beef, chicken, or salmon) or Pro Plan Grain Free (turkey or beef). He doesn't like just plain dry food, I think he has a sensitive mouth and the wet food helps it go down easier. Wal-mart also has their own grain free called Pure Balance in both dry and wet. I've given him some of the wet flavors, they're okay, but I think they have more fillers and he toots more with them.
  2. Thanks! I'll give him Composure tonight and see how he does tomorrow. It's funny what a dog will be afraid of--my Lab could work all day next to big trucks, but wouldn't go near a bicycle and hated walkers and wheelchairs. Go figure.
  3. I'm new to this board--just read your lovely tribute to Minny--hugs and schnoofs from me and Johnny, his half brother.
  4. Thanks! From some of the races I watched, he got bumped a few times and fell. So he would swing wide in the corners to avoid that. Of course watching his victories is awesome!
  5. Hi all: Johnny has a phobia (I hope that's the right word!) of the sound of lawn equipment, like mowers, leaf blower, weed eaters, etc. He does okay with thunderstorms and faraway fireworks (the popping ones are still a problem), but it's weird that he gets so stressed out about these noises. So, how did he get scared of these sounds? I'm guessing it might have something to do with the vibrations, too. I give him Composure calming treats if I can get them in him, and they work, but the landscapers start at 0700 and each surrounding complex has a different day (ours is Thursday), so I guess I'm going to have to start giving him them every night. Is there a better alternative for long term use? Also, I've tried putting the TV or radio on, but he can still hear them over that. Thanks!
  6. Very cool analyses! I've seen my boy John Reese's stats and some of his races, what do you think? I think he's the bee's knees, but I am his Momma!
  7. Nose mites? I've heard of ear mites. Learn something new every day...
  8. Try the Seresto collar for the ticks, they make one for both dogs and cats. Johnny wore his on a visit to my parents' house in VA, he got a few, but they died quick. It lasts 8 months if you don't get it wet.
  9. Love, hugs, and schnoofs to you and yours. Fly free, brothers. Ps--that picture is so sweet, I tear up every time I see it.
  10. HOORAY FOR TAYLOR! I have been following his story in lurk mode, it's so wonderful to see. PS--my cat took Palladia, three rounds, for intestinal mast cell. While it didn't eliminate it (the vet found evidence of lymph node involvement), I believe it extended his life, as we are 1 year post diagnosis and removal and he's doing well.
  11. Hi everyone: Pet sitter or boarding needed for the week of August 22-26, either here in SC or Central/Northern VA. John is good with cats, but will jump on people. He doesn't really care for other dogs, but prefers the company of calm females. He has sleep startle/sleep aggression, but does no resource guarding or food aggression. Thanks!
  12. Hey! I used to live at the end of IH-35! I miss HEB the most. And maybe Bill Miller BBQ second. Anyway:
  13. I think you've made a great start in your preparations and research! I have four cats myself, but everybody did great in introductions--the girls didn't even much care, the boys were a little skittish, but came around. However, they were already dog-acclimated in that they lived with my Lab for almost nine years. We did have a few almost chases, but a sharp "NO CAT" and Johnny would stop. Make sure your cats have retreats that the dog can't access, such as behind the couch, tall cat trees, or even under the kitchen table. Also, don't count on the crate being a permanent thing--Johnny refused to go in after a few weeks, luckily I have two bedrooms, so I baby-gated him in one with his muzzle on.
  14. OMG, thud! My black lab was a Sasha, too! I think black dogs are great, I wish more people knew that.
  15. Pics eventually, I gotta get my camera up one day, my tablet takes pics, but not good ones. There is a picture of John on greyhound data.
  16. It'll be a while before I get another grey--I need a bigger vehicle, for one! John likes to meet other dogs, but then sometimes he has to prove that he's THE KING. I guess I did conflate the issues. Just wanted to get other people's experiences, it's frustrating when out and about and he gets snarky and only greyhound people understand.
  17. He has met other male greyhounds at the local group's monthly walk--and he snarked at them, so on the muzzle went. He even snarked at the females, but I'm hoping more exposure to them will get him, at the least, indifferent. I only take him in there if it's empty or there are dogs he knows--this morning he even played with another female! Females he's mostly good with. His "archenemy" we avoid at all costs, that dog has bitten and broke skin on another male.
  18. Hi y'all: I've had John since October, he has been mostly good, but has a big issue. He doesn't really get along with other male dogs. I consulted a dog trainer, she says he is telling other dogs to back off when he snap-snarls at them when they run up to him and are really pushy. (I use his muzzle when meeting new dogs). We did some work with treating-while-meeting, and that seemed to help. He does get along with a few very chill males that are calm--we have a small off leash dog park at our complex and he has his "buddies". There is one unneutered Lab ( ) who has fought with other males who seems to be universally hated by all the dogs. So, here's the question: For those that have/had two males together, how do you get them to just get along? Do they work it out eventually, or uneasy truce? Note: I've had dogs in the past, but John is my first male! THANKS!
  19. I've heard it referred both ways, but you're right. He would wake up growling the few times he slept in my bed--and stupid me got bitten when I tried to get him off the bed. Totally, totally my fault. He has plenty of comfys to lay on, no more bed sharing!
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