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Everything posted by locket

  1. Strenuous is a run or jog. A slow paced walk is fine. I wait 30-45 mins after breakie for our 20 mins walk in the morning. I get up earlier that's all
  2. 1) If you want him to like his crate, make it a nice fun place! Of COURSE the big bed is much fluffier and softer than a hard crate! Put a nice blanket, feed his meals in the crate, have fun chewy treats in (supervised)... You get the idea Don't force him in. 2) He might have to go, but if you choose to ignore him, watch him like a hawk because you never know! He is new and he is unsure, he needs to pee, that's normal, it should settle by itself. Go about with your usual schedule for the walks, if he ask outside of walking time, go outside, walk around the yard 2-3 mins, then back inside. If he has to go, he will go Every hound we dogsit go outside every hour, then every couple of hours, then half a day, then the whole day. 3) Yes, again, everything is new and you messed up his routine! Once he settles in his new routine, his poop will fall in the routine as well, you will both get to know each other! For tomorrow, have a good long walk before you go (45 mins+) make sure he poops once and pees enough. I am assuming he is crated when you leave? They learn to be clean in their crates so he should be fine Let us know how it goes! His life changed, let him settle, you will see he will adjust to your schedule
  3. I would check for worms because he is relatively new. They are pesky little creatures! We had the same eating pattern with one of ours and deworming worked for us.
  4. Jack had that on his thigh! I actually posted here about it, it was so bloody when it burst! We ended up taking a vet appointment, then a week prior, he licked the scab, ate it and it never came back... Now he has one on the inside of his leg. It looks more like a beauty mark that would have scabbed over and would bleed when pierced. We are having a routine vet app next week, I will let you know what she says about it. He had it since March I would say, it is not growing.
  5. As long as there are tripe and liver for vitamins, you shouldn't add anything. The 10% offals is quite important and adding 1/3 of its portion in other add-up will diminish that ratio significantly. I wouldn't add anything else. If you ABSOLUTELY want to add veg etc, I would also add offals to replenish that 10% (among which 5% should be liver). Personally, I wouldn't bother As for the bones, yes give away, there might be more consistent poops on days where you give extra bones, but it shouldn't change anything diet-wise if it stays occasional treats. Don't wean off, just change cold turkey, it is a different digestion rate for kibbles and raw.
  6. Jack NEVER even tried to get on the couch while we were home. When we are out however, all bets are off for some reasons. Obviously, it is not even a rule at our house as he never did get on the couch, so how can we possibly keep him off the leather couch when we are out? We put chairs on the couch. Even after 2 years, he will get on the couch if we forget to put them on the couch. You can also try aluminum foil. I hear it can be quite effective as the sound is not pleasant, never tried it personally though That said, good luck, I feel like it is a war that can't be won
  7. I know you loved him, sorry for your loss Your photographs are a nice tribute to him
  8. Thank you, we will leave it be and see in the upcoming weeks how it goes. We still have their annual appointment in January anyway
  9. So we have their annual vet visit in January, but until then, I would like to have your input. He saw the vet in August and in September for routine controls and a minor surgery of a mast. We got Charlie in August and has been on the same food from September onward. We feed Fromm Classic and Gold (green bag). In the last month or so, he started balding in FRONT of his ears and more recently on top on his ears, always the outer ear. There does not seem to be any black deposit inside his ears, but we are washing them just in case there might be something. Where do I start? I started cleaning the outer ears once per day with an acne solution, then putting bag balm on them, in case it is the cold weather, but I have no idea what it might be. The skin is moist when touched, not dry, no dandruffs (poor quality photo with flash) He doesn't scratch, is not sensitive to being handled around or in the ears. I'm hesitant to call that allergies but...Ideas would be appreciated <-Toward eye Toward ear-> You can see the thining of the fur Thanks
  10. I actually agree with that. Jack's brother lives with an older (well, she is 5 ) husky and it goes really well, whereas I have been on a home visit where Charlie hid between my legs and cried while the huskies played and tumbled around. So it depends
  11. My vet told me three months when Jack got fixed. It took maybe 5-6 months for his unwanted, learned behaviors to go. He still chatters with an unspayed female and will still mount males. (Don't judge! )
  12. My 68-70 lbs male eats about 3 cups per day, give or take a few treats My 80 lbs male is at 3.75-4, depending on activity and they are both at racing weight. Actually my 70lbs is UNDER racing weight as he was a bit storky when racing
  13. Just a silly thought, but if he likes his food so much, how about feeding him outside? Right by the door?
  14. I was wondering for Charlie, we have the purkle for Jack, but Charlie has those silly tiny feet. It fits even your females? (KLilly is out of the equation for this one hahaa) (Sorry to hijack, we have the purple ones at the moment!)
  15. I just want to say congratulation, as you have very nice products and would love to myself be a customer when I can afford a nice creation of yours (and shipping!) Thanks for sharing!
  16. Black Friday sale! Enjoy 30 % off and free shipping for the long week-end! Happy shopping! https://www.facebook.com/TheCaptainsApparel/ https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/TheCaptainsApparel
  17. Hello and welcome from Canada! I have a hound from RGT, aren't they just lovely people?
  18. Johnny, do you have the DAP collar? It was DA BOMB for Jack when he first came I have no knowledge of the threanine however, sorry
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