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Everything posted by locket

  1. for you and Jake, keep us posted please...That is so worrisome!
  2. how amazing!!! Congratulation on your new addition! And welcome here!
  3. We too noticed a difference within 24 hr. Our loose stool experience was that it was worms...Good luck with your pup!
  4. Is your boy new? Jack never lifted his leg, then 2 months later, he did to mark. I guess he just didn't feel at home enough to mark before that. But yea, usually he leans in the yard. We keep a towel by the door, the "pee paw" and that's that
  5. KNOT when your da momma uses a scraper to get EVERYTINYBIT of peanut butter out
  6. 3 months is quite new, there might be too many distractions outside for him to respond. Also mine will never ever ever ever lie on the floor, even if asked Continue teaching him inside with yummy treats to reinforce the behaviour increasing a little bit at a time the level of distractions
  7. I have no idea if you always did that routine or not, but for us, Jack needs a walk after dinner if we are to leave even with a walk before dinner. Maybe if you switch it up? Again I just don't know if you have been doing this for the last 4 years or not, so it could be completely unrelevant...
  8. My male never lifted his leg when we first got him. He more or less stretched his back legs. Now he will do that only in the yard. Otherwise he is a marking machine!
  9. Here is my experience, hopefully you get something out of this 1. It took 2+ months for Jack to stop barking all day. Give it time. 2. Routine routine routine. Every day in the same order, do the same thing. Even on the week-ends, go for a coffee, shopping, anything. You might want to start with just exiting the door and coming back in 1 second, but do your I am leaving routine! 3. DAP diffuser. Can't say enough good things about it 4. If she is bending her cage, it might be dangerous for her...Jack got out of his cage once and that was the sign he didn't needed it anymore. The first day out he paced paced paced. He didn't know what to do of all this space! So the next day he had only part of the living room and his crate. Then the next week only the living and kitchen. You get the idea Now he gets the full run of the house . It took about a week for him to be confortable with his freedom. You can do it! It gets better
  10. Jack does that too! It sounds like an old man settling down on his favorite chair after a copious meal. ARRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmm.... Usually when we close off the lights for the night and he makes himself comfy on his bed.
  11. I commiserate! Jack is a whiner as well. We always knew he was quite talkative as he barked his head off at the kennel when we got him. However, inside the house with us, not a peep. Unless he wants something. Then its whine whine whine. He would start by whining on his bed, then getting up and whining in our face, then pacing. At one point we said ok enough, and everytime he got up to pace, we would tell him to lay down. Up, down, up, down. Now he’s somewhat “better” at it (although not when DH is around, I can’t seem to train DH, so if any of you have any tips ). Now he will stand up, pace for like 30 seconds, settle down and usually I hear a big siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. That’s my cue, that he relaxed and then he can have pets/trips outside, etc. So yea, he’s better, but he still whines. I feel your pain!
  12. Hey that's cool! Glad he made it home!
  13. Oh welcome and congratulation! Remember that we love pictures on this site
  14. You know how metal corrodes (i.e. on a car)? Well that is some oxidative stress. Meaning that it will oxide (technically put an oxygen atom) on some molecule inside the body. That is not good as it creates molecules super reactive that can damage the cells by "oxidative stress". However, the cells can defend themselves with molecules that will instantly bind with the reactive oxygen. Therefore, it will become unreactive and just be eliminated. Those molecules are produced by the body normally, or we can ingest them in our diet. That's what we call antioxidant. We find a lot of them in berries actually Hope that helps!
  15. Yes, same thing same order. The amount of time you leave (past like an hour) doesn't really matter I found. As long as you left. And the time needs to be somewhat similar. It was harder to leave at night at first. Anyway I digress! So for example, during 3-4 weeks each day we would get up at 6h30 (about an hour later than usual), feed dog, get dog out, have breakfast, then my husband would leave, start the car, wait for me around the corner. I would walk the dog, brush my hair, then bye bye dog, lock the door. We went for a coffee, did the grocery shopping, came back 2-3 hours later. The next day, again same thing, going to church, back home. On Monday, same thing, going to work, back home. And so on Then we started messing things up, we left at night! but same thing!, walk dog, husband leaves, brush hair, bye bye dog, lock the door. Eventually we were able to leave whenever and however we wanted
  16. It really did the tricks for us! We did that for a few weeks then after that we messed around, but always leaving the same routine before leaving, walk, hair, kong, bye bye, lock door
  17. fabulous update! Keep working on that and eventually it will be stress free for both of you! Great progress!
  18. Thank you so much! I did know that her owner was planning on either returning to racing or breeding her, so we knew it was gonna be some time! Teddy does seem to work a lot, I have looked at how many pups she adopts out, wow...She is amazing! In any case, I sent her an email letting her know I am interested and hopefully she will get back once she is less busy. At least now I know I have a few years to plan things out Thanks again!
  19. Yes...you have to change the world one person at the time! Yesterday I went with 3 greys to the baseball diamond. All were muzzeled. A woman arrived with her cocker spaniel and stopped at the gate, saw the dogs and turned around. I called to her "Come on in, it's fine, they will all play together!" She was a bit hesitant, but came in anyway. Playbowing and running around ensued I explained it was to protect their paper thin skin, just to be safe. She felt it was responsible, we chatted and let the dogs play and then we all left In any situations,I prefer to be safe than sorry
  20. Jack is actually racing when we put him in the car, since it is to bring him to the baseball diamond most often than not, habits will never die! Glad your pup is doing well in your home!
  21. Here Jack gets a large Milkbone before time and it seems to do it
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