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Everything posted by locket

  1. AHEM! I feel lyke we habs knot nearly commentid enuff on how BEAUTIMOUS mi Angelina iz in herbs noo collar Yoo lookit lyke yoo habs MUCHO fun at GIG. I hope to go one day. Ivy, yoo collar iz pretty swell too. Butt you know mi corazon belong to Angie. Miss Angie, I just HADDA bark you aboot wot happined! Mama wuz sweating and lemme tell yoo DIS KNOT A PRETTY SIGHT! GO LICK YOORSELF CLEEN MAMA Lookit mi Angie! (DISCLAIMER : THE BUNNY LIVED! NO CHASE HAPPENED BY SOME GODLY MIRACLE, You can carry on reading!) Da bunneh did knot mobe. I did knot mobe. Mama did knot mobe. When it became cleer no one wuz moving furst, mamacita SLOWLY caught up to me and puttid her arm around me to hug me. DEN da bunbun got away SLOWLY. And I let it. I wuz knot sure ifn dis wuz a smelly bunneh or knot. I did knot wantid to take any chance. I hope yoo do knot fink less obs me becoze I did knot git yoo a bunbun presint Angelina mi hermosa! Charlie wuz oblivious to da whole ordeal. Wot a wizz. Ima pee on hisown hed tomorrow. BYE MI ANGIE! DREAM OBS ME!!!! BESOS Zorro el galgo
  2. Phew Miss Fancytoo, we awr RELIEBED! I gotta say, I fink dat's da only time I feel great aboot bum-violashun! Yoor freend, Charlie
  3. Happee borfday Misser Lupin!!!!! dats awesome dat yoo wentid to werk wiff yoor momma-bear and awl those adbentoore! Miss Fancytoo we will be finking obs yoo, keep us postid! Miss Lacifur Ohhhh Miss Ducky, I didn't know, I will tell momma-bear to look! yoor freend, Charlie
  4. Miss ivy, those costume are from a show called Squid Game on Netflix. The red people are bad people, the game masters, and the white shirt with number are people/prisoners who are in to play games and if they survive they could win a lot of bikkie money. Its dark and violent in my opinion. Not a costume I would have chosen with my houndies personally Miss Cynthia
  5. Ohhhhhhhh Lookit awl me freendlies!!! Miss Flashy looks very soft! And Misser Angus, hubba hubba, yoo got awl obs dem ladies onlee fur yoo! Wot a grate bunch! Miss Lacy looka mischievous! Yoor freend Charlie, glad dat Nori habs been found!
  6. Hello me freends! I habs been radder quiet, I know, momma-bear iz trying to figoore owt how to get da noo car fur us (remember, I will habs myown stepping stool!!!!) and also she iz studying. Happy birfday Horsey Cali, Misser Kibo and Miss Joshi!!!! Miss Mam dat's a whole lotta burfday! Hi Miss Kiva!!!! Looking gud! We awr bakk frum da torturinarian. Da bet-office wuz all renobated! It wuz beautimus and also we had much to smell! Da bet-lady wantid to start by Zorro del galgo while I wuz laying on me bed, but when she startid touching him, I thot they ware cuddling and I wantid to cuddle too, so I got myownself up and pushed Zorro del galgo away to be da furst one. Da bet-lady laff and laff and gabe us a big hug. Also, we awr boff relatively healfy fur owr age and dat momma-bear iz doing a reel gud job wiff myown corns. Also momma-bear signed a paper and da bet-lady iz gonna post owr photo on da page obs da bet so we awr famuss!!!! I will stop now and wayt fur yoor GIG stories! Yoor freend, Charlie
  7. Habs fun at GIG me freends! We need pictoores! Charlie
  8. Hello me fre- HELLO HELLO, IZ THIS FING ON? Samba, go 'way!!! Welcome bakk Miss Ivy and Miss Cherry, I bet yoo awr real happy to be bakk home! Misser Zavvi should have a poo-award Noffing much habs been happening. Between da rain and da outings, we habs just been resting or doing walkies wheneber dat's knot raining. Dis murning Samba want- HELLO YOO ASKID FUR ME? Nobody askid yoo Samba! Anyhoo, we wentid fur a walkie and it turns owt, it wuz time fur da kiddos to go to school! Da school iz on owr street, so being free big gentle males, we got OVERTAKEN wiff kidlets who wantid to pat us and I did knot wantid to continue da walkie and da kidlets did knot wantid to go to school! We lyked it bery much! Samba iz go- ME? Yes yoo! He iz always dare. Momma-bear can't do anyfing by herownself anymore! Eben cooking habs become a bit obs an extreme sport! Who wuld lay on da floor when dare iz a perfectly gud bed a mere metre away? Anyhoo, hisown daddymen awr going to pick hisownself up ladder, so I only habs a foo hours to sleep on hisown bed! Habs a gud day me freends! Charlie, tiny pupper beside Samba ME?
  9. Hello me freends! Sorry to heer dat da liddle batty culd knot fly Miss Wiki, DAT'S DA FACE! How can owr momma-bear leabe us ifn we do da gooey-eyes face! Did it werk? Zorro del galgo also does da door opening fing. I myownself respect momma-bear's privacy. Zorro del galgo habs NO personal space concepshun whatsoeber! Miss Andi, hello dare! Misser Lupin, yoo awr welcome anytime, we do lotsa fun stuff wiff momma-bear when we habs a guest ober becoze we habs to keep hisownself entertwained! Dis murning Samba and Zorro del galgo wentid fur a walkie. Dey walkie too fast fur me, so I stayed home. Den we got to play da treato game. Da game iz momma-bear says a werd and den yoo habs to do it and ifn yoo do it, den yoo get a treato! We had libber on da menu! And ifn yoo do knot know wot da werd means, yoo can always lookit at yoor freend and do da same dat dey do! Lookit how gud we ware : Yoor freend, Charlie
  10. Welcome bakk Miss Kathy! Miss Ivy and Miss Cherry will sure be happy to see you and you them!!! Miss Nuttymeg, ware did da liddle batty fly off too? Awr yoo gonna keep looking for it? Habs a nice ride Miss Nancy! Yoor freend, Charlie
  11. Ahem Miss Ducky, ermm...how can I put dis delicately...Samba iz KNOT a gurl, odderwise Miss Angie wuld be jealous! Samba iz a BIG boi! He is humongous compared to my european boys Wot's wiff Miss Flashy knot licking PB!? Dat's messed up! Hurray fur Misser Galoot! Charlie
  12. Freends Freends! Our noo freend Samba iz heer! We wentid fur a walkie and we peed on each odder's pee it wuz much fun! We also played in da yard and he spin around and around and around and we ware confuzzled aboot wot him wuz doing. I wuld lyke sum quiche please! Can owr freend Samba habs sum quiche too? Momma-bear iz feeling bettah! Dis only a small cold. Charlie, going to be a gud host
  13. Habs a nice flight bakk Miss Kathy and Misser Jim! Ohhhh Miss Chris put a pome! Charlie
  14. You can train him to walk nicely, but the prey drive might not get down to the point where he will not lunge forward. I have taught a foster that was pulling all through the walk to walk at the heel in a month, but the lunging still persisted if he saw something. With mine, they don't lunge anymore, but they still pull after 4 years with me if a squirrel come our way. Your safety (and his) are essentials. If you can, try to tire him before your walks (good long play sessions in the yard) but I agree with Ducky, speak to your group and see what's what. Carry treats with you in the meantime so he stays focus on you and not on every leaf blowing in the wind. Teach him a signal (Look, or any other cue) so he learns that when you say the word, you give him a treat. Try to get a no pull harness (for him) and a hip belt (for you). Keep the lead short so he doesn't have as much inertia. It can get better, or not. But your safety should be the priority. You don't want to get hurt. Keep safe
  15. Greyhound actually have ticker fur, and let me tell you, fur doesn't protect anything! It is not a husky! I think with both breeds you can get lucky or unlucky regarding vet visits and such. Especially considering you have absolutely NO idea what a galgo has been through. A grey you might have some medical background on him. They are NOT rough and tumble play dogs, either greys or galgos. A nip can tear skin on either. That being said, I never had anything so bad that it required a vet visit (well except that one time ). You should meet both, you would really get a better feel of the breeds. Remember they have not been raised or bred for their temperament so there is greys and galgos that can fit almost any family. There are energetic greys like there are more mellow galgos. For a first time owner, considering the training and energy expenditure and all, I tend to recommend greyhounds. But there are a few families to whom I recommended a galgo instead. And it always depends on the family situation, how long the dog will be alone, running opportunities (park or fenced in yard), childrens, cats, man of the house, stairs, flooring....The list is long My galgo is fine now thank you
  16. Usually the coat on galgos is shorter (mine is wired haired so longer!). My grey sheds more. As for tail banging and skin scrapes, my galgo has seen more than my grey since he has a longer tail and is more active. I have had more health issues with my galgo than with my grey (both 8 years old now). I have been once to the emergency vet with my grey because my galgo rammed into him while they were running. My galgo, well, lets just say he has seen many specialists and vets and had an operation and all that (unrelated to the running injury). I wouldn't say one is more fragile than the other really, in my experience. My galgo has had tears in his skin more often than my grey, again, they are more silly, so its bound to happen more Greys have a softer coat definitely. It feels like ...I don't know, there isn't a breed quite like it actually...softer than a boxer, a lot, like a husky but not as fluffy and short. Does that makes sense? They both follow me around the house. To each their days, my grey is more cuddly, but that doesn't mean anything, there is so much variation in between the breed. You have cuddly galgos like you have cuddly greys and you have some that don't like that in both breeds.
  17. A dog will make you go out and exercise more. Whatever the breed. You have to be aware though that if you are a homebody and want to get exercise, you will exercise every day, in the rain or the snow, whether you are sick or not for multiple years. Personally, I do enjoy a good hike with my boys (yes grey can hike too ) during the week-end, but during the week I am happy they get enough of their walks and trips to the park
  18. Hello, I currently have one grey (4 years in) and one galgo (3 years in). If you like to play and teach your dog stuffs, a galgo is for you. If you want a house plant, a grey is for you. I love them both, they just have different energy! My grey could spend days inside, just going out for his business. My galgo, I can go bike with him for miles. In my fairly limited experience, both are very thin skinned, both need coats and boots during the winter (in Canada at least ). My galgo can tolerate very high temperature, whilst my grey will be sleeping under the fan when the weather hits around 20 °C. Both tolerate the winter if well dressed. My galgo is super funny with a quirky personality. He did not needed stairs training, but needed a lots of other training (no jumping on people, no garbage emptying, no stomping on your brother) while my grey...well....Let's just say I never told him no . He did require a bit of stairs training. As for recall, both are a big zero. They know their name, they just ignore it! I am currently in a condo and both do fine. They are great apartment dogs. Be aware that both might have separation anxiety which they may express by howling if you are not there. You must be prepare to work on that if that is the case. My galgo has wired hairs. It is a bit like a long-haired jack russel. It is not very soft! But it is pretty. I do think greyhounds are much softer than galgos, but they shed more. Well...more is not that much, they are still both a short coat breed. Galgos can be more skittish, so they "might" be a bit more overwhelmed in a city environment. Then again, some, like mine, don't mind, you just need the right match All in all I would suggest you be VERY honest about the kind of living you have and what you expect out of a dog and TALK to both adoption agencies (grey and galgo). Say you want a dog that you can take running with you every other day, I'd say galgo. If you want a dog to watch TV with at night, I'd say grey. Both need exercise, but greys tend to necessitate less in my (again) very short experience.
  19. 10 gotcha day is amazing! You go both of you ♥️
  20. Hahahaha Elizabeth Yes I am a fan of Harry Potter! And since Charlie is British, it suits him! And no, he does KNOT like having his picture taken. If you want him to look into the camera, you better have some cookies ready!
  21. Can you walk in a loop? So instead of going back on her step she would only go "forward"! Don't worry, this is a common issue. Keep in mind that they change at 3 days, 3 weeks and 3 months. Don't push her right now she is still getting settled in. She will get the hang of life soon, she needs to build her trust. Good luck! Let us know how it goes!
  22. That was from Miss Cynthia! Don't be that guy Merc
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