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Everything posted by ramonaghan

  1. Yay! Congrats to everyone! Patience and time and lots of love... he landed in the right place.
  2. ramonaghan


    I'm so sorry for your loss. Rest well, Snap.
  3. Sending big hugs and best wishes for a peaceful passing for Su.
  4. Sweep in the yard today illustrating the proper technique for investigating your hound's teeth.
  5. No advice on what more to check than you already have, but I wanted to say that Sweep had a cut/abrasion on her tongue after one of her surgeries. She must have bitten it in her zonked-out state or it was from her intubation. We gave her Manuka honey a couple times a day, which she was totally on board with, and it healed up quickly. Hope it's nothing and Mark is good as new soon!
  6. That's beautiful. I think you're right.
  7. I'm so sorry. You are definitely not alone. We found that Galliprant wasn't quite as effective for pain relief as Previcox. Given that you don't need to worry so much about kidney values now, could you try switching to a different NSAID?
  8. Sweet boy. I hope he continues to make steady progress in the coming days.
  9. Could it be static? In the colder, drier months we see this with Sweep sometimes. She'll get a little shock and spring up out of bed suddenly. It's worse with fleece blankets and bedding.
  10. Lovely to hear from you. It sounds like Peggy is doing very well overall and you are doing all you can to keep her comfortable. 14.5 is wonderful! It must be all those long walks in beautiful countryside over the years.
  11. She is so pretty. Glad all went well and she is receiving the care from Dr. Mark she deserves! Congrats to all.
  12. I'm so sorry for your loss. She was so young. Rest well, Poppy.
  13. Used Bravecto for years with no ill effects. The only reason we switched (to Simparica) is because Sweep hated the taste and could detect it in anything we used to disguise it. It became more of a pain to get that pill in her every three months than it is to give her something she'll take willingly every month.
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