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Everything posted by LBass

  1. Wiki, that face guaranteed the delivery of pizza bones!
  2. He's gorgeous and clearly full of personality. That would be an great opportunity offed, not manipulation.
  3. Oooh! I can see them now and those are just great!
  4. Congratulations! Welcome home, Stephanie!
  5. Happy Gotcha Day, Mark! Those girl hounds are lucky to have a wonderful brother.
  6. Gelsey's saga left me laughing out loud. Nate too is enamored of tissues and paper napkins. He's not a shredder nor is he dainty. He eats his finds as fast as he can lest I risk life an limb by trying to filch his treasures. I've resorted to lidded trash cans--took 2 tries to find one he couldn't circumvent--and decorative tissue boxes--these have to be heavy enough that he can't yank them off the end table and I have to make sure there are no tempting tissues sticking out for him to grab. And this is Nate, who is blind. Somehow, he just knows if there is a paper product anywhere.
  7. There were about 2 years when Piper the Perfect, Spirit, and MoMo Meany Pants were all with me, in addition to Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Winston, and OSH Miles. What a great bunch. Piper was definitely the kind leader. Great times! Spirit maintained his new skill of asking to go out. I'd forgotten that old post--thank you so much for resurrecting it!
  8. Oh, dear. Channeling Spirit, by any chance, handsome Doolin?
  9. She's a beauty. Wonderful that she and your Odin are getting along well.
  10. Is there are chance off adding a 3rd dog bed? I mention that because my hounds like to switch beds throughout the day. Nate moves between the 2 living room dog beds several time a day. It might help to provide a 3rd bed as an option when he's in the mood for a change. Having said that, when I had both Spirit and Nate there were 4 dog beds in the house. Yet Nate would stand over Spirit, demanding that Spirit move so Nate could have that particular bed. Spirit qualified for sainthood, IMO, since he would snarl at Nate but, when Nate didn't back off, Spirit would get up and move. I muzzled both dogs when I left the house, just in case Spirit finally had enough.
  11. I'm so very sorry that your wonderful Buddy is gone. My heart is heavy for both of you as you navigate this huge loss. I'm grateful that you shared stories of Buddy with us here over the years.
  12. Those are great photos. I too have the Greyhound/cat relationship. Nate and Tinker (1 of 3 cats) jockeying for my old chair. Nate won.
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