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Everything posted by LBass

  1. Hummingbirds and that cutie pie, Nancy! Here's my recent happy thrill. This Red Shouldered Hawk and his/her buddy are in the neighborhood. I was thrilled to see this one so close! Right on the deck. The deck bird feeders were all conspicuously devoid of patrons. However, all the usual guests returned within moments after Hawk and Friend headed to the oaks in the back of the yard.
  2. I'm so so sorry. You and Willa, Doolin, Richard will indeed be in my prayers.
  3. All of my Greyhounds, even my current black-coated Nate, get brown staining around the mouth from food and saliva. It can help to wipe sides of the face after meals. I'd suspect that the genital staining is also dirt and bodily fluids.
  4. I'm so very sorry for your loss. As others have so eloquently said, the second guessing seems inevitable, but remember--you chose the path that you believed was best for Logan. That is all any of us can ever do.
  5. What a perfect, loving tribute to Laila. I so appreciated reading the story of how she came to be with you, right where she belonged. The photo of her is absolutely perfect and shows just the sweet, winning strength you so skillfully and lovingly described. You were blessed to have found her and she was blessed to have found you.
  6. What a sweetheart Willa is, to want to comfort her brother.
  7. I needed this laugh today. Seriously, I hope the remote surfaces. Blind Nate loves paper napkins, tissues, paper towels. He shreds and eats them. He's also got a hankering for my fabric handkerchiefs. He eats those too, though I am now well trained to zip my purse.
  8. It took me waaay longer to figure out how to post this than it should have.
  9. I saw this photo on the news last night--from excavations in Pompeii--showing what looks like evidence of pizza in ancient Rome. I also thought I saw a hound-type dog making a move on that tray of food. I thought the dog was part of the mural and that it was delightfully hilarious. May sister, seeing the same news clip, did not see the dog. Looking at the clip today in the newspaper, I see that it's most likely just in my hound-obsessed interpretation of the adjacent rock face. What a disappointment! So, who sees a clever, naughty, hound? Note: the belief is that this a depiction of focaccia rather than actual pizza, but that wouldn't have made any difference to a determined hound. ETA: I've lost the photo here but PalmettoBug's link in the first reply shows it.
  10. I've always had rugs out for my hounds. Runners here and there. I've got a blind hound who uses those to stay oriented. I've also used them for feeble, shaky elderly hounds, and for my youngish girl who had corns. Carpets or runners do seem to make their lives easier. I'm sorry you're facing this dilemma.
  11. Happy birthday, Facebook! Welcome to your teens.
  12. Mine is one of the wire crates, 42" long. It has proven large enough for each of my 4 Greyhounds and will most likely work for all but the really huge boys.
  13. Yikes. At least it's outside. Camp Counselor Story: Charleston, South Carolina https://south-carolina-plantations.com/berkeley/richmond.html Back in the days when this wonderful place belonged to my girl scout council and was our beloved camp I was a counselor one summer and sharing the carriage house with other counselors. The carriage house had a lovely screened porch. Outside the porch (thank goodness) there was a spider web that stretched from the eaves to a shrub and from the foundation to the base of said shrub. The web was over 5' tall. I was relaxing on the porch when I head what sounded like a Chihuahua moving about in the leaves outside. The spider was coming home. No more relaxing on the porch.
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