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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. I thought I'd also add.....Ryder gets decisive about jumping in my car if he doesn't have the right angle or if something in his mind is encumbering his space behind him. Heaven forbid his tail grazes the garage wall or that he is not jumping in straight on. I'm wondering if you might need to make a visual block to the empty footwell as she may not be able to have the right......well depth perception isn't the word I'm looking for, but the focus might not be on jumping UP on the car seat because there is a visual distraction and instead a big scary black hole of the foot area is what she's seeing and causing her to stop? Maybe put up a board and cover the whole area with a blanket so it looks more inviting? Which begs the question, does she have any vision problems?
  2. Do you have someone that could sit in the seat with a stinky high value treat and you outside trying to guide her in? Have you tried the run up approach? (Some of em need speed at first!)
  3. Flea meds though won't stop fleas from jumping on your pup, but they will break the cycle of them laying eggs and hatching. I hate them too!
  4. Update? What worked if you've had success?
  5. 4-6 for Kasey when we were under a food trial. We tried each for a month, or a full large bag, whichever came first, but it was always a very gradual transition to the next kibble. 1/4 cup new or something for a couple days, than 1/2 cup, etc. Often the transition phase is where it's dicey. Eventually I just gave up and went raw. Good ever since. So I guess 7 overall to resolve all issues of soft stool as well as major allergic issues. For kibble, Kasey responded best to Limited Ingredient Diet Natural Balance, Fish and Sweet Potato. No stinky gas, no huge skin breakouts, decent poops. But nothing beat raw.
  6. Awh, the runs are really no fun for anyone. Fasting yes. If it persists when you start a bland diet you could try adding some fibre powder (I use Benefibre) to get it back up quickly, although it is a bandaid solution obviously. I have also treated the big D with dosing colloidal silver in intervals - dose with a teaspoon of colloidal silver every 10-15 minutes while symptoms are occurring. As you see them improve, you can cut back to once every half hour then once an hour. Slippery Elm will help with any inflammation. Skritches
  7. Kasey's absolutely tanked when he was on chemo, 50s like you are having, but agree that's in transfusion territory. Is there any bruising around his belly, or sheath or inside of legs? If you press his gums, how long do they stay white/pink? Usually, we waited about a week for the platelets to rebound. I tried to help it come around as best as I could with food, how is his appetite? While feeding something today won't increase levels tomorrow, I started feeding him Vitamin K or B9 rich foods and high caloric foods; lentils were a big deal as was spinach. The platelets need time to recreate themselves.
  8. No experience, but the grey savvy vet I know is a well known ortho surgeon and has seen it all, has also fixed other repairs that were done incorrectly. From what I understand, you'll want to have the best of the best working on her. ACL 's from what I remember are rare in grey's and more common in Rotti's etc. How did that happen? I was lucky Ryder didn't hurt his when he fell on the concrete steps and smashed his knee hard. The only other thing I might be able to comment on is the rehab. Try to walk her backwards, as she'll be using different muscles to do that and will help keep her limber. And walk her in a straight kine over a few towel paper rolls. I don't know if that's something to do for ACL recovery, but in Kasey's case when his rear end was giving out, they suggested to walk him backwards as well as walk a straight line that had towel paper rolls spread out so he'd be forced to pick up his feet and make his joints move. Scritches
  9. We switched to raw to get away from the long list of allergens Kasey was allergic too. While it didn't help that he also had environmental allergies, it was way better than it was. Often, Benadryl can help if indeed its an environmental allergen. The trigger that set Kasey off was when we moved. The change in his environment was drastic enough to send his system into overdrive. If she's had it as long as you've had her but as far as others know didn't beforehand, moving to the house could have been a trigger. A certain kind of detergent, the grass is different, is there someone there that smokes, is shd exposed to different bugs than back home.....
  10. A month is still too early to expect her to act "normal" but I will say that in general, greyhounds are way more sensitive to things and sounds than other dogs. We've learned how to be quieter believe it or not kind of a nice way to learn to be less disruptive to be honest. Give her more time to settle in. Things are still very very new.
  11. Ryder has had a limp issue ever since I got him at 2.5 years old! Still can't figure it out, but I've narrowed it down to a muscle issue and not bone/joint. Get xrays to rule things out and consider chiropractor visit. Makes a world of difference for Ryder. These pups go through so much when learning to run, never know how they end up hurting. Gentle skritches.
  12. Good call on testing for mange. At least rule it out. Vet did that with Kasey (well for scabies too) before we diagnosed his skin allergy. Yes CS is collodial silver. It should get rid of any bacteria and speed up healing although I'm not sure scabs would be any better. I used it rather religiously with Kasey. Feels nice and cool just like a spritz of water so might give quick relief short lived relief.
  13. I dunno about putting Cortizone on it (isn't that an irritant on an open wound?) Do you have any CS? I would spray that liberally a couple times a day to get them healed up, but again, the source and reason as to why it's happening needs to be addressed. That can't be much fun, gentle skritches.
  14. Just read this with that in mind in your other thread! I'm wondering though how to do this - i.e. get the tape sent to a vet to do it, sent to my chiro to do it, let alone getting them on board with the idea, or I do it myself???
  15. Fascinating. I noted that they only had one issue and that was with a thin skinned Whippet. Wonder if they could make this in a less sticky version for our greyt friends.
  16. I always wanted to try, thankfully in a way never a chance, but I wonder if that Band-aid "new skin", liquid bandage stuff might work in a situation like this?
  17. Have you tried to shave the area down so when the scabs crust over there is less fur to grab? I know it might look horrible but.....
  18. Red is no good! That's very strange. I see that his pad near the corn is worn, and he could be compensating his weight to get off the corn itself, angering the healthy part of the pad. Hope everything turns out alright! Keep us posted.
  19. You did good mom, you did good. He's pain free now.
  20. Hmmm, what's going on at the shoulders to always cause this. Obviously prevention is best. I'll always remember this from the vet: Kasey had lots of allergies and they often came up around his head and ears and he'd scratch, and sometimes just scratch his shoulder or the neck around his collar. I brought this up to the vet once and he said "you know though, sometimes a dog just wants a good scratch" meaning, it wasn't necessarily an allergy that was bothering him every single time, I had to let him be a dog sometimes too. So I would focus on how often he's scratching his shoulder. Is it once in a while and it catches because the scab is itchy and you get into this cycle because the scab is pulling on fur, or is it a skin issue? Skin allergies are the worst, I totally feel for you.
  21. Raw changed us too. Never going back. Hard to take the first step but so worth it. Congrats!
  22. Everything has been fine this morning and out of the blue I watch and hear Ryder drag his paws across the laminate. Just looked like he was being lazy or something but I know better. Then I asked him to walk toward me and he was only dragging his back left. Then he got moving and all was fine. I asked him to lay down and he is now sleeping. What happened?
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