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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. Ryder was due for his second Bravecto on Thursday. Absolutely NO symptoms like the last time, so I'm attributing all of his "offness" to the shots he had for his annual, which was likely the Lepto shot he's never had before. I'll pass on that next time. It's very funny how they sneak those things into conversation like it's mandatory.....
  2. My Kasey would whine for about 10 mins after i left in the morning to go back to work after a week vacation. Took him a couple days but he settled. This happened every year. Don't worry, he'll be all good. They just want their humans!
  3. Sounds like he's got a normal reaction to me. He's still getting used to routine and being left alone if you ask me Keep it up!
  4. Spoil him rotten, rice and broth is rather bland so I would start with that. Give him anything he wants (although this might induce the runs) and keep a fan on him to keep him cool. I would call around to see if anyone else could do a home visit for you. I was lucky in being able to call for someone same day on a long weekend to come in to help me and Kasey at home. I knew it was time and was able to spend a day together before the vet got there (it was a busy day for him). Never had previous experience with him, he had no record of Kasey but he was the kindest man I could have asked for to help us and completely understood the situation. There are mobile vets here that do that sort of thing, I hope you luck out. Sounds like at this point it's a decision to make for a day that he is still feeling ok than to leave it one day too late. If you can't find one like that, book the one you know now and get in the queue. I'm so sorry.
  5. Could it be LS (lumbosacral stenosis) and not just arthritis? Older boys tend to develop it and you'll notice his rear end "sink".
  6. I'm certain this is unbearably tough for you. No words.
  7. Interesting it's in capsule form, I can't imagine how a dog might make their cheeks work to puff!
  8. Treats on seat. Let him see and smell them there. Turn your pup around and go away from the car. Turn back around and give him a running start and see if he launches into vehicle. Praise and encourage and high pitched fun voice while you walk/run up to the car and a command "jump" or something to associate the command. I find that jumping into the car from a standstill doesn't work as well as launching from a walk or trot. Treat him like a horse, guide him around in a circle or give a nice straight line (on leash) and hopefully he'll go for it.
  9. I swear you keep recycling the same picture lol Good boy Taylor.
  10. That dish caused Ryder grief today lol. The handler said he stood off camera most of the time to get away from it. Ha! Also some little one in there had the highest pitch bark she had ever heard and Ryder didn't like that much either! I gave him a muscle relaxant when we got home. I can see from my camera he's out like a light right now. Hopefully he'll stand ok today!
  11. Ry is in the Romper again today until 12. Might be the last time I'll be taking him for a while. http://www.dogtopia....owvale/webcams/ It took him days to recover after last week - which in regular terms was completely uneventful, as all of his trips have been.
  12. I dont know perfect ratios, but the suggestions are on the bag. I just put a fistfull into a yogurt container and go. My fists are rather tiny tho. No rinsing afterward. Just take paw out of yogurt container on a paper towel and just dab off the water so paw isnt soaked. Zuri might wanna lick tho since it will be rather wet.
  13. No where close unfortunately. The closest one (30 mins) closed down when I was looking for one for Kasey last year.
  14. He'll be back for potentially a final episode next week Wed am. Not sure when he'll go back after that!
  15. Yup. Wet towel didn't stay on long. He's up and happy enjoying a stuffed bone containing PB and kibble. Coincidentally, I found this today on our local online newspaper. http://m.bramptonguardian.com/opinion-story/6795177-keeping-your-pet-cool
  16. Stiff towards the evening hours in his left hind leg. Seems better this morning. Unfortunately this seems to be the typical thing. Highly frustrating. Can't do very much outside of the norm or he's sore. I don't really get it!
  17. With these crazy hot temperatures, its easy for dogs to get too hot. Tips and tricks are always welcome on how to cool off a hot dog, but I'm not sure I know of the best way! We came back from a walk (29C with 44% humidity during our walk, but is expected to soar to 40C later today). Ryder was very slow heading out, enjoyed a shady trail but a full sun walk there and back - but he trotted home, dragging me! (Second wind?) I hosed him off completely when we got back (not only because he found a good mud muddle but I had to cool him off), good 2 mins under a hose soaking his entire body which he didn't refuse. He drank (on the walk) but drank a lot when we got back. He's now laying on his bed with a cold, wet towel on his still wet body. I even put ice cubes under his paws! He's no longer panting and he's snoozing in front of a fan. He seemed to completely cool off within a half hour of doing this. I'm surprised how quickly he stopped panting too. Is this the proper approach to bring a dog's temp down? (The ice cubes may have been over the top!) Now to cool me down!
  18. It had been a while since I brought Ryder to Dogtopia. My schedule has been pretty messy this summer to say the least. I prepaid for a bunch of days which I use as half days since I don't think his body can really take a longer stint, so I take him on the days I have class in the afternoons. Anyway, I only have 2 more school days left this semester and likely until mid next year, so I figure I better take him again. He's in the Romper room today with the littler dogs. I think the Toybox is too high energy, and I'm happy with their decision! Click the Green dog room to see him. He's there till noon today. http://www.dogtopia.com/mississauga-meadowvale/webcams/ I also note he's been paired up with the first "handler" he had back in March. She's pretty awesome and she loves Ryder and he seems to take to her well too!
  19. It's been a full year since he's been gone. Still feels like yesterday. I never knew how much it would hurt, and it hurt so badly for the first 8 months, and again today. I miss the hound that would settle in the crook of my arm for a hug, and push his head and body into me while we slept. I even miss waiting on him hand and paw. I completed his memory box in April, and set him up with his stuffies on a shelf in my living room. The enormity of how much Ryder and I miss you is not something I would have been able to comprehend while you were around. Ryder hasn't been the same, he misses his big brother, a stable rock that helped guide him. Keep sending us your rainbows. I hope you found grandpa and you are keeping eachother company. Hug your hounds.
  20. When Kasey got visibly slower, we couldn't make it around the block. Most times we just went 20 feet or so to go pee and back. I know its sad when they age and you don't want them to. I had to take Ryder separately since I wasn't being fair to either one of them if we all went out together. What did the vet find? Is her heart ok? Fluid in the lungs?
  21. Do you mean Prednisone? Kasey had the reverse side effects while being on it. Instead of weight gain and being hungry, he lost weight and but was never a big eater to begin with. Never heavily drank either, but thankfully he was on a low dose for most of his life. At his healthiest he maybe tipped the scales at 70, but his racing weight was 66 and he usually hovered around this. A little skinnier than I would like, but that was just him! How is her appetite? Have you tried feeding more? Have you tried Satin Balls (they help with weight gain)?
  22. It certainly is alarming isn't it? My pom did this, had trouble breathing and his heart was having difficulty keeping up. He was older (14-15) and things just started to age and creep up on him. Interesting to hear what the vet has to say. Fingers crossed.
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