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Everything posted by sarabz

  1. Apparently I wasn't choosing the right options to suit Bella. Talked to another vet at the practice who said to offer a bite of a high value treat to see if she'd at least respond. She did! Then she ate about a 1/2 cup of hamburger rinsed, no fat). Beef, not chicken, was apparently the answer! So will continue to try small meals of the beef through the afternoon/evening and go from there. This second vet also had some adjustments to her meds which might help.
  2. Our almost 14 year old was just diagnosed with pancreatitis and it's been a brutal week. She hasn't eaten since Tuesday, hoping today is the day for a turnaround.
  3. Aww, Paddy Mayhem - can't believe it's been 2 years Jan!
  4. Congratulations! This is really neat, thanks for sharing.
  5. Our beautiful Bella's 14th birthday is on April 28. We're having conversations with our vet about the qualify of life scale (HHHHHMM). https://my.vetmatrix.com/0033049/storage/app/media/5c2145cb7e460_QualityofLifeScale.pdf Right now I'd say Bella is a 48/50. If you used the scale, at what point did you say "enough"? Were there areas in which your pet was a 10 and others that were just unacceptable? She's been healthy the whole time she's been with us - no issues except some lumbosacral stenosis which has been a slow progression and arthritis, so we've been very lucky.
  6. That looks so amazing - wish we were going to GIG!
  7. Thanks all! The "mature" formula wasn't available so instead if waiting a week for it to be shipped I picked up their chicken formula adult dog food. So far, so good - Bella's been gobbling it down and her stools are already better, after only a few meals. Whew.
  8. She's doing really quite well in many respects and it's a matter of what will agree with her, not what she will eat, since she would happily scarf down anything offered
  9. Has anyone tried this? I hadn't noticed it until recently. We have an almost 14 year old who is no longer tolerating her regular kibble well so thought I'd give this a try. Testing hasn't turned up anything yet and I'm reluctant to subject her to another bunch of tests if it's just age related. Thanks!
  10. sarabz


    Oh, no, I am so sorry.
  11. Woo hoo! We made homemade pizza last night so our pups got some pizza bones a day early
  12. sarabz


    Oh, no, Ducky, I'm so terribly sorry.
  13. Oh, Jan, you are so special to give your big heart to these campers and show them so much love. I'm devastated to read about Trevor. My utmost sympathy goes to you.
  14. Yes, please, definitely return him to your group and allow your group to rehome him. THis is the best for all concerned. They will have the contacts to help place him where he can thrive with these known issues, rather than him going to people who like how he looks (as an extreme example). You are doing a very hard, but very good thing for him but need to do it the right way by allowing your group to rehome him. We had to return a hound and within 2 weeks of being back with our group was adopted out into the perfect situation for him - it was not easy but so much better knowing that he had the support of the group to place him appropriately.
  15. When I bought ours, it was on 50% off so I bought a second one which is currently in the box. Really glad I did that now!
  16. I created a public Google Map of all of the participating wineries & breweries.
  17. I'm getting excited! I do want to do the glassmaking at the Corning Museum (thanks Tricia!), just debating the reservation times.
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