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Everything posted by Jerilyn

  1. Excellent work, Gelsey! Bandits can come in any color. I think sweet potato was a good choice. As you may have read, Wiki recently made a mistake and took a sip of red wine. She does not recommend it. Wiki sends a snoot boop of bandit solidarity.
  2. Ah yes, things on dogs' heads is always a grievance. I can only imagine what a Nashlorette party is, but it sounds horrible. Wiki also has a lot of complaints; not enough Wiki walkies or rides in the car, only getting meat for supper and having to eat kibble for breakfast, and not being allowed in the basement are probably the most grievous.
  3. I hope Elf makes a full and quick recovery and can be released.
  4. He looks so sweet! Good job helping him to be a great addition to someone's family. Maybe the next one will stay forever.....
  5. That's great! Poor girl seemed a bit disappointed it was only shoes in there. Wiki is a good paper ripper, I'm going to see if she can do this.
  6. No way! I'm shocked there are more of these things out in the world!
  7. This is a house on one of our Wiki walkie routes. I know it's there, but it startles me every time.
  8. I thought it was going to be Krampus, but nope, that's sasquatch.
  9. That's awesome! Keep up the good work.
  10. What a pretty girl! Are you keeping to the rules and giving her daily milk allowance?
  11. Mark, you've got to wipe your snoot before you come in the house and then no one will know.
  12. Happy birthday AnnIE! We love a wild, old, white faced lady around here! I hope you get lots of pats and maybe something special to eat too. Wiki is just a couple months behind you and will be looking to you as a mentor.
  13. Poor Punkin! She looks cute though. Also curious about the woowoo drops and if they would help a certain houndie who will destroy the house when left alone?
  14. A houndie wants what a houndie wants. And a houndie gets what a houndie wants.
  15. Happy 12th birthday Punkin! Look at that sweet face! And your snow already!
  16. I'm so happy for all of you! Great pictures and video (look at Willa go!) but I really want to know what happened once Doolin got into the sea.
  17. AnnIE, you are so much like Wiki! And because of that, I know that it was a Black Bandit who stole a scone, not you! And getting right back up after a slip, that just shows that you're in great shape! PS for mom - fabulous just add water scone mixes https://custombakehouse.com/collections/stickyfingers-landin-page
  18. How did I miss this exciting news all weekend? He seems like a very sweet, good boy. And handsome too! I'm glad you'll be visiting him again next weekend.
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