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Everything posted by Jerilyn

  1. I was unloading groceries when my bag disappeared. I assumed the Black Bandit had stolen it. I was not expecting this.
  2. Send her here. Since AnnIE and Wiki are pretty much the same person, I'm most qualified to take her on. Plus if I take them out one at a time, no one will even know that I have two dogs. Wiki's middle of the night routine is to whine and trot up and down the hall. Sometimes she'll get out a toy and throw it around. I tell her to go back to bed and if she does it was just some wild Wiki time but if she comes and pokes me with her snoot it means she really does have to go out for a potty.
  3. Punkin! I'm glad you got your Frisky back.
  4. It seems like that what happens on a rainy day or a sunny day or a snowy day. Masters of relaxation.
  5. Backandforth for Mark! And some extra snuggles for Gracie.
  6. Congratulations to all of you! It sounds like it was meant to be.
  7. Thanks for alla the good wishes! I had a great birthday and plan to continue to be a bandit. Wiki
  8. Today is Wiki’s 11th birthday! She’s got a little more white than when I got her three years ago, but that’s the only sign of ageing. She throws her toys around every day and does her wild Jump Around routine when it’s time for her most favorite thing, Wiki Walkie! She got a cookie so big that I had to hold it so she could take bites. Happy birthday, dear girl!
  9. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to Max. But I am glad you got to introduce him to all of us here. He had a wonderful life!
  10. You're a lucky guy, Nate! And also vary handsome with shiny furs. Your Ma doesn't share pictures of you enough.
  11. Punkin, Wiki is 100% with you on this! A girl's gotta leave her mark. Wiki once climbed onto a shelf to pee on some kind of woven grass mat for rodents. So I understand your mom's embarrassment. And I have also "punished" Wiki by making her wear things on her head. This seems to just all be normal behavior.
  12. Congratulations to all of you! Almost 8 year old black brood momma was what Wiki was when she came here. But Freshy seems too good and sweet to be a bandit. I love the picture of everyone eating their suppers so nicely.
  13. Awww, he is indeed very cute! And nearly 14 is great!
  14. What fun you're having! Seems like Sammy has made the best case for staying with you permanently.
  15. I seem to remember reading something about how way back greyhounds descended from herding dogs. It takes me forever to get out of the house for Wiki walkies because she's so underfoot. Circle, circle, shove, circle, circle, stop. All while doing the high jump.
  16. Happy birthday Mark! Wiki will be joining you at 11 in a couple weeks. You've got way less white on your face than she does.
  17. Punkin, it looks like you've grown wonderful wooly new furs.
  18. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. It is quite shocking. Wiki, however, gives Doolin a high four. Wiki, who has double digit mouse and vole kills, doesn't even look at the rabbits anymore. I think she's realized that they will get out the fence before she gets to them.
  19. Look at those noodle tails whipping around! Can I borrow Willa for a little while to tell off the stupid shepherds that live behind us?
  20. Punkin, you are very cute! I'm glad you had a good day of exploring.
  21. Yay for Doolin & Willa! Fingers crossed that it's a permanent fix this time.
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