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Everything posted by Jerilyn

  1. Wiki saw this and has taken it as a lesson. The past three days on Wiki walkie she spotted older ladies working in their yards and stopped and looked at them with her big eyes until they said, "what a sweet dog" and came to pet her. Annie is a good role model!
  2. Those girls are so sweet! And whirld famiss in your new town already too!
  3. You will make it work, either way. The kennel manager will have a good idea what the dogs are like but they could be someone totally different in your home. I thought I was getting a middle aged lady with a host of medical problems who just needed someplace stable to rest - I got the Black Bandit.
  4. You'll be great! Go for it! Get a black one.
  5. Happy 14th birthday Val! That is quite an accomplishment, congratulations!
  6. I have a basement but there was a tornado very close to my house when Lila was elderly and wouldn’t go downstairs. She did not tolerate being picked up and even if she did, carrying her down the stairs would likely have resulted in disaster. I didn’t know what to do and I don’t know what the right thing to do is. But I decided it would be no good if the house was hit and we were both trapped or injured upstairs so I took shelter in the basement. Lila laid down on her bed in my bedroom. I was terrified. Luckily the tornado passed us over. If I didn’t have a basement or interior hall, I’d go to the bathroom, probably in the tub with the curtain closed. I don’t think I wouldn’t crate a greyhound out of fear of her being trapped in there. I would definitely have her on a leash. I would crate smaller animals whose crate I could carry. Tornadoes are especially scary since there is usually little to no warning they are coming so it's good to have a plan.
  7. Have you been here? No kidding, the other day I found the toys in four piles of four each. I thought she was doing geometry or something.
  8. Just a note from the other side that too much fiber is not always a solution. Wiki came to me on food with beet pulp in it and added benefiber. She pooped like a horse! In quantity and frequency. Her loose stools were due to hookworms, but she went back to normal amount and frequency when I stopped the benefiber then switched her to a non-beet pulp food.
  9. Nah, she's a tough old farm girl, she's not into that kind of stuff.
  10. You guys! Quit siding with this spoiled dog! She has so many toys! I put some away so I can switch them out so they are fun again. And other than killing the squeaker, she doesn't wreck them so none ever get thrown away.
  11. I work from home but have had very busy days lately so Wiki is left to entertain herself. She doesn’t have enough toys so she had to take the throw pillow off the chair.
  12. Yes! She does that pose all the time in her stretching routine too. Sneaky, yes. But subtle she is not. I love hearing about the other snoots in the air.
  13. I have not heard of a cough as a hookworm symptom. But who knows what those horrible creatures can do? I hope you can figure it out, I know how hard it is to seem them unwell.
  14. Kestrel, thanks for sharing your experience with Profender. Lucia has a very similar story to Wiki’s. It seems like these brood mamas who spent a lot of time on the farm have the tougher cases. So Wiki ended up having three fecal tests in a week. First one they just did an antigen test in error and of course that was positive. Second one did see a low number of eggs. My vet had the same article I did from UGA so we opted to do the more extensive test detailed there to determine if we were dealing with an active infestation or larval leak. And no eggs or larva or anything was found. So we are assuming it’s a larval leak situation. We are doing one more round of Drontal just in case and will stick with the Advantage Multi and periodic tests. Wiki is completely asymptomatic so at least that’s good.
  15. I am so sorry! Sweep was a special girl and you took such great care of her. She had so many quirky things in common with Lila, I like to think they are hanging out together now. ❤
  16. Oh, she does that too. These dogs are such manipulators!
  17. Wiki will stick her snoot straight up when she wants me to rub the underside of her neck and her chin. Any other houndies do this or is she a weirdo?
  18. You're so patient and kind with him. After calling Wiki three times with no response I'm, "fine, stay out there until you catch on fire".
  19. Happy Gotcha, Logan! He's just smart enough to know geese with babies are trouble.
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