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Everything posted by Jerilyn

  1. Is Doolin still doing well today? No side effects? I hope you're not going to face this same issue with the new girl.
  2. Y'all got me with the slugs. Once I thought Lila had some horrible foot disease, it was a dead moth stuck between her toes. I was the hero at a greyhound walk once when one of the dogs was making odd chewing motions. The owner was worried about a tooth problem or something more serious. I had seen this before and just gave the snoot a little rub to move the stuck biscuit piece - cured!
  3. Good luck Doolin! Let us know how it goes.
  4. Congratulations to all of you! I love her dark face.
  5. Sounds like she was super excited. Most likely excited to play but it could have been a prey/hunting thing too. It's hard to tell sometimes, especially with dog you haven't known very long. I can't always read my girl, so if I think she's getting over-aroused I quickly distract her or break her focus just to be safe.
  6. I think just exploring their world, dogs use their mouth like we use our hands. Maybe a little "weirdo greyhound" too. I think wood especially would have a satisfying chew.
  7. Sounds like you had a great day, despite the disappointing lunch.
  8. Lately, Wiki has been a food critic. It's very hard to get a good review from her. She is also a personal trainer and insists I go for a walk every day.
  9. It sounds like they are following the protocol in the paper from UGA. It’s here, you need to create an account to read it. https://www.cliniciansbrief.com/article/persistent-or-suspected-resistant-hookworm-infections According to what I remember reading, if they did an actual count of eggs/worms before and after the Moxidectin and there was no change you are dealing with resistant worms (opposed to larval leak which we assume Wiki has because she’ll test antigen positive but there no eggs in her stool) and Profender is the only course of action. For me personally, it sounded a little scary due to the very small sample size, possible side effects, and the complicated math to calculate the dosage. My vet & I were both glad we didn’t have to go down that path. But, if that’s the only option what are you going to do? Is Doolin symptomatic? Still having squeaky belly and bad poops?
  10. Poor Mark. He looks like he's thinking it is a vary unsatisfactory bed but he'll make do because he doesn't want to complain. I had no doubts that Stella found something better.
  11. He probably just needs some biscuits. Wiki had horrible belly noises when her hooks were bad. Once they were treated the noises stopped. But random gurgles happen too, Pepcid usually works for those.
  12. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to Val. It sounds like she was a special girl.
  13. Interceptor was my preferred product. Then Wiki had the hooks and she went on Advantage Multi. She got a negative hookworm test and I was out of Advantage but had Interceptor in the house. She had two months of Interceptor then tested positive for hooks again, with eggs and larvae present. Went back to Advantage and now is just antigen positive. I could be wrong, but I think the Interceptor wasn't enough and allowed the hooks to go from hiding larvae to an active infestation.
  14. She got a taste. But they were too good to give one whole one up. I've finally learned the secret to a good turkey burger - don't buy the 100% lean stuff, get the 80/20. I added some of Wiki's shakey cheese and fresh basil to these and served them on a toasted ciabatta roll with some tomato sauce. So good!
  15. Instead of brindle they should be called "swirl".
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