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Everything posted by EllenEveBaz

  1. Welcome to Mr. Chips! He does look all greyhound in the pic.
  2. Welcome to your new bed, Miss Star! Gustopher P. must be smiling goofily again.
  3. Congreytulations to Wesley and his new family, and a tip of the hat/heart to Monty for a job well done.
  4. I had never noticed that. I had to go look on mine to see. But to answer your next question: Yes, that straight groove straight across their lower muzzle is supposed to be there. (On my first greyhound, I was terribly worried about what seemed to be an old "break" on her nose.)
  5. Bella, you are gonna be a lucky, lucky girl.
  6. Sounds very encouraging!!!!! My first grey was just about perfect, except for being a world-class food thief, but doing obedience work with her raised my confidence and helped us bond. Do we have a name and pictures of your girl?
  7. Sending all sorts of good thoughts and gentle hugs.
  8. Wendy, I'm exhausted after just reading your post.
  9. Three words for you: Meat-flavored toothpaste. There's also a couple of products that are sprays, which evidently some dogs tolerate better than brushes. There was an brief summary in the latest CG Magazine (CG stands for Celebrating Greyhounds) of some preliminary findings from a large study about bloat. Not the most scientific study -- I think it was a questionnaire of greyhound owners -- but still, it covered thousands of dogs. Speed of eating was not listed as a risk factor. Oddly enough, the dogs that were least likely to bloat were females who exercised (e.g., ran around the yard) immediately after eating! Laurenbiz, I think it's hard to generalize about amounts of food. It depends on the individual dog's metabolism, amount of exercise, # of calories per cup in the food, etc.
  10. Romie does the same thing. I've given up trying to keep the toys inside -- I just try to gather them up before the lawn mower gets them. My Baz used to try to take a toy out in the back yard sometimes. However, Eve would take the toy from him and march it right back inside.
  11. I like having the dog walk on the left because much of our walking is on streets with no sidewalks. Walking on the left side of the street facing traffic (in the U.S., anyway), having the dog on my left keeps it further from cars. My command to stay on one side is "On the left." Back when I used to do something resembling running, I put the dogs on my left and said, "Let's jog." That was the message that we were not out to sniff the pee-mail.
  12. Variation on the hunt for treats game -- other kinds of scent-oriented activities? Let her sniff a particular smelly substance. Then put that smelly substance on an object, hide it, and let her find the object. Or have her pick out the smelly object from similar ones without the smell. My Romie could pick out a molecule of beef scent from a mile away. I think it's a competitive obedience task, to pick out the doggy dumbbell with their human's hand scent on it from other dumbbells? Let her channel her inner scenthound! Sending best wishes for her recovery.
  13. Sending our healing thoughts, too, to Bacchus and his family. Hoping he's enjoying a comfortable Saturday.
  14. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl.
  15. Anna -- Even though he grew into a handsome and dignified gentleman (Ziggy? who knew?), I always think of him as the zany beanpole of his late puppyhood. His 1st birthday pics on the Burpdog site were one of my favorites on all the Internet. Through all the posts, your love for each other shone through.
  16. This is how I've done it with 5 dogs. It sounds like you're doing everything right; eventually it will "click" with one of the dogs and then they'll both be using it.
  17. Glad to read the encouraging update.
  18. Sending a gentle hug to Sam. Glad all the trauma and drama ended up with him moving better.
  19. I try not to let the dog eat the treat if they don't snap it up in mid air. Increases their motivation wonderfully! Nutmeg is still (always, chronically) clueless, but Romie has developed blazing jaws of steel. Also, I make them stand back about 3 ft. so they have time to track the trajectory.
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