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Everything posted by EllenEveBaz

  1. Remember that some of the people whose food research is the most respected on this board are the first to say that you should use whatever works best for an individual dog. Just for my curiosity, how low a protein % is your vet recommending?
  2. No experience here; just adding our good thoughts to Argos's collection. By the way -- what does Argos's racing name -- Bigalsasubvet -- mean? Big Al's a Sub Vet?
  3. Terrific news about the lipoma and that she's recovering so well!
  4. Hope you all had a restful night with sweet dreams.
  5. Greyt update, and we'll keep all paws crossed for the test results.
  6. I'm so glad the surgery went well and she's home. Did they send good painkillers?
  7. Sending best wishes for Sara's healing and eating. Home soon, baby girl!
  8. Yowza! I hope you'll update us after his follow-up visit. I didn't know there were different kinds of stones. I gather the kind will determine what sort of preventative diet he'll be on?
  9. Sending all of our good wishes to your girl.
  10. No advice to add, just sending big hugs of encouragement.
  11. This is a tough situation, but we hope that Sara will soon be amazing all of her friends and family with her 3-legged zoomies. Sending lots of extra ear scritches.
  12. Holding James and his family in the light. And keeping all paws crossed, too. Hang in there!
  13. Or maybe happier because she's on good drugs PSSST -- Bijou! ICE CREAM!!!! Just ask for it -- he is putty in your paws.
  14. Change of address: EllenEveBaz -- change from NC to southwest Virginia
  15. Something for Bijou to look forward to -- a few days after the dental, a little vanilla ice cream (followed by oral hygiene, of course). So soothing to the gums!
  16. Yes, that's what I understand, too -- at least in the early and moderate stages. A low protein diet may not be needed until the late stages. Glad he's eating. Are you giving him any treats besides the canned food? Did you see the info. in the articles about being able to reduce phosphorus levels by adding calcium and foods high in potassium to the diet? I forgot that one of the things Scout absolutely loved was a white egg omelet (yolks have phosphorus) with just a little cream cheese for flavor.
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