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Everything posted by EllenEveBaz

  1. What a gorgeous pair. Love the catching air pic.
  2. Congreytulations! What made her pick you out -- besides the matching hair color, of course?
  3. He's even more handsome upside down than he is rightside up, if that's possible.
  4. Another swoon for Singh! And a snort, too
  5. Adding our welcome, too. Everybody's different when it comes to what to do when a new hound comes home. I totally agree with the get-a-routine suggestions above. And I think that even if you take time off work, a good goal is to have a routine similar to when you return to work. Morning and night schedules roughly the same, and maybe practising some "alone time" so the dog is accustomed to your not being there. I took a few days off for my first greyhound (my boss joked that she was used to maternity and paternity leaves, not puppernity) but not for the rest.
  6. Circe is a beautiful name. I'll add my vote to the "give her time" column. Some other random comments: 1) Since she enjoys running in your BF's mother's yard, try engaging her there. Act silly and pretend to chase or run from her. Do the human version of a playbow. Try tossing an animal-looking stuffy in front of her as she's zooming around and see if she goes for it. If nothing else, practice the "come" command with lots of praise and rewards once she's gotten her ya-ya's out. 2) Large amounts of poop and farts -- this can be a grey's reaction to the stress of adjustment, or it could mean she would digest another food better. Or both. You might want to think about cautiously transitioning her to another food. 3) Growling over a threatened pig's ear -- There are different philosophies of dealing with growling at a human, but I belong to the Zero Tolerance school. I use the Voice of God and body language to demand the dog back off the treat, fast. Then I praise. Other, smarter people start training by letting the dog trade up to an even yummier treat as a reward for "drop it" or "leave it." Also, the pig ear might be contributing to the problem above. 4) As suggested before, can you meet up with other dogs/humans for a fun playdate? Another grey might be best for relaxation for her and talking with other grey folks for you. Best wishes for you and your pup!
  7. Anna, it is just CRAPPY that the Zigster is having these problems. No knowledge or experience here, but sending lots of gentle
  8. Adding our good wishes to the collection.
  9. Adding our hugs and prayers for comfort in your grief. You gave her every chance you could. Most young children are unable to understand the concept of death. When I worked at a hospice, this is one of the books we recommended to try to help explain death: Lifetimes. It is not overtly religious; it just tries to explain that all earthly life is finite and that it is natural to be sad when it ends. The artwork is beautiful.
  10. Our good thoughts are already there for him.
  11. Oooh -- I get to be the first one to wish Ms. Nedra all the best. We'll help you worry until she's safety back home.
  12. ((((((((Indigo)))))))))) I've never had a dog let me know when it was ready to go. I've always had to make that decision on my own.
  13. Sending all sorts of good wishes to Pop.
  14. Adding best wishes for sweet dreams for dog and human.
  15. Adding all of our good thoughts to take with her tomorrow.
  16. /hijack How is Sid's swimming therapy going? Notice any results, either way? /end hijack
  17. Greyt news. Now we'll hope for less fluid. Did Clark get extra treats?
  18. We've been telling and telling and telling you humans -- NO BATHS! What does it take to get it through your stubborn heads???? Poor innocent greyhounds collapsing in the cruel, hard basin of torture and possibly conking our delicate little heads??????? Indignantly, on behalf of greyhounds everywhere, Nutmeg and Romie
  19. Adding our hugs and best wishes to all the love being sent Indigo's way. I'm so sorry for the diagnosis.
  20. You get through it by being strong for her, keeping her from sensing that you are so upset, and making her life as happy and pain-free as possible. Then you can fall apart after she's gone.
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