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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. She is adorable! Oh, and just a head's up - it looks like you have a dog hair on your car upholstery.
  2. Rocket just had this surgery for the 2nd time. It was removed once about 6 months ago, and the cyst came back. This time, we had it removed again, but also had a dental cleaning done (no extractions need - yeah!) and another benign cyst on his right flank removed all at the same time. He did beautifully. I'm sure Otis will handle it like a pro! Otis - Rocket says to milk it for all it's worth and demand some extra treats.
  3. Tricia, Burke and Holly, I am so sorry to read this. I knew he still wasn't quite himself when he turned down sardines on the beach at Dewey, but just chalked it up to all he had been through. (It's a Dewey tradition for me to bring Murray some stinky fish to eat while we sat on the beach.) Murray loved the beach, and I always knew when I saw him there that he was in his favorite place in the world. Without you, he would have never been on that beach all of those times, enjoying a nap in the sun As someone who also has a sleep startled, space aggressive boy, I know what you mean about being on guard and managing every minute of every day. Still, I wouldn't change a day of our time together. Some people won't understand that, especially after being bitten once or twice. Just know that I am right there with you, and am already missing my beach buddy, Murray. I am so sorry for your loss. Run free, Murray. I'm sure that Chef Seamie will put some stinky fish on the bridge buffet for you.
  4. A Google search turned up a link to an old thread with pictures of hounds in their Bow Wow Bonnets. These pictures bring back lots of great GT memories, all thanks to Miss Donna.
  5. I don't know the whole history but I know that she had several periods of health problems the last few years and got to a point where she couldn't operate the hat business. I know there are a few folks here who were very close to her and we would sometimes hear updates about her through some of them at events. She was huge part of GreyTalk and greyhound life in general for many years. She will be missed by many.
  6. Rocket's Mom was friends on Facebook with Miss Donna from Bow Wow Bonnets. Over the years, many of our hound friends here on GT have had their heads adorned with her creations. Miss Donna's husband posted the announcement of her passing about an hour ago. We are so sorry for the loss of Miss Donna, and send our sincere sympathy to her family and friends. . (Corrrection - the post was made by her son, Rick.) I know that there will be some of our good friends from the bridge there to meet her, all wearing their finest hat. In tribute to her, please post your hound in his or her Bow Wow Bonnets creations. Screenshot From Facebook: Rocket in one of Miss Donna's custom hats.
  7. Twiggy has always been one of our GT favorites. Paws crossed here for Twiggy.
  8. Keeping it elevated. Way to go Sweep! Feel better soon.
  9. Jake. Hope you are feeling better today, buddy. You need your strength for that wild New Year's Eve party.
  10. When I feed canned I like to use Evanger's. Some of the varieties can be a little pricey, but overall I've been pretty happy with the quality of the food. I use the Organic Canned Chicken when we need a bland diet instead of going through the hassle of boiling and shredding a chicken. Then I just add rice, pasta or whatever add-ins I'm feeding. Keeping it on hand has allowed me to start the bland food as soon as I need it rather than having to cook or thaw something first. Every once in a while, Wag or Amazon will have a pretty decent sale on the Evanger's products.
  11. Rocket had a dental a little over a week ago. His teeth were in great shape, so he needed no extractions, only some tartar removal and a polishing. I fed him canned food for a couple of meals, then went to a mix of kibble and canned for 2 more meals just in case he had any sensitvity. He inhales his kibble and doesn't chew it, so switching back wasn't a big deal. Your vet should give you instructions when you pick her up based on the extent of the work needed. Brushing may not be an option for a few weeks if there are extractions. Remember that extractions can go pretty deep on some teeth, so the amount of healing time needed is best determined by the vet.
  12. The instructions on the bag are confusing and really don't help the situation. Water doesn't have to be boiling but hot water seems to dissove the pellets much faster. Making them the night before seems to work best, but some people have also made larger batches of them to use for several days. If you make a large batch, I would probably refrigerate them, but I don't bother with that since I make them daily. Don't over-think it. Dump pellets. Dump water. Cover. Walk Away = Carrots.
  13. For Rocket I use 4-6 oz of boiling water (nuked on the beverage setting) to 1TBSP Olewo Carrots. I make them the night before and just put the dried carrots and water in a bowl, cover it and walk away. I don't add oil to the carrots because we use Springtime Skin and Coat Oil on each meal. Rocket then gets half of the resulting carrots on his breakfast, and half on his dinner. I've found that you don't have to be all that precise with the water measurement which is why I say 4-6 ounces. As long as it's close, it works. As long as you cover the bowl with some plastic wrap or use a contianer with a tight fitting lid, they won't dry out before you use them.
  14. Our sincere condolences to her family and friends.
  15. I found a few sites where the numbers varied a little, but on average the incubation period for whipworms is 10 weeks, and roundworms is from 4-8 weeks according to the sites I looked at from a Google search.
  16. Been there - done that - done that too - etc...etc...etc... It's often just a matter of what agrees with the dog, and if it;s the Green Bag, there's not a thing wrong with thatif it works for your dog. We tried all of those rich kibbles and some not so rich ones. What worked for Rocket ultimately was Precise Foundation Chicken Meal and Rice (might be called Precise Naturals now). As he got a little older, he started picking up weight so we switch him to the Precise Senior Formula. We rarely have an issue any more that's related to food,. We do use the Olewo carrots as well. Rocket is also on Tylan because the recurring bouts of Big D and bloody stools were determined to be Stress Colitis. We have not had to change foods in several years though after changing to Precise.
  17. Rocket has 1 dew claw. He came to us that way. Factory defect?
  18. Surgery Update - We are home from the vet! Rocket had a long day at the vet, but is doing great! He is home and resting on one of his favorite old beds and nesting places . As I wrote this he just got up and moved to the slumber ball. Now he moved back to the old bed - Goldilocks syndrome.... Today's lesson is to never assume anything! The "little pimple" that we figured was a small fatty tumor ended up being a huge tumor. Even the vet who originally screened him could barely feel the bump, and the tech this morning couldn't find it at all. When we picked him up, we found that the tumor was rather large and apparently deep, as he has a large shaved area with staples. Picture below. We will wait for the lab results and have paws crossed that it is "B9" as the kids in the chat club say. The cyst on the eyelid was removed and he has just a little redness there. His Dental went well. At 10 years old he only needed some tartar scaling and a polishing. Toofers look awesome! No extractions! Thanks to everyone for their feedback and well wishes. Keep those paws crossed for benign lab results. Edited on Friday 12/18 to add - Another update about pathology. DW talked with the vet today when they called to check on Rocket. Even though the plan was to send the tumor out for pathology, the surgeon decided against sending it out because she was not at all concerned with about it. It may have been more of a cyst than a tumor, but whatever it was, the surgeon sees them all the time and they are not of a concern. We'll take it!
  19. Desi - I haven't told him about the "no breakfast" part of the deal. He says it's the most important meal of the day, except for the next one. Rocket's Daddyman
  20. Update - We met with the new vet and the surgeon last week and are very comfortable with them. Rocket will have his eyelid taken care of this Thursday along with a dental and removal of a small growth on his skin (most likely a fatty tumor). The growth is too small to get a cell sample from so we decided to go ahead and take it off during this procedure and will send it out for analysis. Thanks for all of the feedback.
  21. I'm very sorry for your losses. Run free, CeeCee.
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